Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 124 - Shock


Silence permeated the room as soon as Bert's statement was over.

Ian knew what was going on through their minds. The ramifications for their people from such a drug, if it was legit, were endless.

Their people would become stronger as a race. No longer would they have to wait for a moon night to use their trump cards in their fights.

And it was exactly what was going on through the Duke's head at this moment.

He was thinking of all the possibilities presented to them with such a drug. And considering that they were currently harboring a… ninja… they would certainly need such a thing if they were under attack. Which he was most certain was coming.

Granted this was all under the assumption that such a drug would work just like Bert had said.

Inuarashi turned to look at Bert carefully his features absolutely serious as he studied the young mink.

"This is no laughing matter young Bert! As such I ask you, are you confident about this lunar pill?" Inuarashi asked seriously.

Thankfully Shishilian and Wanda had been keeping silent since a while ago. But their features too were quite serious.

Bert met the duke's eyes and didn't flinch away at all.

He confidently replied a second later.

"Yes. After all, I tried it." He said with a grin.

The duke nodded and took a few seconds to think to himself.

Before finally speaking his mind.

"Then, can we test it? And is this pill a rare thing? Or can it easily be made?" Inuarashi asked some important questions. After all, he was one of the leaders of the country. If the pill was hard to make, then it would limit the effects resulting from it, as it would mean only a few would be able to use it in emergencies.

"Of course you can test it. And I wouldn't have talked about helping our race if the pill was extremely hard to make." Bert replied again. His words making the Duke smile a bit. It was indeed as Bert had said.

"As for the testing, I can eat one in front of you if you like," Bert added.

The duke thought about that for a bit. And in the end, he agreed.

"Well, how about we relocate to somewhere we can try it at?" Bert asked.

Once again the duke agreed. And he started leading them out of the room.

Ian followed close by Bert. He was at this point just watching silently as Bert did his sales pitch.

'Now that I think about it, the minks are going to be attacked by Jack of the beast pirates. And the last time the minks already had the advantage. But now after this, he was sure that Jack was in for whooping.' Ian thought to himself. He of course would not let Jack use that poison. He was going to get rid of jack the moment the minks are done with him if they chose to let him alive of course.

By the time Ian finished thinking this, they had reached a clearing a bit of distance away.

And Bert stepped to the middle with the rest standing there in full attention.

Shishilian and Wanda even had their hands on their weapons in preparation if something went wrong.

Ian didn't react, however, showing the absolute trust he had in Bert.

"Alright here goes," Bert said as he flicked the pill in the air and it landed in his mouth once it started to fall.

The moment the sound of crunching was heard, was the moment that the eyes of the three minks widened.

Bert's transformation had started just as he had claimed.

His fur changed color first. It became a stunning white color. Which Ian considered being absolutely cool looking…

Then Bert's size started increasing. It started slowly at first before suddenly it increased almost instantly so that Bert can finally reach his full height of almost five meters.

Double Ian's size plus a bit.

His mane and tail too became larger, and with the size of the body, the muscles were of course enlarged and became more defined. His teeth became longer and sharper, while his eyes became red slitted pupils.

As soon as Bert finished transforming he roared to the sky as he bumped his hand to his chest and opened them wide after.


This however immediately put the three minks on edge as they thought that Bert had lost control of his sulong form.

It did happen after all and one couldn't really blame them for being a bit vigilant. When one transformed, his emotions would become heightened and almost animalistic in reality.

However, what they didn't know is that these side effects were products of transforming under the moon.

As once you master transforming with the drug, you would be 100% under full control of your emotions.

The three as such were surprised when Bert eyed them up and spoke.

"It really feels amazing to transform each time!" He said his voice deep and rumbling.

Inuarashi and the rest understood then that Bert was under control and relaxed. Still, none of them lost their amazed looks.

After all the power they felt from him was huge. They knew at that moment that Bert was not a person to be trifled with.

And perhaps only the combined force of both their rulers in their transformed states would be able to match him. Both their combined effort!!!

"Alright now that I have shown you what the pill does, I'll transform back," Bert said soon after.

And then he started reforming to his regular state.

When he did, he reached to his pocket and brought a small bottle of water that had a blueish hue to it and drunk a bit.

And the effects of such a thing were immediate as instead of feeling tired Bert only felt like normal.

He then eyed the three minks, Inuarashi, Shishilian, and Wanda, before speaking again.

"Since you might think that something else is at play here instead of the pill, you can give one to someone who had mastered the transformation, and wouldn't lose his mind." He said.

Ian nodded at the suggestion.

But Inuarashi disagreed.

"I trust you. Not to mention I have seen this with my own two eyes." He said.

But it was Ian who spoke this time.

"Even if you trust him, you can still just test the drug out of curiosity," Ian said.

To which the Duke thought for a bit, and then agreed.

"Alright," Inuarashi said, and then turned to look at Shishilian and Wanda.

Shishilian immediately stepped up and spoke.

"For such a task I feel like it is my duty, as the captain of the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad, to take it." He spoke up.

Eliciting a nod from both the duke and Wanda.

Then Shishilian was presented with the pill by Bert.

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