Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 119 - A competition

Another two days had passed on the sea for the nightmare pirates.

What did pirates do while on the sea?

They partied and drunk alcohol until they were passed up.

Ian and co were not any different. Each day they would cook up a feast, and enjoy their drinks while talking about each other. As even though they had goals, they were going to enjoy their journey while on it.

It was very lively for them each day. They played many games to pass the time.

A normal day for them will go like this.

Wake up in the morning, do their daily training to keep their skills sharp. Each one of them had a different method of training, but some usually spared against each other.

Usually, it was Robin and Elene. While Bert spared with Stella.

But it was not normal sparing. Rather it was with certain rules needed. For example, their first spar would be one with no devil fruits and no superhuman abilities. Meaning they would spar only using hand to hand combat.

Their next spar might only be using one of the six marines' abilities for both sides. And so on goes the training for each one of them.

Even Ian enjoyed meditating on the dragon figurehead each morning to hone his telekinesis and observation.

The next part of their day would be after the training is done and taking baths. They would eat something made by Bert for their lunch. This part was also in relation to how they can cook up feasts every day besides their resupplying at the occasional island they stayed at. After all, each of them ate huge amounts of food.

Generally, each one was free to do as they liked after lunch.

Robin for one likes to read a book on the deck as she watches over the rest.

Bert and Ian usually got into a competition with each other at that time. Sometimes the girls too did, but it was mostly the boys.

Ian would suggest who can hunt the biggest prey, which is what provides the food, and then he and Bert would launch towards the sea in search.

Sometimes the girls did too. After all, they all can swim freely now. No Seastone or whatever would be able to hurt them.

He had taken that energy from the fruits the girls ate. And it was that energy that was effected by the sea and by the Seastone.

Even their abilities would not be stopped by Seawater. For example, Robin can sprout arms underwater. And Stella can move her chains under the water too.

However, after this competition is done, which generally takes the whole afternoon, Bert would make them some snacks. And they all would enter the ship and head to their dining room.

After that, the guys and girls would chat until the night had fallen, where Bert would cook them a feast. There would be massive amounts of food layered on the table that would be vanished by the time each had slept from overdrinking.

Sometimes after getting wasted Ian and Robin, or Elene, would end up in their room spending the whole night together doing some night 'activities'.

It was also why the crew would have red faces the next day. Including Elene, or Robin depending on who he spent the night with. They would avoid looking at him because in his drunken haze he would forget to soundproof the room, which results in the whole ship hearing what happens in the room.


Currently, it was the afternoon, and the crew had just enjoyed their lunch minutes before.

The ship was stationed not moving as the crew had released the anchors.

It was that time of the day where the crew competes against each other.

Except for this day, it was a bit special.

It was boys vs girls' day.

Elene and Stella vs Ian and Bert.

No devil fruit and abilities. Just body strength.

"Alright, you know the rules. Whoever brings the rarest fish of all would win the first part. To win the second part you would have to outdo what the winners of the previous round had brought. And so on goes the rest of the rounds. Understood?" Robin asked.

She was playing referee to them as she held a book in her hand on the deck of the ship.

Meanwhile, Ian and co were already in the water.

Both girls were wearing two-piece swimsuits. But it wasn't visible as they were submerged in the water.

They gave Robin nods.

"You can't use anything other than body strength. Understood?" She again asked.

And they nodded.

"Alright then. 1… 2… 3… and GO!!" Robin then started counting.

And they all just suddenly launched underwater.

Leaving a chuckling Robin to resume reading. They would be taking a while after all.

She continued reading her book, every now and then the crew except Ian would resurface for an intake of oxygen.

An hour later, the water stirred, revealing to Robin who came out.

The first person to surface from the water was in fact, Stella.

She swam closet to the ship while it was apparent she was brining something large with her.

When she reached the ship she swung her arm towards it and released the fish. The fish was thrown upwards towards the deck of the ship.

Only then did Robin recognize the fish. It was an Orange roughy. Which is in fact a bright red brick color, and only turn a yellowish-orange color in death.

She couldn't help but praise.

"This amazing Stella!" She moved closer to the fish and circled it. The fish itself was three meters large. It was a rare type of fish and is one of the fish species that can live very long.

Stella couldn't help but blush at the praise with a small smile.

Since they couldn't use abilities which included Observation Haki, they had to rely on their luck.

Stella sat next to Robin as she handed her a towel.

"Thank you, big sis!" Stella cheerily said. She felt like she was going to win so she was in a good mood.

An hour later, the second person emerged.

Not surprisingly it was Bert.

Once he did the same as Stella the girls took a look at the fish he brought.

Robin recognized it immediately.

The Atlantic halibut. It was a fish colored dark brown on the top and white on the underbelly. Its size would win over Stella, being 5m, but its rarity wouldn't sadly.

This type of fish was in fact plentiful if a bit hard to hunt.

Still, she gave her praise.

"This type of fish is a bit hard to encounter, so good work." She said.

Since Bert was a cook, he immediately knew he lost the movement he saw Stella's prey.

What was he supposed to do? He kept looking underwater for two hours straight.

He shook his head as he accepted a towel from Robin and sat at the side with a small smile. No matter what after all, tonight was going to be amazing what with all the rare dishes that were going to be cooked.

Soon Elene came out, followed by Ian shortly after.

He helped her by moving the fish into the ship after which he levitated them both to the deck.

When they had just stepped up on the deck, they heard a gasp from robin.

She first looked at Ian's prey.

"That's a Bluefin tuna right?" Robin asked in astonishment. Bert too shared the sentiment.

This type of fish was not endangered or anything. Rather many of them existed. What made them rare however is that they are extremely fast. So fast that very few are ever hunted.

"I don't know. All I know is that this fellow is extremely fast. Took me a few minutes to catch it after I laid eyes on it." Ian admitted. he had dived in quite deep to find this fish.

Robin gave a nod. Only Bert knew why she was surprised.

But when they both looked at Elene's fish their astonishment became disbelieve.

The fish had a striking look and color pattern consisting of dark brown and pale yellow spots.

The reason they were shocked however was, only five of this type of prey were caught before. Five in the whole world.

One can understand their shock.

"It appears Elene has one the first round," Bert said. And Robin nodded.

She explained to the rest the rarity of this fish, and only did they too, understand.

"Alright then, let's start the second round." Ian punched his palm as he declared.

He suddenly ran and jumped to the sea. Followed by Bert and Stella.

Meanwhile, Elene didn't as she stayed next to Robin.

This was the rule. Until someone best her, she would stay on the ship.

"How can they not give up after hearing my explanation?" Robin muttered to herself. But Elene heard her.

"Well, the whole point of this competition is to have fun. Besides of course tasting rare dishes." Elene replied. As she laid on her deck chair. She was going to take a short nap.

Robin gave a nod as she understood.

Taking one last look at the fish, she shook her head and got back to reading her book.

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