That's right, what he wanted was the kind of exciting exploration, the exploration of unknown areas, the collection of information through blood and tears, then he would sort them out and disperse the dark areas on the map of the world. This was the joy he had been pursuing before, if he could turn this world into that, wouldn't it be interesting?

He had the task of establishing a country. If he aroused Anzi's desire to conquer the nation, what would he do?

"This." What the hell is this place!? " An extremely strong and bizarre feeling instantly appeared in Qin Tianyu's heart.

"There seems to be something up ahead!" At this moment, Nabi suddenly pointed at the front and shouted to the people behind her. Everyone followed her finger and looked ahead, there was a huge crystal, as if it was sealing something.

"I'll go take a look." Qin Tianyu hesitated for a moment, and decided that he would still go over to take a look. If it was a treasure, then he would take the chance when Anzi and Na Bei aren't paying attention to him and put it away, then exchange for something in the system that no one had ever seen before. If there was any danger, then she would be safe as long as she ran to Anzi's side.

Although Qin Tianyu was thinking this in his heart, Anzi and the others didn't know what Qin Tianyu was truly thinking.

The crystal was purplish black in color. Although it didn't look like a treasure, there was a good saying. High risk, high income, one set of courage, one set of wealth, ten sets of courage … Adding to the fact that there was always a demon guarding the door, Qin Tianyu was 80% sure that there was a treasure inside.

"Could these gorillas be protecting this sealed girl?" Qin Tianyu turned his head to take a look, and was immediately stunned. All the demons had different shapes, but they were charging towards the direction of the crystal.

"This." Can you take it with you? " Qin Tianyu touched his chin. Although it was not a treasure, such a big crystal should be very valuable, if he could bring this crystal back, the reputation and level of his people in the Adventurer's Guild would probably rise a lot, and if he lied again, saying that he had sealed the Demon Girl inside, it would be even more so.


"Sigh." Just as Qin Tianyu's hand touched the crystal, a cracking sound entered Qin Tianyu's ears.

Ka-cha! * Crack! Crack! Crack!

"Probably not." Qin Tianyu carefully didn't dare to move, but the surface of the crystal was quickly covered with spiderweb-like cracks.

Bang! Immediately after, a loud sound came from above their heads, the entire area started to shake violently, the crystal in front of Qin Tianyu shattered with a loud bang, the young lady fell down from the crystal, and coincidentally pounced towards Qin Tianyu, and for some reason, Qin Tianyu suddenly trembled, and when he retreated, he actually fell onto the ground after stepping on a stone.

"Yes." A soft sensation came from his lips, causing Qin Tianyu to open his eyes wide in shock. He actually kissed the young girl in front of him. However, Qin Tianyu had not fully enjoyed the feeling yet, but a sharp pain came from his mouth, followed by the smell of blood, as though all the energy in his body was being absorbed by some unknown energy, and other than thinking, Qin Tianyu was completely unable to move. A scorching feeling rose from his stomach, as though his entire body was on fire.

"Qin Tianyu!" But luckily, Na Bei had rushed over at this time. Maybe it was because Qin Tianyu's performance had been acknowledged, but Na Bei's voice still carried a trace of worry.

"I'm fine." After hearing Na Bei's voice, Qin Tianyu's body suddenly regained its mobility. When Qin Tianyu's hand embraced the blue haired girl's shoulder, and pushed her up, the blue haired girl suddenly opened her eyes, her scarlet eyes had an evil and beautiful look, causing Qin Tianyu to be startled, but the girl seemed to have been sealed for too long, and was unable to adapt to it. She only opened her eyes for a moment, and fell back into slumber. However, it had only been an instant, but Qin Tianyu had deeply imprinted those eyes into his mind, causing a strange feeling to arise within his heart.

"Is this the seal of the crystal?" Na Bei rushed over and was also stunned when she saw the blue-haired girl on Qin Tianyu's back. She immediately helped Qin Tianyu break the broken rocks on his head.

"Let's talk after we leave." Qin Tianyu nodded his head, his body becoming even faster, while dodging the stones, he rushed out, but even though Qin Tianyu took out a set of clothes from the spatial space and covered his with, he could still feel a very soft sensation, especially when his hands were on his buttocks, which was as soft as water. Furthermore, there were two pieces of clothes on his back that made Qin Tianyu's face turn red.

"No worries, just hand over the heads and skins of the demons to the Adventurer's Guild." Anzi waved his hand, the mission this time was not too bad, a monster that even Mountain Copper could not defeat was killed by him, with this contribution, it would definitely attract other people's attention.

"Then. How should this young lady be dealt with, Master Anzi. " Na Bei asked Anzi as she glanced at the blue-haired girl on Qin Tianyu's back.

"This one." Anzi was startled, although his identity was still unknown, but he must have a secret, like a hidden quest in a game.

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