Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 128 - Finally

And so the invasion of the Mokomo kingdom by the beast pirates searching for Raizo continued on.

With Raizo himself being kept hidden against his wishes to fight with them.

The actual fighting had gone on for a whole day since the start.

The Minks had used their strategy to overwhelm the intruders but it didn't prove to be effective much against the Gifters who consumed artificial Zoan devil fruits.

By the time they had fought and retreated six times, each battle lasting four hours, meaning a whole day, Nekomamushi retreated from the fight letting Inuarashi take over.

He then located where Ian was and quickly went towards him.

When Ian noticed the night ruler coming towards him, a smile couldn't help but show on his face.

He knew what was coming. He and his crew had been waiting for this for the whole day.

'Finally,' Ian thought to himself.

At their level of power, sleep was not necessary on a daily basis. So it was easy for them to keep watching the fight, albeit it was boring. Which was why they were brimming with anticipation right now.

Bert although given permission to fight with them since before, chose not to after thinking for a bit.

Since he was stronger and could take down Jack by himself, he would inevitably show up to the two rulers in front of their subjects, something he didn't want to do.

So he settled for watching by the side and only when someone was in danger, would he or Elene interfere. They had actually in this way save many mink people on the battlefield. Many timed attacks had saved some people from dying but they weren't able to lactate who helped them, which left them perplexed.

When Nekomamushi reached Ian he stopped for a bit to catch his breath before he started speaking.

"Captain Ian, would you help us drive away the intruders?" He asked. He knew that Ian could very well choose to refuse. After all, they were the ones who chose to fight themselves… as to his title for Ian,

But Ian was not going to refuse, the sooner they were done with this farce the better.

Still, he had questions.

Ian turned to the side watching Inuarashi duke it out with Jack…

He then turned to look at Nekomamushi.

"Why now? I don't see you losing or anything," He asked his question.

And it was true, although they weren't winning, one could say they had the advantage in this fight. After all, their squads were alternating between fighting and resting, unlike their enemies who were fighting for the whole day straight.

Nekomamushi himself gave the battle taking place at the side a look before he shortly looked back towards Ian.

"The battle is going nowhere like this… I can feel that Jack isn't going all out… and even I and the dog, fighting together, might not be enough to take him out…" He muttered.

Ian was surprised at this accurate assumption.

Indeed, Ian knew that Jack could take them out both in a fight even when in their sulong form if Jack was fighting with his all.

But still why not use it and test it out?

Ian voiced this thought to Nekomamushi.

"Why not use the lunar pill, and then your people would overwhelm the pirates. After which you can all attack Jack collectively and beat him…" Ian said in suggestion.

His strategy was simple but good enough.

But Nekomamushi shook his head.

"This is going to be our trump card. And we want it to stay that way until we don't have another choice." He said.

"And since you are here, and you had wanted to fight with us with no regard to Kaido's retaliation, you have given us another option. In another time, if you hadn't been here, this might have been the time to use that drug…" He continued on.

Ian was finally satiated enough… so he gave a nod.

"Alright. Does the Duke agree to this?" Ian asked. After all, there was another ruler.

A nod was his confirmation.

"Yes!" Nekomamushi said.

"Well, in that case, how about you tell all your people to retreat?" Ian then asked.

His statement might sound arrogant to anyone else, but when coming from an emperor it was simply the confidence that comes with that level of power.

Nekomamushi singled his people, and then Inuarashi too.

After a while, everyone retreated to a safe distance away.

Jack tensed up for the coming fight, as he thought Nekomamushi was once again switching places with the duke. Although it felt it was a bit too soon…

But unlike what he was thinking, nothing of that happened. The minks just stayed put in their places, leaving him perplexed.

Meanwhile, Ian was talking with his crew.

"Alright, since we don't want to make the Minks feel bad about themselves by instantly defeating these pirates, we'll just have to make it look like we are fighting someone strong…" Ian said to his crew.

And they gave nods. They all knew that to them these people, except Jack, were all quite weak. But if they won their fights easily it would make the minks think they were weak, and even they didn't want that.

Bert gave a thankful nod towards Ian.

"Well then, just like usual. You are going to take care of the huge numbers while you leave Jack to me. Elene would be your back support, Robin and Stella your mid-attack, and Bert your front attacker. Since you are going against many people, you have to make the fight believable as if you really are fighting hard. As for you Libell, just stay on the side and watch on alright?" Ian then instructed. Talking to Libell who was in Elene's arms in the end.

And seeing them all nod, he jumped from the wall he was sitting on, and with a 'shave' he was next standing near Jack.

"Well, hello there, Jack of the beast pirates!" Ian greeted the extremely angry person.

Jack too just a second to recognize Ian.

"Ian Louis, the nightmare lancer… Fifth emperor of the sea… what is someone like you doing here?" Jack spoke to Ian, and shocking his crew with who this person in front of them was.

Ian chuckled at their shocked looks. Before he looked at Jack and replied.

���You don't have the right to question me…" He said as he gave Jack a serious look.

Jack for once started using his brain. If there was a way to resolve this without angering an emperor.

"This is not your problem Ian Louis. Step aside. I'm sure even you wouldn't risk a war against Lord Kaido." Jack said going straight to the subject and not playing around the bush.

Ian seeing this just shook his head. Questioning him and then threatening him, if he was Kaido he would perhaps have killed Jack already.

"Listen here… If you don't want to die right now… YOU better leave now!" Ian started speaking quietly at first before he suddenly released his killing intent.

All the crew under Jack started sweating. They knew at that moment they were not a match against someone like this guy.

But their leader was not a bright person…

He started fuming the moment Ian threatened him.

He was not used to being threatened under Kaido's banner… no one does so and get away with it��� certainly not someone who was only recently dubbed an emperor by the ignorant people at that…

"You'll kill me… I'll make sure that someone like you knows his place… you don't deserve to be called an emperor… only Lord Kaido deserves that title…" Jack started getting more heated by the second.

"Is that so?" Ian calmly watched Jack. He was indifferent to Jack's taunts.

Seeing Ian staying calm had Jack growl in rage.

Immediately Jack started transforming with a mighty yell towards the sky. But it was not a regular transformation… no it was somehow different Ian could tell.

Still, he watched what was going to happen with a bit of intrigue in his eyes.

'Let's hope this would prove to be more exciting…' He thought to himself.

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