As he continuously repeated those words, Ni Ya's eyes gradually lost their original expression, and a black aura entered from Ni Ya's mouth. Even Ni Ya did not realise that there was an additional purple-black pattern on her mask, and then, Ni Ya's gaze returned to normal.

These voids, after turning into crumbling animal s and deathsworn, had already possessed a considerable amount of strength, and could even be compared to ordinary death gods. As for, she was actually at the center of these deathsworn and crumbling animal s, this kind of feeling of being respected and worshipped by tens of thousands of people quickly filled Ni Ya's heart, and even she did not realise it, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously lifted upwards, as she let out a light excited laughter.

"Luo Da, Claw, Ben Nu, Ni Ya." Just as Ni Ya was in a daze, Qin Tianyu's voice suddenly came out from above.

The collapse has arrived, so that's my mission. But this is just our starting point, we will carry out the destruction of the will and need you to carry it out. I will hand over the right to use the collapse node to the four of you. After saying that, the mask on Qin Tianyu's face dropped to the floor.

"When I return, I hope that you all will bring me a new world that has been destroyed and cleaned up." The darkness in his eyes slowly faded. Qin Tianyu knew that he was losing control, but there were some things that he had to clarify, or else these people would be thrown into chaos.

"We will carry out the destroyed will, cleanse the decaying civilization, and build a foundation for a new world!" The four people all lowered their heads and kowtowed, their might shaking the heavens.

"Then I am relieved." Before the mask on his face fell, Qin Tianyu tore a huge hole in the space around him and walked in. The moment the space closed, the mask on Qin Tianyu's face completely shattered, turning into powder and dissipating into the air. At the same time, the expression in his eyes also changed at that very instant.

'Ding … due to unknown factors affecting me, the collapse rate has increased exponentially, current collapse rate: 80% '

"Ding, Destiny's Punishment Law: Heiqi Yihu and the rest have rushed to necromancy to save the rotten wood Lucia, Heiqi Yihu has lost, the Modern Group is in a difficult situation, please head over to necromancy to assist."

The system's voice started to sound the moment Qin Tianyu regained control of his body. What Qin Tianyu did not expect was that the collapse rate had actually increased by so much during his coma period, and what exactly had he done during that period when his control over his body had been taken away.

Qin Tianyu was confused by his own actions. If he knew that the illusionary circle was going through a huge change, he would be shocked. Such a large force was enough for him to directly attack the necromancy, but after knowing Luo Da and the rest's existence, he did not know if he would make use of them.

The place Qin Tianyu was currently at was naturally the Modern Realm, but right now, there was no one Qin Tianyu knew. Heiqi Yihu, Jingshang Zhiji and the others were already heading towards the necromancy, and judging from the looks of it, Heiqi Yihu had probably failed. Perhaps they had already finished their training.

Qin Tianyu could definitely return to the necromancy in broad daylight now. For some reason, Qin Tianyu was not removed from the list, but the crime of stopping Bai Zai from bringing Lucia back had already been proven. If he went through the World Gate directly, he would very likely be discovered, and then be surrounded and attacked.

"We can only use the old method." In the end, Qin Tianyu still used the system to move through space. In any case, Qin Tianyu had a lot of disintegration energy crystal on him right now.

'Spatial transfer activated, location necromancy. The teleportation began right away, consuming ten thousand disintegration energy crystal.

A large number of disintegration energy crystal in the Collapse Space shattered, and strands of purplish black Qi emerged from the space, forming a purplish black vortex in front of Qin Tianyu. When Qin Tianyu walked into the whirlpool, the scenery in front of him instantly changed. With just a step, he arrived at necromancy. Merely by looking at the buildings and the passing souls, Qin Tianyu should be located at necromancy's Soul-Flow Street.

After casually asking around on the street, Qin Tianyu found out that the Soul-Flow Street was currently in District 20. If he were to rush there with all his strength, it wouldn't take long for him to reach the Spirit Temple.

'System, can you send me directly to the inner sanctum? '

'Strong barrier detected, unable to transfer .'

Qin Tianyu originally wanted to borrow the System's power to sneak in without anyone noticing. However, the Sublime Spirit Court had set up a powerful enchantment, so with the current system, it was impossible to pass through this enchantment easily.

"Could it be that I want to borrow that power like Heiqi Yihu did?" Qin Tianyu started to sweat a little when he thought of the method of Heiqi Yihu and the others, who were like fireworks, to be shot out and then break through. Furthermore, if he went to look for them, they might not agree to help him.

Qin Tianyu came to the north gate of the Hidden Spirit Court. Standing in front of the door was a tall Death God with slightly black skin. This Death God was the guard of the north gate, he was called Duanzhi Pill. Qin Tianyu had previously stayed in thirteen lines for a period of time, so he was rather familiar with the Duanzhi Pill.

"Which Panthera vera are you?" Duan Ji Wan also saw Qin Tianyu walking towards him, but Qin Tianyu did not have the Panthera vera's number on his arm, so Duan Ji Wan did not dare to let him pass. Furthermore, looking at Qin Tianyu's appearance, he was obviously here to cause trouble.

"Sorry, I need to borrow it." Qin Tianyu did not want to waste his time here, and he was not sure if he was wanted, so it would be better to waste time waiting for the team leader to rush over.

"Could you open the door?"

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