"Small Mo, you keep an eye on Gui Ji. Although I don't know how long the mission will take, I will do my best to finish it and then return back. Also, take this." Qin Tianyu quietly explained to Modelaid, and secretly gave Modelaid a puppet.

"Then, Master Anzi, this matter should not be delayed, I will set off first." Since he had nothing to do at the moment, Qin Tianyu also wanted to meet the Vampire Ancestor and the rarely seen Old Man Sai Basi, who held a heart of justice.

"Master Shatia is waiting inside. Would you like to take a look?" Sai Basi looked at the carriage behind him, and saw a beautiful lady dressed in noble robes, this was the assassin of the Seven Sisters Star Group. Although she looked beautiful on the outside, but she was actually a formless mucus race formed from mucus and tentacles.

"I never thought that Master Anzi would actually care about me that much and even send Qin Tianyu over. I'm so happy, Ainphent." Shatia, who had the figure of a loli, and was wearing a Lolita smiled while covering his face in joy after knowing that Anzi was sent by Anzi to help him.

"Then I'll play the guard." They were here to investigate the humans that had special skills and information, and to disguise themselves as bait, so Qin Tianyu needed to have an identity, and from the looks of it, the one playing the haughty aristocratic lady was Suo Liuxiang, while Sai Basi was acting as Suo Liuxiang's butler. Qin Tianyu only had the role of a coachman to play.

"Go." Shatia nodded, she had just realised that she had lost her composure. No matter what, Qin Tianyu was an outsider, and doing so might cause Na Salike to lose face, so going back would make him lose face in front of that large-mouthed gorilla.

"Then I'll go out first." After adjusting his clothes for a bit, Qin Tianyu looked like a complete guard.

"Then, let's continue on our way. I've already found the person." Sai Basi nodded his head and also sat in the carriage. Previously, Sai Basi was acting as the butler and coachman, but now that Qin Tianyu had come, it was naturally better for Sai Basi to stay in the carriage as the butler.

Not long after, they arrived at a town, and Sai Basi hired a suspicious looking person to be the coachman, but because it was already late, the coachman suggested to leave tomorrow, and Sai Basi followed Suo Liuxiang to the dining area.

"What is this?" She then pretended to be not used to eating these kinds of things and returned to her room.

"Miss, you mean you don't want to stay in this place any longer. I hope you can leave as soon as possible." Sai Basi found the coachman that he had hired and discussed the time of departure with him.

"Ah, this, it's like this. Look at the time, it's already dark. It's not safe to travel at night." The coachman looked flustered as he dragged the time out. It was obvious that he had something on his mind.

"It's fine. With me here, nothing big will happen." Qin Tianyu who had finished eating his fill walked over with a lazy look. There were no guards who seemed like they would.

"Then I'll go and confirm again. I'll notify you guys when you leave later." The carriage driver cursed Qin Tianyu in his heart, and then walked out with a guilty conscience. Just as he walked out the door, the carriage driver ran out.

"Then I'll send Miss back to her room first." Sai Basi and Qin Tianyu looked at each other, and then respectfully followed Suo Liuxiang back to her room.

"Are we leaving now?" Just then, a well-dressed man walked towards Sai Basi and Qin Tianyu.

"Do you want me to introduce the guards I sent you? If you rely on that suspicious man and this mister, walking at night can be very dangerous." It was a proposal that was completely full of good intentions, because Qin Tianyu did not look like a guard at all.

"I appreciate your kindness, but young miss does not like the people around her. As for this guard, his relationship is actually very complicated. Thus, I have to trouble you." Sai Basi bowed, showing his appreciation for the other party's good intentions.

"No need to apologize like that." Seeing Sai Basi apologize like that, the kind merchant felt awkward, and his heart became more and more worried. However, since was determined to do so, he, an outsider, could not say anything, and could only hope that Sai Basi and the rest would not encounter any mishaps.

"Master Sai Basi, I apologize for the disrespect." After returning to his room, Suo Liuxiang immediately apologized to Sai Basi. Although his previous attitude towards Sai Basi was an act, it was still too rude.

"No need to apologize, you just completed your work. Master Shatia must be getting impatient from waiting, I will go out to inform her of the time of departure." Speaking of which, that person. Is Zha Ke ready? " Sai Basi was not one to mind these things, he immediately started to inquire about the driver's condition.

"Yes, really. "It's been prepared very well." Suo Liuxiang closed her eyes and revealed a strange smile.

"Really. A lowly life. " The coachman ran through the alleyway, cursing in his heart. The sounds of begging came from the roadside, but they were all repelled by him.

He was no different from these people, they were all pug wagging their tails in front of someone with a higher status. If the other party was happy, maybe they would give him some meat and bones to eat, and if they were unhappy, they would kick him away.

Just like these commoners, these lowly commoners would stay here and be robbed for the rest of their lives. He had to go to the side of the loot.

"It's me." The coachman arrived at a metal door and was immediately placed inside.

"Ah, so boring." He had already been in this world for a long time. He had left in a hurry back then, but in the end, other than Gui Ji, Qin Tianyu did not see anything terrifying about this [S] class mission.

However, the more it was like this, the more Qin Tianyu panicked. The unknown often gave people a strong sense of fear, and right now, the mission had only just begun, although he was hugging Anzi's thigh, the progress of the mission did not increase by much, and Ke Laimenting's corpse had also disappeared as well. The only thing that made Qin Tianyu feel at ease was that Anzi's story was progressing according to plan.

"Sir, can I trouble you to inform Master Sai Basi? At that moment the coachman returned.

"There's no need to notify them. Let's go."

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