A drop of cold sweat fell from Qin Tianyu's forehead. This blade did not stab him, if it was directed at him, with the defenseless state he was in, he would have been killed in one hit.

After all, after that, Qin Tianyu's entire focus was on the Path of the Ghost and he rarely had time to train his Sakura Chop. Even so, because of the System, Qin Tianyu had raised his Sakura Chop to the third slash stage.

And it was not only on this side, more voids started to appear, surrounding Qin Tianyu and the rest.

"NO!" I won't leave you alone, I'll drag the void with you, and everyone else can return to the necromancy. " It was rare for Yingjing Qian to be so unyielding, but Qin Tianyu did not really want to see that.

"Qian, listen to me. If you don't bring them away, they will die on the road. At that time, we will also be killed by Xu Xu. Only if you lead them to get help, will we have a chance to survive." Qin Tianyu brandished his blade and killed a person who rushed over, and obtained the reward of 50 crystals. However, Qin Tianyu was not happy because of it, he continued to appear out of thin air, as though he was not going to stop.

"Then, then you must wait for my return." Yingjing Qian was startled, she had wanted to continue staying, but seeing the students beside her getting injured from their attacks, she agreed to stay with Qin Tianyu in tears.

Qin Tianyu could not help but feel speechless when he heard Yingjing Qian, this was obviously setting up a flag for her, but seeing the tears that rolled down the corner of Yingjing Qian's eyes, Qin Tianyu nodded in the end. Although this flag made Qin Tianyu's scalp go numb, he would not die from the consumption of these miscellaneous deficiency.

"The Descender!" The mask of flesh and blood, Wanxiang, flapping his wings and flying high, he was known as a hostage! The wall of azure fire is carved with the Twin Lotuses, waiting quietly far into the abyss of fire. The seventy-third dao breakthrough, the Dual Lotus blue fire drop! " The strong spiritual pressure surged out, and with Qin Tianyu's stretched out hands as the point, an explosive flame that illuminated the night sky swept the space in front of him.

"Let's go!" "Ahhh!" Yingjing Qian bit her lower lip, and fresh blood flowed out from the wound. She could not let Yu Wen's hard work be in vain, she wanted to bring the other students away, and then, she would immediately return.

Why? Compared to these people, the Yu Jun was the most important. He should have let these students stay behind to delay the steps of the students, and then left with the Yu Jun.

Although he would delay graduation due to dereliction of duty. When she thought till here, Yingjing Qian was suddenly stunned, a palm struck Yingjing Qian's shoulder, the intense pain came from her shoulder, allowing Yingjing Qian to regain her senses, she spat out a mouthful of blood, then used her blade to kill the person who injured her, and continued to bring the students to run forward.

However, his heart could not calm down at all. He had distanced himself further and further from, who was afraid that Yingjing Qian would be injured and punished because of her role as captain. Yingjing Qian bit her lower lip hard.

Qin Tianyu's chest was moving up and down violently, the continuous stream of voids did not have any intentions of stopping, if this carried on, he did not know when it would be the end, although these voids were not very strong, and every time he slashed down, there would be one that was killed.

He swung his blade, he wielded his blade, he wielded his blade, [Sakura Chop], [Sakura Chop], [Sakura Chop], he used his skills mechanically. Once the spirit energy in his body was exhausted, he would use the disintegration energy crystal to replenish it, and this was how he repeated the actions mechanically.

The [Sakura Chop] 's Skill Proficiency was almost at its maximum level. Even a five slash attack would not be able to mitigate the effects of the attack. Instead, it continued to increase as time passed.

'Ding! ' Sakura Chop: Skill level up to MAX. He had comprehended the next skill, [blade return].

'Ding! ' As the host was in a high-pressure state, his comprehension skill increased. [flow chopping]. He comprehended the [flow chopping], as well as the passive [Trace of Killing intent] and [Remnant Heart].

The system's voice suddenly stopped Qin Tianyu's actions of slaughtering the void, causing him to nearly get injured from the ambush.

[flow chopping]: While dodging, three sections of sword Qi around the user's body exploded, performing the Silk Spell Skill.

[Traces of Killing intent]: Bursts sword energy, increases damage by 60% for each segment. Remnant Heart: Increases your attack speed by 20% after dodging.

Qin Tianyu was startled for a moment, but then reacted, the image in his mind appeared again, but he was not in the right situation to look at the images. Qin Tianyu kept his blade back into the sheath, and everything around him seemed to suddenly slow down, until even the sound had stopped, as though he had entered a strange space where the movements around him had become as slow as a tortoise.

Qin Tianyu closed his eyes, and only his own heartbeat remained around him. He did not know how much time had passed before he heard the whistling of the wind and felt a sense of danger. Qin Tianyu did not even open his eyes as he took a few steps back and dodged the strike.

After that, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the sinister mask was only two fingers wide, and close enough that one could see the scarlet veins beneath the mask, and a killing intent rose from the bottom of Qin Tianyu's heart.

"[flow chopping]!"

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