Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 117 - The talk (22)

Alder Island. New world.

The wind Granma and the Odyssey can be seen on the sea near each other.

Besides Robin and Ian who were in the meeting with Dragon, the rest stayed outside on the deck, each doing their own things.

Elene and Stella went to take a bath inside the ship. After all, they had just finished a fight against Ian when Dragon came. They were not smelly or anything, but it didn't hurt to take a bath either.

Bert had gone ahead of them and now had come out which prompted them to head inside.

It was not that there was one bath in the ship, no. There were actually two baths in the ship. One on the first floor of the ship, which was left to the men. And there was an even bigger one on the second floor left for the women.

The reason they waited, is that they didn't want to leave the ship unprotected while Ian had his conversation with Dragon.

Now that Bert was done, they took their leave.

Which left him standing on the deck.

'I think I should make some refreshments for Ian and his guest!' after a bit he thought he should make them some food and drinks and bring it to them.

Not wasting time he immediately hit the kitchen and got to work.


Meanwhile inside the room where Ian and Dragon were sitting in.

"What are your goals? Why create the revolutionary army at all?" Ian's question reverberated around the room as Dragon tried to process it.

Ian was trying to learn about Dragon's intentions towards the world. If it was a selfish desire of his to rule the world, or if it was nobler with him wanting to free the world of the nobles!

Depending on the answer he would reach, it would either make Dragon his ally, or his enemy.

In the case Dragon wanted to help the powerless people, Ian would lend his hand, even if Robin ends up refusing to help him. He would not force her to do anything, but he could still help himself.

But, if Dragon's desires are selfish, Ian would stand in his way.

All of this would be possible through the use of observation Haki. Which by now, Ian was sure no one can match him in. no human at least. He was still not sure about the full extent of the abilities of the diávoloi.

As such Ian layered his full attention onto the answer Dragon would deliver.

Besides him, Robin watched in unveiled intrigue as Ian did his thing. She knew what he was trying to do by grabbing his arm as that would make it harder for one to fake their emotions, but t herself she had a tiny doubt that Dragon may be able to fool Ian, as he was a master of Haki himself. She didn't know that the voice of the world ability is related to observation Haki and that it had increased his observation power many times of what it was before.

Dragon himself knew what Ian was doing, especially as he grabbed his arm. And while he can hide his true emotions from Ian using Haki, he won't. He had made his decision.

As such he started speaking.

"I am a man who enjoys the concept of freedom." Dragon said.

And with that came the emotions of happiness wistfulness and excitement… Ian immediately knew this was true.

"Liking freedom, immediately makes me hate those who strip people of such a thing. The world government!" he added.

And this time Ian was hit by a spiral of emotions. Ranging from dislike, Hate, loathing… once again he knew it was true. But until now Dragon had still not replied to his questions. But Ian would stay patient.

"I sought to create the revolutionary army so that I can rid the world of its oppressors. Of the blight that robs people of their freedom. And I will make it happen." Dragon said. And Ian was able to feel the emotions behind such a statement. Resolve to do what was necessary… anger and hate towards the government…

"There can be no happiness in a world where those deemed unnecessary are weeded out and eliminated...!! One day, I will change this world... mark my words Ian Louis for that is my ultimate goal!!" and then came the strongest feeling of all that Ian felt from Dragon. Determination. Determination to make his dream come true. To one day change this world to the best.

Ian took a moment to admire that noble goal before he gave a nod with a smile on his face.

"Then you have no goal of making the 'D' a royal family once again like they were years ago? You have no aspiration to be the ruler of the world?" Ian asked after.

A snort was involuntarily released from Dragon.

"I apologize. However, are you implying that the will of the 'D' is that to make us the ruler of the world once again?" Dragon apologized before he asked. There was a bit of pondering tone in his voice.

He had never thought about that before.

And indeed. Ian was implying that. He still didn't know what that will was supposed to be. Although he had many guesses. And this was one of them.

There was no shame or wrong in a royal family trying to get its rightful place.

"I don't think so. The will of the 'D' can never be such a vain goal. Every cell in my body and every drop of my blood is saying no and denying such a reason. I do not want to rule the world nor make the 'D' a royal family once again!" Dragon replied heatedly after a while of thinking.

Dislike. That was the emotion that was dominant in Dragon. He disliked the very notion that his ancestors might have wanted him to get their family to rule the world again. He was vehemently against it so much it seemed as if those ancestors themselves had heard this preposterous claim, and through his DNA, they rejected the idea completely.

Ian nodded. Then he released his hand and got up.

"Dragon. From this moment forward, if you are in need of my help, I wouldn't hesitate to give it. You have my word." He once again brought his hand forward for a shake.

Dragon was momentarily surprised before he schooled his features back to a clam look and got up himself shaking Ian's hand.

"Similarly, any help you might need of the revolutionary army, I would give it to you." Dragon said firmly.

From this day forward Ian the fifth emperor of the sea and Dragon the most dangerous person in the world became allies.

Robin was expecting such an outcome since Ian had been wanting to become allies with the revolutionary army. But she still had her own choice to make.

If Ian trusted Dragon enough to become an ally with him, then Robin was sure he was worthy of the help they would give.

As such she too got up and spoke.

"I would also provide my help, in the way of giving you the information recorded on the Poneglyph. However, I have a condition. I can't give you any information related to the ancient weapons." She said her piece.

"That is all I ask!" He said.

And then gave a short bow of his head in thanks. He was not interested in the weapons at all. He wanted to know the history of the world as it was related to why Roger had said the world would need the revolutionary army in the future. After all, he had created the army for his dream to change the world.

Ian smiled at Robin before he sat down and watched them do the same.

"Now that we got that behind us, it's time to move on to the next subject!" Ian stated.

Leaving Dragon feeling perplexed.

Something he vocalized soon after.

"I was not aware there is something else to talk about," He said.

To which Ian just grinned.

"Oh, there is. Believe me, there is a lot to talk about." He said. Before he suddenly turned serious.

"Tell me, what do you know about the diávoloi?" He asked.


[A/N: when we reach zou, there will be a few relaxation chapters, lemons, and so on.]

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