Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 151 - The secret of the world!

Robin after this turned to the two rulers besides her and asked them a question that has been going through her mind.

"By the way, how do you know so much about the Poneglyphs?" She asked.

She knew that such information was hard to find out about after all. Even she who worked underground for a huge part of her life was not able to find out that much.

Nekomamushi puffed out smoke from his mouth as he held his pipe in his hands. He contemplated what to say before he finally replied.

"It all started with our master Kozuki Oden, who used to have a great interest in the stones! Because…" He explained as he trailed off at the end.

He turned his attention at his fellow ruler, Inuarashi, and asked him.

"Is it okay to tell them this, Dog?" He asked him. It was clear he was not sure of what to say as it was not his place to divulge such information.

Inuarashi for his part wasn't sure either just like his fellow ruler, so he turned towards Kin'emon and the rest and silently asked the same question.

And then surprisingly it was Momonosuke who stepped forward and permitted them.

He came closer to the cat viper and spoke up.

"Go ahead and tell them! You don't have to hide anything from them! and you can tell them anything you want!" but then just as he finished Luffy picked him up and started to pinch his cheeks for acting all high and mighty.

Much to the amus.e.m.e.nt of the rest.

"Now, what's with that person, Kozuki Oden?" Robin asked him. Going back to the subject at hand. She had never heard of someone with that name before.

Nekomamushi once again puffed out smoke from his mouth as he started to explain after a while.

"The Kozuki Family of Wano, was in fact, a clan of stonemasons that has quarried stone and processed them for generations. Even now they are still highly skilled at that!" he said.

This shocked them up for a bit. They didn't expect that that was their specialization.

"Stonemasons…" Robin muttered. She could feel that there was something more to that. As such, she focused more on Nekomamushi.

"That's right!" Nekomamushi who heard her nodded at her as he continued on his explanation.

"It all goes back to 800 years ago… Where the Kozuki clan created an indestructible book with their sophisticated skills. That is what the Poneglyphs are!" Nekomamushi finished.

And as expected everybody was shocked out of their minds. The Poneglyphs was actually meant to be as if they were books…

And to think that Momonosuke's family was the one who created the Poneglyphs to try and pass information through them…

Ian had told Robin and his crewmates a lot of things, however, this was not one of them.

He could not tell them he knew about such information when there was no way possible for him to acquire it, as such he had to act in this situation as if he was a bit surprised.

The same goes for Elene.

Both of them didn't want to hide this information from them, but it would lead to questions about how they knew of that… and they were not ready to speak of the truth just yet.

Still, Ian had contemplated about this and was going, to tell the truth soon to his crewmates.

Back to the present Ian heard Robin ask the cat viper.

"Were they the ones who made all those Poneglyphs in the world?" She asked him fervently.

Kin'emon nodded at her instead of Nekomamushi. With the latter staying silent this time.

And then Luffy asked them a question that managed to strain the atmosphere.

"Then do you guys know what's written on them?" He asked. In his mind, it made perfect sense for them to be able to know that.

"That hasn't been passed fully through the generations!" Kanjuro replied. His head bowed down.

Ian looked intently at him for a bit.

"The only thing that has been passed down, was how to read and write in the ancient text!" Raizo added soon after his fellow samurai.

All of them then grit their teeth.

"However…" Kanjuro strained to say.

"Unfortunately, that's no longer possible…"

Ian asked for the first time.

"Why?" He said.

"Before the information was passed down to lord Momonosuke… It was cut off at his father's Kozuki Oden's generation!" Kin'emon uttered with great difficulty.

At this everyone understood.

Oden had died before he was able to pass on the information to his son.

Momonosuke himself was trying hard not to start crying as he remembered his father…

Still, some found it hard to believe this.

"You mean to say, Momo's father… His father…" Brook for one kept muttering to himself as he wasn't able to wrap his head around it…

Kin'emon gave a nod.

"Lord Oden… He was- He was executed by the current Shogun, and the pirate emperor Kaido!" Kin'emon told them all.

"To save the life of all of us retainers, he met his fate! And… Emperor Kaido's beast pirates are still in the land of Wano!" with this Kin'emon finally was done.

By now all of them, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, the two rulers, and Momo, were crying their eyes out silently. It was hard for them as they were living that same moment again and again in their heads…

And by now everyone there has lost track of how many times had they been shocked already.

But at this time, Zoro spoke up. As he asked an important question he was able to gather from what he had heard.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it, but why was your master executed? You guys have been captured and targeted because of that right?" Zoro asked them.

Kin'emon took a deep breath. Before he told Zoro.

"You are right. One can say that it's a cardinal sin. Kaido is trying to pull information from us! Lord Kozuki Oden, the previous daimyo, traveled to the last island, Laughtale, with the pirate king Gol D. Roger and witnessed the secret of the world."

Everybody exclaimed at this.

Well excluding Ian and Elene who already knew.

The rest felt like they could faint from the continuous surprises, however.

"He witnessed the secret of the world? Probably with Rayleigh too…" Robin muttered.

'The entirety of history… even the 100 years void…' Then she thought to herself as she turned and eyed the red stone in front of her.

The void century was a 100 years old gap in the history of the world. It was after that period that the world government was established.

And ever since then they have been ruling the world for 800 years. And they absolutely forbid everyone from searching for that history hidden in those 100 years.

All of her home island had been wiped out for this sole reason.

This was why Robin wanted to know that history. She closed her eyes for a bit. She knew that she would sooner or later be able to know about that secret of the world.

And she would not be alone as she would be with her family.

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