Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 109 - A secret uncovered

Just as suddenly as they were about to die, Ian, Garp, and Sengoku were suddenly back at the room they went from. They lay there on the ground from their fall.

"Ugh" Both Garp and Sengoku groaned in pain.

Ian can control it more precisely than that, but no one would blame him to mess it up after what happened.

He got up from the ground and looked at Garp and Sengoku breathing heavily.

Before he shook his head and then went and laid down on the couch and tried to relax his tense muscles and mind.

It may appear as if Ian was impulsive at this time, but he had in fact thought things up before doing this rather extensively. As originally he had wanted to give information and proof about Im to Garp and Sengoku in exchange for info about the 'D' clan. And that would serve two purposes. Repaying them for their confirmation of things, first, and having them fully on his side, second.

But the more Ian thought about Im from the original anime at the time, the more he became suspicious about him. Or her as he now came to witness earlier.

Ian thought that Im may have been a diávoloi.

So with that suspicion in mind, he sought to strike three birds with one stone. Dealing with Garp and Sengoku's matter and at the same time confirm or disregard the note that Im is a diávoloi.

To do that, knowing how the diávoloi are extremely strong, was Ian's sole fault this time. He had underestimated them. And went in blindly. This can be attributed to his increase in strength which lead to his arrogance taking control. He assured himself that even in the worst-case scenario he can still fight and escape. Which did in fact happen, but the repercussions behind the ability he witnessed from Im was disastrous for anyone else.

Im was a diávoloi. Of that Ian had no doubt right now. Even Garp and Sengoku had witnessed as such.

Meaning the world government and essentially the world nobles were under the orders of a diávoloi. Who according to the voice speaking through links towards Ian, is fixed on destroying the world.

And then there was that command ability. If he didn't explode in anger back then, there would be no more Ian Louis in this world.

But thinking about that ability more, things began to get clear. The 'D'. The world nobles. And Im. It was all connected.

'Holly shit…' Ian cursed in his mind as he reached a conclusion. By now he had already regained his calm from earlier.

Garp and Sengoku finally got up from the ground as Ian eyed them up.

They took seats before taking deep breaths to calm themselves.

"What the hell had just happened?" Sengoku was the first to speak as he addressed Ian.

He in no way blamed Ian. The very fact that Ian made him know that his government was not as just as he thought would offset any anger at endangering his life. The fact that there was a hidden leader leading them to her own whims disgusted him and Garp.

Garp perked his ear waiting for the answer himself.

"That was a diávoloi," Ian replied. Saying just a simple phrase.

But to the ears of Garp and Sengoku, it was as if thunder had struck.

They didn't want to believe it, but they knew he was speaking the truth.

How did they know?

First of all, would be the creepy looking eyes of Im. Then second, was at the time Ian discharged a lot of electricity illuminating the hall they witnessed Im's blue skin.

That was no human or any known race. So it could only be a diávoloi.

Their hidden leader was in fact a she-devil. He had fought one himself and knew that they were beyond evil. And this was their leader from the shadows.

They took a few seconds to process things before Sengoku once again asked Ian.

"Why weren't we able to move when she spoke?" He asked.

"And how did you and Garp break free of that?" He added. He had witnessed both events as he was the nearest to them. He had seen Ian suddenly grab the sword that was meant to kill him in one swing, and then saw Garp move one leg forward.

Meanwhile, he was sure he couldn���t move no matter how hard he tried. Even his transformation was locked at that state.

Ian stayed silent for a bit. He had thought about this earlier.

"What do the world's nobles say about themselves?" Ian asked a question in return, seemingly at random.

"What does that have to do with this?" Garp asked this time. He had been staying silent and processing things.

"Just answer me." Ian insisted.

To which they relented and replied.

"That they are god's descendants," Sengoku replied even if he didn't know what Ian was getting at.

"Exactly." Ian grinned at this.

"Then for them to be as such, there has to be a god, or at least was there one at one point?" Ian continued asking.

But this time the gears turned in Sengoku's head at a fast rate, making him instantly understand what Ian was getting at.

"You don't mean to say that this Im is a god?" he skeptically asked. The idea that a god existed was one he was not willing to even consider.

"What?" Garp was shocked as he turned to see Ian's answer.

"No. she is not, of that I'm sure. However, that doesn't mean she can't pretend to be so…" Ian denied before he threw the bait at them.

"So you mean to say that Im is playing at god with the world government?" Sengoku said. Thinking to himself he found that this was more down to earth.

Ian nodded.

"Indeed. I have met an arrogant son of a gun named Enel in the past ruling Skypiea. And due to his ability to pick up all sound on the sky island, he thought of himself as a god, and the rest of the weak people believed as such, simply because he was able to eavesdrop on anyone and deliver punishments. Or as he called it divine judgment" Ian spoke his past encounter to explain things more simply to them. Snickering at the words divine judgment.

"Now, you have seen Im's power. Do you not think that such a power would be akin to a god?" He asked.

Both of them were beginning to understand things now.

"Indeed," Sengoku replied, still thinking to himself.

"But for Im to be the god the world nobles worship, she has to be quite old you know?" Garp however was the one to ask this time.

"I know that it sounds quite impossible, but we know quite next to nothing about the diávoloi and how long do they live. It can even be that the power is hereditary and the current Im is not the one that the nobles started to worship and think they are descendants of. Plus if you think more about it, it starts to make even more sense." Ian said.

They agreed that they don't know about them a lot.

"What do you mean?" Sengoku asked.

"Well, What are the 'D' Called by the world nobles?" he asked them again a question in return.

Garp groaned. He was getting quite irritated at Ian.

But Sengoku thought about it as he replied.

"God's archenemy." He said.

"Then, was Garp not able to get free from the binding words of 'God' earlier? And he is a 'D' does that not make him god's natural enemy?" Ian said and grinned. Everything made sense to him now.

Sengoku thought about this, and couldn't help but agree with Ian. This was the answer to his earlier question of how both were able to get away.

But Garp had something else to say even as he felt that what Ian said was quite correct.

"But you too were able to get free. And you aren't a 'D'?" he said.

At this Ian sighed.

It appears his father had hidden something from him when he told him about his parents in the past.

"I would have to assume that I am, especially since I don't know what my parents' full name was." He said.

They gave nods as each of them delved deep into their own thoughts.

[A/N: And there you have it. the mystery of the 'D' and why they are called God's natural enemies. and why the world nobles think of themselves as god's descendants. I hope you like what I have done with it. The will of the 'D' would only later be explained when Ian knows the truth of the world in Laugh tale]

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