The ghostfire in Anzi's eyes flickered as he received Qin Tianyu's words. He roughly understood what Qin Tianyu meant and couldn't help but look at Qin Tianyu with gratitude.

"Here!" Shatia knew that he had made his decision, and immediately lowered his head respectfully. He looked forward to Anzi's judgement, but was also a little nervous.

"Master Anzi, you are so gentle." Ya Erbeide watched the distant Shatia, her admiration and admiration for him increased yet again.

"Master Anzi, didn't you also not tell us that you are a Transcender? How can we tell our secrets to people who do not trust us?" Qin Tianyu laughed, there was nothing wrong with his explanation, it was not only him, even Dimitry who was standing at the side was stunned.

"Then why did you leak your information to me at this time?" This was what Anzi was most suspicious of. No matter what, Qin Tianyu could keep the information hidden, and this would be beneficial to Qin Tianyu.

"On one hand, I feel that everyone here is worthy of my trust, and on the other hand, I need everyone's help. Of course, this help is not one-sided, and as the beneficiary party, I will also provide the information that you all want, and wouldn't all be overjoyed," The thing that Qin Tianyu was most worried about right now was still the group of invaders, and that group was rushing towards him. Furthermore, Qin Tianyu was not able to confirm just how many people they actually had, especially as there were props that could allow Bu Laien to fight on par with Shatia.

"Help?" Anzi had a rough understanding of what Qin Tianyu wanted. If the group of people Qin Tianyu was talking about could only be as strong as the group of people he met at the beginning, then it would only be a matter of raising his hand if Na Salike wanted to eliminate them. But since the other party had a way to let a man with the same strength as the warrior chief to possess an item that could rival Shatia, then Anzi would have to consider it carefully.

"Anzi Wook Hou, do you think that with their personality, if they had strength stronger than you, they would still negotiate with you in such a low voice?" Qin Tianyu was still too cautious, but this could also be considered to be one of Anzi's strengths.

"However, they not only have items that can make the swordsman stronger, they might also have items that can control Shatia." Anzi did not falter because of a single word from Qin Tianyu. Instead, he did not want the people around him to be harmed because of him.

"Well, if that's the case, and it's only giving me protection, then there's no problem, right? After all, I lost a hand, so my fighting strength has decreased a lot." Qin Tianyu shook his head, although this hand would only appear after that period of time, it was still useful as a bargaining chip.

"Qin Tianyu, are you threatening me?" The flame in Anzi's eyes flickered, and all the guardians standing at the side looked at Qin Tianyu with murderous intent. As long as Qin Tianyu did not say anything, there was a high chance that he would be met with endless fury.

"No, no, no, of course I don't dare to threaten all of you here. If Master Anzi feels that it's impossible, I will bring Small Mo and Gui Ji out of this place and not bring any trouble to everyone." Qin Tianyu sighed, but at least Shatia had already gone on a mission, although she did not see the true strength of the group of invaders, but from the looks of their fear of Na Salike, they knew that their strength was not too strong.

"I, Na Salike, am not afraid of those people, and if there is no news of you, I would not be able to find out the details of the situation by solely relying on the Shatia who lost his memory, so no matter how you look at it, Na Salike will definitely help you. Of course, this is only if you do not have any intentions towards Na Salike." Without waiting for Qin Tianyu to continue speaking, Anzi immediately turned and left the scene.

"Qin Tianyu, how did you defeat Shatia?" Just as Anzi left, the silent atmosphere immediately disappeared, as Yulla ran over to Qin Tianyu with a curious look.

"Shatia was initially in a state of a wild monster, and I only used a few tricks, which was not considered fair. If I were to fight against the guardians fairly, I might not even be able to last one round." Qin Tianyu laughed, it was not flattery, if Shatia had the entire attribute, Qin Tianyu would have been killed before she could even touch Shatia.

"Sir Qin Tianyu, would you like to fight with me?" At that moment, a huge figure approached.

"Are you joking, Corsetts?" The corner of Qin Tianyu's mouth twitched, how could he fight against such a monster? Just the armor on its body was not something he could break.

"Corsetts, when did you learn to joke around? Qin Tianyu's hand is already missing, aren't you bullying me?" Yola helped Qin Tianyu to fight against his injustice, but Kesertes had no intention of joking around.

"Qin Tianyu, your hand doesn't affect your battle at all, right?" In other words, he really wanted to fight with Qin Tianyu.

"I will naturally not neglect a warrior's request, but my current condition is not very good, fighting with Shatia caused my restrictions to increase, if not I will not request for your protection, but would still need to worry about my comrade Small Mo." Qin Tianyu glanced at Modelaid beside him. Actually, after Qin Tianyu killed Shatia, her own strength had been unlocked by a lot, and she could now release a small amount of spiritual pressure.

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