Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 11 - Set sail: Alabasta

Ian, while siting cross legged began the process by injecting the blood. Then meditated and waited for the effects to start.

One could say that Ian is extremely strong willed, to be able to repeat the same process that ended up in him feeling excruciating pain the last time.

When the process began, Ian didn't feel extreme pain like the last time. Possibly because at that time he ended up breaking through the elementary realm, but now he was still at the beginnings of the earth realm. And while it was not like the last time he still lost his consciousness. It was like it was part of the process.

While unconscious, his body that had already reached a state most perfect for him, didn't change much.

But appearances can be deceiving.

His muscles even though didn't enlarge grew more compact and brimmed with strength. His bones once again strengthened to almost double of before. But his skin was what went through the most upgrade.

As even though it still looked the same, its defense was now comparable to when he was using Armament Haki. One could say, that Ian ended up strengthening his defenses more than the rest. Not that he would unwelcome it if he was conscious.

His face that was already very handsome, due to the process, became even more so. His black hair became even fairer and grew until it reached past his shoulders. His light brown eyes became even more brighter than before.

But even after the process finished Ian was still unconscious, it would take a while for him to wake up.

Meanwhile, outside of the cave, huge shockwaves were released every few seconds resulting in the earth quaking in some places. It appeared like two huge beasts were fighting… it was only later when an explosion sounded that the shockwaves stopped.


Once Ian regained his conscience, the first thing he noticed was how his hair had grown to reach his shoulders and was now messily hanging from his eyes. He brushed it aside with his hands, and then noticed that he was covered in dust and rocks. Of course since he had a shield of his energy covering him all he did was push the dust away and he was clean again.

He was perplexed as to the reason though, but still got up before getting out of the cave. Once outside he noticed how the trees were broken, some beasts were dead. It then clicked for him that the giants must have fought while he was unconscious.

Checking his body he noticed how he didn't change much. But he could feel however that he had become at least two times more powerful than before. He could also tell that his defense which was a sort of a weak point previously for him had now became one of his strong ones.

It was a weak point for him before because he knew he could not compete in endurance with some of the people of this world. But now even his body alone was comparable to when he had his armament on.

He tightened his muscles then swung his palm to the side and was shocked to see that it had released a wave of air in the direction he swung his hand.

Although it was weak, however it should be said that it was just a wave from his part too.

Getting excited he closed his right hand, then punched more strongly than before in the direction of a tree that was only 4 m away from him. It released a small shockwave that uprooted the tree.

However it was weak in Ian's eyes. But to be this strong only physically, he was excited.

This meant for him, who likes to fight in close quarters that each punch of his if it connects with a person's body it will release shockwaves dealing internal damage. And that too while not using Haki to further power his strikes.

Ian was happy to reach a new height once again, and that too so soon.

But now that he was done, he will be starting his journey for real. Using a ship to sail even if he will use his powers to move it, and then he will see if anybody would like to join him on his adventures.

So far meeting a real giant was amazing to him. After all he could fit in the palm of one. It was a 22m Giant, of course he would be amazed when he see it in real life.

But what excited him the most was how there were giants like Oars and Sanjuan Wolf out there.

The mere thought excited him. As where others would be scared of them, he was happy and eager to meet them and see their huge size with his own eyes.

Getting back to now, Ian took a scissor from his ring and a mirror, then cut his hair letting it only reach his neck.

Now he had to see where that island eater is so that he can get its blood. He would not kill it of course, he didn't want to mess things up already. He went to the sea then dove straight down and released his observation Haki and searched for it. He knew that it was near this island as it was waiting if there was a ship getting out of the island so that it can eat it.

He soon found it just swimming leisurely. He released his conqueror Haki concentrated at it resulting in it cowering in its place and came near it easily, then he used his sword to wound it a bit and took t's blood. And went on his way up.

Once on the sea he took his ship out and brought the eternal pose for Alabasta. Then he took a cloak with that could reach till his knees and wore it atop his shirt. His new destination set, Ian moved the ship using his power.

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