Ni Gen took out something that looked similar to a crystal, the fear in his eyes immediately lessened by quite a bit.

"See!" that is the face of the most powerful of Angels. " With excitement, Ni Gen smashed the crystal in his hand, causing an extremely dazzling ray of Holy Light to burst out. Even Qin Tianyu had no choice but to squint his eyes.

"Is this what you call using your full strength? Such an angel. is he the trump card of your Shadow Repository? " Puzzled and confused, as well as disappointed emotions filled Anzi's mind.

"How could this be?" Lowering his head in disappointment, a nameless flame gathered in Anzi's heart.

"Anzi Wook Tong! You are indeed worthy of respect and pride for me to summon an angel of the highest power!] You are indeed a very powerful incantation. "

"Really. "It's so boring!" But Ni Gen was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"This is impossible. [Holy Strike]! Activate! This was an angel that could rival a demon god! How was this possible? This guy was definitely bluffing!

The round ring above the Angel's head released a strong ray of holy light, and shot towards Anzi's body like a beam of light.

"Humans cannot reach the seventh rank of magic. As long as they are hit by this magic, no matter what kind of magic it is. "What!?" Ni Gen looked at Anzi who was enveloped by the powerful Holy Light and smiled, but when the light faded, Ni Gen's smile became stiff.

"Truly worthy of being a spell that has a miraculous effect on the Evil Attribute. So that's how it was. Is this the feeling of being injured? You've helped me complete another experiment. " Anzi looked at his own palm as if nothing had happened. The attack just now had indeed made him feel a bit of pain, but it was only a bit.

"You. You lowly creatures! Unexpectedly! dirtying my most beloved monarch, let my most beloved people feel pain, even as trash have to have a garbage self-knowledge ah! I will not let you off lightly. I will let you experience the greatest pain in this world! "AHH, [email protected]@ An intense aura of hatred exploded from Qin Tianyu's body, scaring even Qin Tianyu, who had been hiding within the Mountain Falling Crystal, not daring to speak.

A powerful black aura surged from Ya Erbeide's body. Qin Tianyu had no doubt that if he were to be struck by this power, with his current strength, he would definitely die. Modelaid, who was at the side, also had a trace of gloominess as he blocked in front of Qin Tianyu.

"Enough, Ya Erbeide." But right at this moment, Anzi stopped Ya Erbeide, extinguishing the terrifying flames on Ya Erbeide's body.

"But." Ya Erbeide was startled, she did not know why Master Anzi would stop her.

"Other than the Angel being so fragile, everything else is within my expectations. Your smile is even more charming." As Anzi said this, Ya Erbeide, who was at the side, actually started to feel awkward and happy. His change in mood was so great that it caused Qin Tianyu, who was at the side, to be dumbstruck and tongue-tied.

"Attack!" Attack! [Holy Strike]! Ni Gen panicked and commanded the Burning Angel to unleash the Ultimate Holy Strike again, but previously, Anzi only blocked the attack because he wanted to test out how strong the Angel's attack was, it was not a chance he could get away with it anytime soon.

"Feel the despair!" "Black hole." Pointing his finger forward, a black hole instantly appeared in front of the Angel of Blaze, and unexpectedly sucked the Angel of Blaze into it.

"What!" Qin Tianyu and Ni Gen shouted out at the same time, this kind of attack was simply too powerful for anyone to comprehend. Black hole, from that skill, Qin Tianyu indeed felt a strong suction force, but this suction force was extremely well controlled in a certain range, it did not destroy the entire world. This kind of control was even harder than creating a black hole, if he did not know that Anzi's skills relied on his game skills and instincts to use them. Qin Tianyu had definitely given up on this mission and left this world.

"This guy's power. Even the Demon Gods have been surpassed. " Ni Gen's entire body went limp as he knelt on the ground. He was in a daze, what kind of monster was this, why had he never heard of the name Anzi Ur Gong?

"Let me first say that my surroundings already have the effect of isolating the teleportation spell. My subordinates are also lying in ambush nearby, so you won't be able to escape." Anzi looked down at the Ni Gen in front of him from up high, as if he was an ant.

"Wait! Wait! Your Highness An Ziwuergong, no. Big. Master, please wait for a moment! " The originally haughty Ni Gen had already lost his confidence and knelt in front of Anzi like a beaten dog. Sweat kept coming out from his body, but his body could only feel a heart piercing chill.

"We. "No, it doesn't matter to me. As long as you let me go, I can prepare a sum that will satisfy you." Ni Gen's body was trembling.

"Captain?" The subordinate behind him looked at the leader in surprise. From what he said, the captain actually wanted them to give up their lives to protect him?

"Lord Anzi had said from the beginning that he would kill all of you. You inferior creatures only need to lower your heads and wait with gratitude for the moment your lives are taken." Ya Erbeide, who was at the side, did not hesitate to interrupt Ni Gen.

"That's right, give up the useless resistance and just obediently lie there. If you do that, I will at least let you go." To die without pain. "

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