"Ding! Host completed the Soul Tomb Trial's quest. Final disintegration energy crystal obtained: 2W."

After hearing the system's prompt, Qin Tianyu looked at his own disintegration energy crystal balance, and saw that it was actually forty-three thousand?! Qin Tianyu's expression fell into a daze. How could there be so many disintegration energy crystal, an additional 23,000? Didn't he use up all of his disintegration energy crystal s when he was fighting with Sa Lani previously? Could it be that these were all given to him by killing broken surface later? Or was it sent when the unlock was completed?

"Qin Tian. Yu. Um, after you graduate, which Panthera vera are you going to join? " Lucia saw that Qin Tianyu was planning to leave, and his heart suddenly tensed up. In a moment of desperation, he accidentally called out Qin Tianyu's name, but after that, he didn't know what he wanted to say.

"An agreement." Hearing Qin Tianyu's words, Lucia could not help but be startled, but suddenly he felt joy in his heart, but he quickly hid it.

"thirteen lines is very strict. If you want to come in, you should first wake up. I need to go back and report." Lucia's face was a little flushed, and after speaking, she bowed to Shi Wanyin, and left.

"Then, Yingjing Qian, you can't return to the Academy yet." However, just as Qin Tianyu and Yingjing Qian were about to return to the Academy, Shi Wanyin suddenly stopped Yingjing Qian.

"Why?" Qin Tianyu frowned, his hand was already on the Soul Severing Knife at his waist, as long as Shi Wanyin made any moves that would harm Yingjing Qian, his own blade would be on Shi Wanyin's neck.

"Qin Tian Bei, it's impossible to not hide your killing intent." However, Shi Wanyin's voice suddenly came from behind Qin Tianyu, a dense killing intent enveloped Qin Tianyu, this killing intent was far stronger than Sa Lani's, and he felt that if Shi Wanyin wanted to kill her, it would only take a moment to do so.

"Oh, bringing Yingjing Qian with me is just to check her body. It seems that Yingjing Qian is very important to Qin Tian." However, Shi Wanyin's killing intent was only maintained for a moment, and then disappeared, and then joked around as he spoke to Qin Tianyu.

"Yu, don't worry, I'll go check it out with Shi Wanyin and he'll be back soon." Yingjing Qian naturally also felt Shi Wanyin's killing intent, moreover, it was at the angle of a spectator, which made his palms sweat. It could be imagined how strong Shi Wanyin's killing intent was, that he could not implicate Qin Tianyu. With that thought, in the end, Yingjing Qian still followed Shi Wanyin.

After the two of them walked for some time, Qin Tianyu breathed in the fresh air, his clothes were drenched in sweat, such a strong killing intent, how many people would he need to kill, and also the control of the spiritual pressure that he condensed in a certain range.

"F * ck!" Qin Tianyu's fist landed on the sand of the training grounds, raising it up to three metres in height. His face was twisted with anger. If he had been a little stronger, Yingjing Qian wouldn't have been brought away.

"System, is there anything that can make me stronger?" Slowly calming himself down, Qin Tianyu decided to use the system to improve his own abilities, at the same time, it was time to summarize his own strength.

"Name: Qin Tianyu"

Physique: 100

Agility: 80

Spirit: 50

Ghost: 200

spiritual pressure: 400

Soul Severing Knife:?

Step: 150

Skills: [white stroke LV8], [cutting technique LV7], [Flashstep], [Ghost Path LV6], [Soul Severing Knife Beginning Melting], [Azure Dragon effluent], [Yellow Dragon Breaks the Heavens], [White Tiger Wind Grasping], [flow chopping], [Sakura Chop], [blade return], [Flashstep], [Murderous Strikes], [Remnant Heart], [Spirit Devouring], [overspeed regeneration], [Psionic Pressure Burst], [Sword Amplification].

Equipment: Collapse Blade (Light Attack), dead weight dress, Elite Hunters (Badge), High Level Gale Steps (Badge)

Disciple: Heiqi Yihu, Jingshang Zhiji, You Ze Long Gui

Fetters of the Heart: Yingjing Qian

Compared to the previous stats, the current stats include Ghost Path, spiritual pressure, Soul Severing Knife and a few other things. There was also another thing that restricted him, but he did not know what sort of effects it would have.

In the past two months, Qin Tianyu had been able to continuously raise his attributes and skill level by using Crash, and during this time, he had fought with Lucia multiple times, but always ended up losing. Qin Tianyu originally thought that Lucia was not strong, after all, in the caricatures, Lucia had been heavily injured by an ordinary person.

However, after understanding the situation, Qin Tianyu finally understood that there was a limit to when the Death God went to the Modern Realm. Furthermore, this world was real and could not be judged using comics. If he were to judge this world based on the cartoons he had seen, he would probably die a violent death.

Of course, Qin Tianyu had lost without using any sort of strengthening skill. If it was a life and death battle, then it was really hard to say who would win. After all, Qin Tianyu had the support of the system. As long as he had the help of the system, it would be easy for him to use the number 60 and above ghost dao.

However, even with the help of the System, Qin Tianyu did not have the confidence to fight with a monster like Shi Wanyin. Captain rank people were truly terrifying, and even the leader of the Panthera vera s that Qin Tianyu was in, the sickly and sickly person was stronger than him.


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