"What is this place?" Qin Tianyu opened his eyes and what he saw was a shattered space. Ruins were everywhere, and the entire space had been destroyed by the desolate nothingness.

However, the person in front of him was someone who instantly enlarged Qin Tianyu's eyes. What a beautiful person, with purplish black hair, purplish black pupils, and a delicate and beautiful face on the left. From the corner of his eye, there was a hint of red that looked like an illness. The venomous lines extended backwards, but it didn't affect her beauty in the slightest.

"You should know who I am. You should also know where this is. These are not things that I came here to tell you. Rather, it should be something that you remember yourself." The young girl's voice was neither loud nor indifferent. When it stopped in front of his ears, he felt extremely comfortable.

"This world has existed before, but it has probably been destroyed." Qin Tianyu suddenly felt a wave of sadness. Was it possible that his previous world would end up in ruins in his hands, just like this world?

"Yes, destroyed because of the collapsed will." The young girl's expression did not change as she looked around with eyes filled with grief. There was more than one such world. Even more civilizations were being destroyed by their own hands.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Do you know what you need to do to get me out of this place?" Qin Tianyu withdrew his gaze and Yingjing Qian's figure appeared in her mind. The girl was startled by what he said.

"Is that so? It seems that you still haven't realized that this world is your own soul." The girl regained her senses, but the words she spoke caused Qin Tianyu to be stunned.

"It must be tiring to stand like this all the time. Sit down and take a rest." The girl waved her hand and the spring light beneath her appeared, but the girl didn't care about this at all. A purplish black mist appeared and formed a chair behind Qin Tianyu.

When Qin Tianyu saw the purplish black mist, he immediately realized what had happened. This purplish black mist was something that he had only seen in the Collapse Space before, but other than the broken pieces of space and nothingness, there was nothing else in that boundless space. Not only was this place filled with broken ruins, there was also such a beautiful girl. Was his soul that terrible?

"That's right, this is your soul, but this soul is not as weak as you think it is. Destruction does not mean that it is over, destruction also symbolizes a new beginning, but the process of birth of a new life is very long. Because the civilization in front caused harm to the environment, if the civilization later on wanted to be born, they could only wait for the traces left behind by the previous civilization to completely disappear.

In order to prevent the former civilization from causing irresistible damage to the environment, the broken will was born, the collapse destroyed the old civilization's wrong development, to welcome the birth of a new civilization, your soul, not only symbolizes destruction, but also the birth, so, this is what your soul looks like. " The girl's words made Qin Tianyu think of the system. The word "collapse" had always been in contact with him ever since he came to this world.

Could it be that this world is gradually becoming more and more destructive? Was his arrival due to luck, or was it inevitable? What exactly was the purpose of the Crash that he had gathered? Many questions surfaced in Qin Tianyu's mind, but there was one thing he could be sure of. He did not want to see the birth of destruction. Even though these civilizations had done irreparable damage to the environment, they had also realized their own mistakes and were slowly correcting them.

Since they were aware of this, they could not be judged. Instead, they should be made aware of their wrongdoings before they self-destruct. Qin Tianyu stood up and walked to the front of a house. It was a building that looked like a research institute for science and technology.

Therefore, if only Asia and Europe spread this thought, making those around them aware of the dangers of their environment, and then making amends for it, then there would be no need to bring down a collapsing trial. Thinking to this point, Qin Tianyu finally looked towards the girl.

"I don't agree with you. The people in this world aren't all stupid. Some of them are just blinded by their own thoughts. If these people are going to cause the destruction of this world, then I will kill them all." Qin Tianyu's words made the expressionless girl fall into a daze, and her eyes immediately sunk into sorrow once more.

"It seems that your understanding is not thorough enough. If that's the case, you won't be able to use me, but there's not much time left. If you can't grasp this power, you will die. The girl raised her lowered eyes and looked at Qin Tianyu, waiting for his reply.

"Yes." Qin Tianyu unhesitatingly nodded his head, if it was the world he used to live in, he would definitely have a chance to save it, so, he would definitely not agree with the girl's words. Even so, he would die the same way.

"Since that is the case, then prove to me that you are representing the world you once lived in and prove it to me with your understanding." The young lady raised her hand under the black cape, a cloud of purple black mist formed a taikou that the young lady could not see clearly, she held it in her hand and rushed towards Qin Tianyu.

"So fast." In just an instant, the girl was behind Qin Tianyu, and the taikou in her hands shattered the surrounding space, cutting down towards Qin Tianyu. Qin Tianyu immediately used teleportation to escape to the other side, narrowly avoiding the young lady's attack.

"Is your answer just to run away? If it's just that, it won't be able to meet my requirements. " The space beneath the girl's feet instantly collapsed, and in the next moment, the girl rushed towards Qin Tianyu with a speed that was difficult to be seen by the naked eye.

"That's right, if we just blindly avoid them, we won't be able to solve these problems."

Puchi, the sound of a sharp weapon entering her body could be heard, the girl's sharp blade broke through Qin Tianyu's body, and a large amount of blood splattered on the girl's face. For the first time, the girl opened her eyes wide in shock.

"Why?" "I won't dodge."

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