Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 133 - To kill him!

After that event, the straw hats were invited inside the city. They were even given a house near Ian's own one.

The minks were extremely welcoming to the straw hats and had even thrown a party for them both at day, and at night by Nekomamushi when he officially met them.

Ian had asked Sanji about Luffy and the rest, but he was told that they were going to follow after them in about a week or so.

After that Ian had shared his thoughts about this with his crew.

And they reached the conclusion that they would follow after them towards Big Mom.

It was the correct timing to do so. And for one they would get to take their second Road Poneglyph. Since Ian had helped the minks, acquiring the first would be easy.

Elene was especially excited about that. As she had wanted to defeat Big Mom for a long time.

And she was confident in her strength to do so now.

Then Ian had gotten around to announce what he had talked with his father about.

Shocking them. With Robin thinking that once again the 'D' were involved in this. They always played a vital role in the world.

Ian then told them about Kong. At the mood turned somber.

Bert had even offered his help but Ian refused, stating that he would be doing this along.

And this time Even Elene was not able to convince him otherwise.


Which brought us to this day.

Ian was in his room sitting on the desk holding the den-den mushi and watching it ring.

He was not going to let that Kong guy live another day.

With a guy like Ian after him, that guy may as well be considered already deceased.

However, Ian didn't know where he would be hiding at.

Well, he was not hiding per se… as he didn't even know that Ian was after him.

Anyways Ian knew just the person to ask. In fact, there were two people he could ask for this favor.

One of them was of course Dragon. Who had a whole information network at his beck and call.

The second was of course Sengoku. Since he was the former fleet admiral.

But Ian had to think about this for a while before dialing the person he was calling.

After all, Dragon knew nothing of Ian's past. Meanwhile, Garp and Sengoku were already guessing that Ian was from the 'D' due to their past adventure they went together on.

The one involving Im. And them almost dying.

With that Ian's decision was made.

With a click sound, the call connected.

And the other side greeted.

"Is that you Ian? It's been a while,"


On a barren island. New world.

In a wooden house situated in a clearing in the forest.

Sengoku sat there holding the den-den mushi in his hands.

By his side stood Garp who was still the same guy as before, always grinning at nothing and everything.

Sengoku watched the den-den mushi before he finally replied to the caller.

He then greeted the caller who he knew to be Ian.

"Is that you Ian? It's been a while," He said. He had since then started to quite like Ian. After all, he had shown them important things and even helped them by making them stronger.

"Indeed. How have you two been since then?" Ian asked back.

Sengoku shared a look with Garp.

Both of them sighed.

"As well as you can guess," Sengoku said.

"That bad, huh?" Ian muttered. He knew that they were probably being hunted by assassins from the world government.

"Does it happen frequently?" Ian asked an important question.

Garp was the one to reply this time.

"It's nothing to worry about, but yes. We have been changing hiding places for a while now." Garp said.

The other side stayed silent for a bit after that.

And then after Sengoku was almost going to ask what's wrong, Ian replied.

"I'll see if I can do something about it then." He said. He would have to meet them face to face to do a small test, but if they passed it, he might be able to bring them to his father's island.

After all, that was the best hiding place possible in this world.

Getting back to the subject Ian started speaking.

"I have a favor to ask of you Sengoku! But first is this line secure?" Ian said.

And Sengoku told him to lay it out.

"Go ahead, young Ian! The line is indeed secure" He said. He knew that Ian didn't mind the title for him, since he was of course younger than them. This was another thing he liked about him. As he was always respectful.

"I need to find out where someone named Kong is at! I already know that he will be in Marijois. I want the exact room he would be in!" Ian said finally.

And at this Sengoku hesitated a bit.

"IS there a problem?" Ian asked.

In fact, he knew that Garp and Sengoku respected the man from the anime.

However, if he was going to get Back at Kong he was going to have to find the exact room he was in so that he can enter the castle and get out before alerting Im.

He didn't want a repeat of the last time.

This can be considered a test of character to Sengoku and Garp. Would they help him or not?

"Why are you looking for him?" Sengoku asked.

"To kill him!" Ian replied truthfully.

But this had Sengoku even more on edge.

But he knew Ian. And he knew that he probably had an exact reason for why.

"Why?" He asked after sharing a look with Gar, whose features had hardened a bit.

Ian thought about it for a bit. And then saw no reason to hide things from them.

"I have confirmed that I am indeed from the 'D'." He said shocking them.

"While that is surprising, what does it have to do with Kong?" Sengoku asked. Having a bad feeling about this.

Ian took a deep breath.

"He was the one who hunted my parents and killed them!" Ian said with gritted teeth.

Both Garp and Sengoku inhaled from the shock.

After a while of silence, Garp took the moment to speak up.

"I can't say I relate to your pain young Ian, however, I must say this. Revenge is not the way to go about life!" Garp said with a heavy sigh.

And at this Ian closed his eyes on the other side. Staying silent.

"Indeed!" He finally gave a nod as he replied

"You are right. However, if I had decided that revenge was the way, I wouldn't stop at just Kong and make it everyone who slighted the name of the 'D'… However, I simply just cannot live my life knowing the killer of my parents is still walking around!" Ian said.

And Garp nodded sadly. He knew that what Ian said was true.

"Besides that guy is not exactly a saint!" Ian said next after.

Sengoku who had been staying silent perked at this.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well, why didn't Garp advance on the ranks?" He asked them.

And this got them thinking. Garp had stayed a vice-admiral because he didn't want to be under the celestial

"He didn't want to be under those filth right? And while you advance Sengoku, you still didn't agree with some orders given to you from above… however, what is the rank of that guy?" Ian started speaking.

Each word making the two elderly start to think deeply about this.

Kong was the world government commander-in-chief. He was directly under the celestial nobles.

"He can't be exactly clean if he was directly under them right?" Ian questioned them.

Both men couldn't help but agree with that. However, he was still somewhat close to them...

Sengoku sighed. He knew that Ian would be able to get the information he wanted from someone else.

As such he knew he had to tell Ian everything.

"Who did you recommend as fleet admiral after you?" Ian abruptly asked.

Sengoku was brought out of his thoughts.

"Aokiji." He replied. And just with that, he knew what Ian meant.

Akainu was not fit to lead people. He was a mad dog to be unleashed on enemies only. His idea of justice left him to be undesirable to Sengoku for the post.

But in the end, he was the current fleet admiral. Perhaps the world government had felt that Sengoku was too passive and had chosen him.

"Alright young Ian, I'll tell you what you want!" He sighed.

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