"No!" However, the sword in Bai Zai's hand did not hit Heiqi Yihu, but Lucia who suddenly appeared in front of him, the puppet at's waist was cut into two, and following that, Lucia's blood flew out into the air, following two sounds, Lucia and the puppet fell onto the ground.

"Bring Lucia with you and return to the necromancy." Seeing Lucia who had suddenly appeared, and the blood stained Soul Severing Knife s on his hands, Bai Zai's expression changed, and immediately returned to his original state.

"So, you guys turned my disciple into this, so you plan to go back?" Just then, a figure suddenly appeared beside Heiqi Yihu. The dead weight dress on his body whistled in the wind as he held a broken doll in his hand.

"Qin Tianyu of the thirteen lines, are you going to stop me?" Hearing the words of the girl beside him, Bai Zai turned around and looked at Qin Tianyu, who was in front of him. He still had a cold expression on his face, as if nothing could move him.

"Not only will I obstruct you, I will also snatch Lucia back from your good hands." Qin Tianyu pulled out the Soul Severing Knife from his waist.

"Yi Hu, leave this to me. Take this, Intermediate therapeutic spray, I don't need to say its effects, after recovering your mobility, go find Manager." Qin Tianyu threw a pink coloured spray to Heiqi Yihu. This bottle looked similar to the ones he took out from the well in the past, but there were some differences. Intermediate therapeutic spray s could treat moderate degrees of injuries. Naturally, it was because of Bai Zai. Every disintegration energy crystal could become the key to victory.

"Cherry Well, bring him back to necromancy with us." Bai Zai looked at Qin Tianyu indifferently. After using such a strange thing, Heiqi Yihu's injuries actually started to heal again, which made Bai Zai open his eyes a little. It was a miracle that he was able to survive the attack and even regain his ability to move.

"Yes." The young girl bowed slightly, then walked to the opposite side of Qin Tianyu, and pulled out the Soul Severing Knife at her waist.

"Teacher, let me do it too." Heiqi Yihu regained some of his mobility and wanted to fight Bai Zai together with him, but was cut off by Qin Tianyu.

"This is your order, master. Go find Pu Yuan. If you stay here, you will only be dragging me down." Qin Tianyu did not turn back, but looked at the girl in front of him with a complicated feeling. It had been a long time since he had last seen Yingjing Qian, and originally, he should have been very happy to see her again, but now they were actually enemies.

Heiqi Yihu clenched his teeth, wanting to say something, but in the end he clenched his teeth and held it in. After looking at Qin Tianyu for a while, he angrily ran back, mixed with his anger and unwillingness to be weak, if he was stronger, he might be able to help his master, and even saved Lucia before his master rushed over.

Qin Tianyu did not pay attention to the roars from behind him. The two people in front of him were not figures that he could deal with with with with his own distraction.

"Long time no see, Sissy." Qin Tianyu did not attack him from the beginning, but just like his friends that encountered him by chance, he greeted Yingjing Qian.

Long time no see, Yu Jun has become stronger again. That's why I said, he is truly a Yu Jun. Yingjing Qian did not fight with Qin Tianyu, but spoke to Qin Tianyu with a complicated tone.

"So, with such strength, why did you do such a thing, and why did you betray your own Panthera vera?" The corners of Yingjing Qian's eyes reddened slightly. She had clearly made a vow when she graduated, and she had clearly said that kind of thing to before.

"Together to protect or whatever, are you lying to me?" Yingjing Qian had a reason to protect the necromancy, for that reason, even if he had to work hard while staying in school, he would definitely do so. For that reason, she had met Qin Tianyu. But why did it become like this? The person she loved deeply stood against him. Why did this sort of thing happen to her?

"Qian. I'm sorry, but I have my own difficulties too. " Initially, Qin Tianyu had a complicated expression on his face. He had thought that since the affability had reached 80, Yingjing Qian would betray the necromancy with her, but from the looks of it, it seemed that it was already impossible for everyone to be like Pu Yuan and herself. With a reason to leave the necromancy, the God of Death's natural duty made Yingjing Qian have no choice but to grab the Soul Severing Knife and point the blade tip at Qin Tianyu.

If the affability could reach 90 to 100, this situation would probably be different. Although there were still a lot of things that he wanted to explain to Yingjing Qian, they were out of time. A Sanjing was just about to open the door to return to the necromancy, if he did not defeat Yingjing Qian before they leave, he would not be able to save Lucia. At that time, the jadeite would fall into Lan Ran's hands, and if he wanted to take it back, it would be even harder.

"[Sakura Chop]!" In a blink of an eye, he was right in front of Yingjing Qian.

"[flow chopping]!" Yingjing Qian only dodged one slash, three Sword Qis erupted around her, and after one slash, she could use the Sword Qi to block all of Qin Tianyu's slashes. The flow chopping was not only a passive attack skill, but also a very practical defensive skill. Qin Tianyu had fought against Yingjing Qian many times, but she had never thought that would fight against her under such circumstances.

"However, even Xi Xi had not seen this move before." Qin Tianyu retreated to the side, placed the blade horizontally in front of him, the powerful spiritual pressure erupted from his body in an explosive manner, the dead weight dress on his body whistled loudly in the wind.

"Descend, Collapse Blade."

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