"What?" Qin Tianyu's eyes trembled violently, his void-form had actually completed it so quickly, this speed was simply too unreasonable. Thinking this, Qin Tianyu finally set his gaze on Sa Lani who was at the side.

"Qian." Under Sa Lani's control, Yingjing Qian's tail pierced through Qin Tianyu's chest. However, just as Qin Tianyu was about to meet Yingjing Qian's eyes again, Yingjing Qian was obviously stunned for a moment as the red in her eyes flickered crazily.

Crack! Crack! A crack appeared on Yingjing Qian's mask, causing Yingjing Qian to shout out in pain, her hands fiercely smashed into the mask, causing the mask to receive a huge attack and fall off Yingjing Qian's face. But immediately afterwards, Yingjing Qian's face was covered by the mask, and because of that, Qin Tianyu was flung out, and right when he landed, he immediately rushed towards Sa Lani.

But Qin Tianyu's fist stopped right in front of Sa Lani, the fist that was supposed to hit Sa Lani's face was blocked by a spider web, following that, Sa Lani's face revealed a mocking smile.

"Qin Tianyu, your strength is continuing to weaken, looks like you used a special method to make yourself stronger in a short period of time, but this power is not yours, I have been using this form of yours to fight with you, just waiting for the moment your effects end." Sa Lani licked her lips, revealing the look of a hunter.

"The current you, in front of my other form, is simply like a bug on a spider web. However, I never would have thought that the relationship between you two was so good that it could allow her to break free from my control." As he spoke, Sa Lani glanced at the broken spider web.

"However, your little girlfriend's transformation is irreversible, so, even without my control, she will become a hollow, but before that, I still have to kill you first. I'll let you experience our broken surface s, although we were told before we came that they cannot be used now." Sa Lani bound Qin Tianyu and at the same time, placed his hand on the blade on his waist.

"Kill them with poison, black spider!" Similar to the beginning of death, the broken mask on Sa Lani's face instantly covered her entire face, and at the same time, there were some changes on Sa Lani's back. A few pairs of spider legs grew out from her back, and waved around like sharp knives, causing the white clothes on her body to disappear as well.

The sharp spider leg slashed at Qin Tianyu, the spider leg flickering with a cold light under the moonlight. Without question, as long as it struck Qin Tianyu, he would be cut into two. Qin Tianyu immediately dodged to the side and raised his hand, borrowing the spider leg to cut off the spider silk that bound his arm.

Oh right, my attack is extremely toxic, your overspeed regeneration will lose its effect under my attack, hehe. "Su Yun laughed out loud." What about you? Sa Lani laughed nervously, and then instantly appeared behind Qin Tianyu, and chopped down once more. "Ahh … …." ))

"Path Binding Eighty-One: Sky Breaking!" A transparent wall appeared in front of Qin Tianyu. However, Broken Sky, who originally had the ability to resist Sa Lani's virtual flash, was shattered like glass by Sa Lani's attack.

"Die!" Yingjing Qian had just landed on the ground when a sound of metal scraping against metal sounded from behind her. A wave of intense pain came from her arm, the left side of her face was covered by a mask, the right side of her face had a pained expression, and the white fox tail behind her back had fiercely pierced Qin Tianyu's arm.

"Qian!" Qin Tianyu screamed in pain, following that, he pounced forward, hugged Yingjing Qian and rolled on the ground to avoid Sa Lani's attack.

"Die!" However, right after, an even stronger pain came from his abdomen, Yingjing Qian's tail pierced through Qin Tianyu's abdomen once again, the deranged and pained expression on her face continued to change.

As he felt the energy in his body slowly dissipating, Qin Tianyu knew that time was up. Even if he was not killed by Yingjing Qian, he would have died at his hands.

This was the first time Qin Tianyu took the initiative. Although there were many opportunities to do so since he had arrived in this world, Qin Tianyu had never done so, whether it was with Yingjing Qian or with him on the well.

However, this time, Qin Tianyu was serious and sincere. As he kissed Yingjing Qian on the lips, the rough kiss carried incomparable gentleness, and the red light in Yingjing Qian's eyes, which were covered entirely in black, trembled intensely. A feeling of grief and pain emerged from the depths of her heart that had originally been lost due to the void-form, and the mask on her face began to slip apart.

Puchi, Qin Tianyu left Yingjing Qian's lips. Just as she wanted to say something, she spat out a mouthful of blood, the look in her eyes started to dissipate, and a bloody spider leg shot out from Qin Tianyu's chest. Qin Tianyu opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but due to the poison and blood loss, he was gradually losing his strength and was unable to utter a sound.

However, through the opening of his lips, these words was successfully transmitted to Yingjing Qian.

"Qian, live on. I love you."

"Roar!" Yingjing Qian roared out with Qin Tianyu in her arms, tears gushing out like a flood and the mask instantly shattered, disappearing along with the tail behind her.

"You actually relied on your own strength to break free from the illusions. It was really touching, so touching that I couldn't help but want to kill you. "Hur Hur Hur Hur." Sa Lani withdrew the spider leg that had pierced Qin Tianyu and looked at Yingjing Qian in shock. This was the first time she saw someone using her own will to struggle free from the illusions, but without the power that the illusions brought, Yingjing Qian was not her opponent.

Thinking this, Sa Lani once again pierced the spider leg behind her. However, the blood that she expected to spray did not appear.

Unknowingly, a pink taikou with pink hair balls on the handle of the blade appeared in Yingjing Qian's hand. After gently placing Qin Tianyu, who was in his embrace, onto the ground, Yingjing Qian lost the last of her emotions. A wave of sadness, loneliness, and destructive emotion leaked out from Yingjing Qian's eyes.

"Fly and fall, the cherry blossoms blow on the snow."

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