Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 122 - At the gates

When the Odyssey reached close enough to zou, courtesy of Ian, he called to the rest to gather in the deck.

Bert had gone to the first floor, where his room was, and grabbed his things, and put them in a travel bag he owned. He then rejoined Ian on the deck much earlier than Ian started to call for the rest.

The girls had gone inside and were playing with the little spirit of the ship. Something Libell enjoyed very much if the giggling noises he heard from here were any indication.

In truth, they had wanted to dress her up, but no one from the crew wore clothes that small to fit her. So they settled with a promise to make her some in zou, and later buy her a lot of clothes.

When they heard Ian, they came up from the second floor and headed to the deck.

The first one was Stella who had her arms on the back of her head as she walked with a silly smile on her face.

Following her were the rest.

Robin and Elene were each holding one hand of a smiling Libell as they guided her to Ian.

"Are we there Ian?" Elene asked as she reached close to him.

Ian looked at her for a bit before he turned to the others as he replied.

"Yes, and I wanted to ask how would you all like to reach the top?" He said. Libell had at one point came near him and held his hand.

At this, they each took a few seconds to think. Before finally making their minds.

"I think I'll do it myself," Stella said first. An excited expression on her face as she eyed the giant leg of Zunesha that the ship was stopped next to.

Bert only gave a nod, indicating he too would do the same as Stella.

Robin and Elene looked at each other intently before Elene leaned and whispered.

"Alright, the first one to reach there would need to wear one of 'those' the next time we are with Ian, how about it?" She said with a grin and a bit of blush on her cheeks.

Robin only smiled confidently as she replied.

"Don't complain when you lose. Again." She said. Accepting the challenge.

But her reply had Elene get a bit more embarrassed. She had lost the last time, and had to wear… she shook her head from the thought as she mock glared at Robin and playfully slapped her on the shoulder.

"It's on," Elene said in reply.

Ian seeing as everyone was already ready, spoke up.

"Well since you are ready, then off you go. I'll meet you at the top soon after." He had to stay until they had got off the ship so that he can store the ship. Of course, he would only store it if it does not hurt Libell.

He watched as Bert and Stella took off to the sky using one of the six marine skills. Moon step.

Which is the ability that allows one to actually step on the air itself. Effectively meaning one fly in the sky.

Similarly, Robin and Elene took after them in seconds. Except that since they were in a competition, they started off quite strongly.

They both used a variant of 'moon step' that is combined with 'shave' to kick off the ship at blinding speeds.

Although such a thing would be tasking to them if they were normal, they were not and as such, they can use it easily.

In seconds they had already passed Bert and Stella who were leisurely going at it.

Ian shook his head sideways as he turned to look at the little girl holding his hand.

"Hey Libell, would storing the ship make you disappear, or hurt you?" Ian asked her gently.

She shook her head.

"No, due to the connection in the ring, I think it won't." She replied.

As such Ian grabbed her and put her on top of his shoulders.

"Well, let's see then." He said as his body floated off the ship and when he was a bit of distance higher, he stored the ship in the ring. Prepared to bring it out in a second if it hurt her.

And just like she said, she didn't disappear, nor get hurt.

"Oh. This is amazing, now you can accompany us all the time too." Ian said with a small smile of amazement.

Libell took the kind words with a happy smile.

Ian then told her to hold on well.

"Be sure to grab on tight." He said. And when she nodded, he shot out to the sky flying in regular speed but still quite amazing nonetheless.

Very soon he had already passed Bert and Stella.

"Be sure to catch up!" Ian grinned at them as he was passing them. Which managed to irritate them and have them furiously try to pass him.

It didn't help them that Libell was looking at them in triumph while giggling.

Flying was really amazing. As what would usually take hours to pass would only take a short while for Ian.

All in all, it took them all between 40 minutes and 50 minutes to reach the top.

With Elene and Robin being the first, as expected due to using 'Razor' the combination of 'shave' and 'moon step'. And then Ian and Libell second after them, followed by Bert and Stella.

When Ian reached the top he asked.

"So who won your bet?" He asked the two girls.

Elene puffed her chest as she put her hands on her waist.

While robin just winked at him, much to the ire of Elene.

He could hear Elene admonishing Robin and saying something along, be more embarrassed damn it, after all, you'll have to wear that…

He tuned them out and checked his surroundings, while behind him Bert and Stella came up.

He first checked the gate to the country, and then looked at the guards that were standing on the watchtower. A dog and a monkey mink people.

They were standing vigilantly while grabbing their swords as they eyed them.

Elene noticed Ian checking them so she said.

"The third guard that was with them had already gone inside the forest. Most likely to call someone over." She said.

So Ian nodded and said.

"Then let's just wait here until they come. We don't want to sound rude now, do we?" Ian said as he put Libell down from his head. After which she went to hug Elene.

The rest nodded. And even if Bert wanted to say they didn't need to do that, he was not overly confident they would not be hostile to them just because he was with them.

Although the mink people were loyal, he had been raised outside the country and many can argue that he had been corrupted by the outside humans.

As such he just kept silent and stood quietly next to his family.

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