"Luo Da, leave half of the Ji Lian here for you, and the rest will all go to you. Whether you accept them as your subordinates or absorb them directly, it's up to you to choose." Qin Tianyu decided to leave this issue to Luo Da to decide. In any case, even if Ji Lian was infected, he would only become a crumbling animal.

In the end, Luo Da chose to have Ji Lian as his subordinate, and the rest were all absorbed by him. Because this process would take some time, Qin Tianyu might not be able to leave this place in a short period of time.

However, the color of the claws had turned dark red due to the infection. A set of black and red clothes appeared on the body, and on the face, it was still a bone mask. However, the red pupils in the middle of the black eyes had indeed turned vertical.

"Master, I chose to leave one of the strongest Ji Lian behind, while I absorbed the rest." Luo Da went in front of Qin Tianyu and respectfully bowed, to express his gratitude, but Qin Tianyu did not care about his movements. In his eyes, whether it was Luo Da or the sharp claws, they were both merely tools for him to use when he was collapsing. However, the crumbling animal behind Luo Da had slightly piqued his interest.

Because it was a crumbling animal that Ji Lian had infected, its body was especially large. Moreover, it was different from the little crumbling animal, as this crumbling animal had two purplish black, clothes-like beards. Other than that, there were also more patterns on its body than the little crumbling animal.

"Luo Da, how do you feel right now, did you experience a big improvement?" Only now did Qin Tianyu look at Luo Da, who was at the side. Compared to before, there were two additional lines on Luo Da's mask.

"Reporting to Master, my power should be at the pinnacle of Ji Lian right now. Because of my aptitude, unless I absorb a single Acocas, I should only be able to stop myself from reaching this level. I hope Master can forgive this subordinate's incompetence." Luo Da lowered his head, his face filled with fear.

If that's the case, then you don't need to absorb the remaining Ji Lian, and infect them instead. If they were lucky, they might even be able to produce a Death Soldier. Qin Tianyu looked at the remaining Ji Lian. Since Claws and Luo Da did not have any room for improvement, then there was no point in letting them absorb Ji Lian anymore.

Two crumbling animal were born from the remaining Ji Lian, and the other three had directly exploded due to their injuries being too severe, unable to withstand the corrosion from the collapsing. As a result, Qin Tianyu's current lineup were: one death warrior, one Death Claws, one Death Soldier with two blades, and three crumbling animal. Among them, one of them absorbed the exploding three Ji Lian, so he was more or less a bit older, a little bigger than the other two.

Since they were looking for Acocas, it would be better to go to the surface. Although Qin Tianyu did not like walking in the desert, Big Void Forest did not have anything good to look at. With Luo Da leading the way, Qin Tianyu sat on the crumbling animal's head and leisurely blew on it.

"Luo Da, how did you meet Master?" Claws and Luo Da were also sitting on the head of a crumbling animal, leading the way in front. Because Qin Tianyu was currently resting, the two of them also put down their respectful attitude and started chatting.

At that time, Master already wanted to take me in as his subordinate, but I was too ignorant then, so I rejected him. Now that I think about it, it's fortunate that I did not escape, otherwise, I would not be able to work under the almighty Master and would not be able to obtain such powerful strength. Luo Da looked at the blood moon in the sky, and sighed with emotion.

"Indeed, master's power is too strong. Also, that voice that can guide our will should be our god. Ah, contributing your power to a great collapse is really great. My claws are getting excited from that." Claws trembled, after being infected, both Claws and Luo Da did not have the desire to devour each other, instead, they became comrades-in-arms, their relationship seemed to be very good.

"But I'm a bit worried, you should know how terrifying Acocas is, right? Although Master is very powerful, it should still be a bit difficult to deal with Acocas when we meet. Sigh, if my aptitude is a little better, then I can help Master." Luo Da was a little angry at his incompetence, so he punched the crumbling animal on its head, but the force was absorbed by the crumbling animal's skin, so he did not cause any injuries.

I didn't expect your aptitude to be so strong. It looks like even if you didn't follow Master, you might have a chance of becoming a Acocas in the future. At that time, will you be the one to kill me? Claws laughed out loud, without a hint of fear of being killed. No one knew if it was because of his confidence in his own strength or his trust in Luo Da.

"If we didn't follow Master, we might not have been able to." Luo Da looked at the optimistic claws, and signaled the claws to be quiet, so as not to wake up Qin Tianyu who was resting.

Just as the two were chatting, a loud explosive sound came from in front of them. The sound had woken Qin Tianyu who was resting, and sensing the spiritual pressure in front of him, Luo Da immediately stood up, his sharp claws exposing his scarlet claws, his eyes surging with battle intent.

"Found it!"

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