Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 158 - Zunesha!

[A/N: Please enjoy two chapters today! and I'm sorry I couldn't write more chapters! Also Happy new year to you all!]

Near the giant elephant, Zunesha, Sh.i.p.s could be seen turning sideways so that they were facing its left leg. Cannons first.

All of these sh.i.p.s coordinated under the highest authority pirate among them all.

Who had taken leadership of the forces after Jack had died! He was the strongest as such it was the logical course of actions for them.

These pirates were the same that were spared, in the hopes that they would think well about fighting Ian and co again. Sadly… you can't really change the mind of someone who was stupid and searching for death like them.

Though they had run away at first, they had undergone a meeting between them and then decided that they didn't want to die.

And that was something granted for them, had they gone back with no success on their mission.

Not only had they not brought Raizo back, but they also were not even able to confirm if he truly was among the minks country.

And then Jack had died. And that was someone important to Kaido! In fact, it was the first reason why Kaido would kill them.

9 sh.i.p.s circled around the leg until they were all ready to lay waste to the elephant.

Why would they attack the elephant though? One would ask.

This was the conclusion everyone had reached after their discussion. Since they couldn't go back in failure, they sought to at least do something to report to Kaido about it.

And one fact they were sure about was that they would never be able to Beat Ian who took down Jack easily.

So why not take down the very elephant all of those people were on? It was a genius plan.

Once the elephant was down, everyone would be dead, with the possibility of Ian surviving, but with heavy injuries.

At that time their combined attack would be able to take him down… or so they thought.

This would have worked had Ian not been quite as strong as he was!!

"Prepare the cannons for shooting!" A person wearing the beast pirates costume yelled at his now subordinates.

And the rest hurried to do as he said.

"We need to hurry and take the elephant down!" He yelled again.

Sweat rolling on his forehead but he kept a composed smirk on his face.

Showing the rest that he was confident in the plan.

Meanwhile internally, he was scared shitless. He couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. Like something bad was about to happen.

"Everything is read!" one of the pirates yelled to him from his ship, and this was followed by the other sh.i.p.s doing the same.

He took a deep breath before he suddenly yelled for them all.

"Shoot! Take them all down!" He announced and they followed his orders.

A barrage of cannonballs was launched at the left leg of the elephant Zunesha.

Then explosions sounded and the area was covered with smoke soon after.

But he didn't stop and yelled at them again, not letting even the smoke clear.

"Again! Shoot!" He yelled at them. So much that his throat was starting to hurt.

But he didn't care only one thing went through his mind. And that was to take down this elephant and all that was on it.

"It shouldn't take us a lot to take it down. This animal is beyond its age! Its skin should have deteriorated by now!" He told his subordinates.

Who themselves were eager to destroy the elephant.

Again another round of cannonballs was shot. And then again, and again, until the sixth round when their leader told them to stop.

He knew that it was not enough to injure the animal to the point where it would keel over, however, he wanted to see the current progress they had.

But when the smoke cleared, all of them widened their eyes in disbelieve at what was happening.

In front of them, just short of touching the leg of the elephant, those cannonballs they shot had apparently done no damage to the elephant's leg. Even after so many rounds.

This brought panic to them, as this was their one chance to not get punished by Kaido.

They couldn't understand what was happening, was the elephant really this strong?

And that panic indie of them only magnified when they heard an all too familiar voice address them.

"Who would have expected you guys to be so stupid as to come back? And my crew had even considered sparing you… sigh!"


This was Ian who had left the rest after telling them that he was going to take care of the problem.

He had sensed that the beast pirates were back. But he didn't know that they were planning to attack the elephant as that was just stupid.

He had thought that someone strongest than Jack had come to enact vengeance, but he was wrong apparently.

Ian didn't wait for them to speak or anything.

Their chance to run was already given. And he was not a saint. Not to mention that these people were now his enemies as he became a part of the alliance.

He took his right arm from his pocket and started charging his electricity through it.

After a while, he pointed his right arm now looking all blue, at them.

And to their on growing shock, a massive eastern Dragon made from electricity charged at them soon after.

The dragon plunged mouth first at the nearest ship swallowing it and continuing to the sea under it.

The ship was destroyed as soon as the Dragon made contact with it. With all of those on it dying just as soon.

Still, the few that had jumped to the sea before the dragon hit the ship, were electrocuted to death since the Dragon had continued on to the water.

But it was not done, as Ian controlled it and had it attack another ship from the sea towards the sky this time.

And just like that, the nine sh.i.p.s were soon reduced to wood wreckage on the sea.

As for the Beast pirates? No survivor was left.

Ian had made sure to sense for that.

Ian spared the place a single look. While thinking to himself.

'Become better people in your next lives…'

As to whether reincarnation was true or not? He was the living proof of that.

He was preparing to teleport back to the place he was at earlier, before a trumpet sound was loudly emitted.

All of those on Zou heard it.

It was in fact so loud that the minks and the rest had to close their ears in pain.

But for Ian, following this trumpet sound, he heard a deep rumbling voice speak to him in his mind.

"You have my thanks, young child!" the voice said.

And Ian was able to immediately understand that it was Zunesha.

Taking a look at the giant elephant Ian started to think for a bit.

This was one of his goals when he had come to Zou.

To find out if possible, what the elephant was searching for or why was he punished...

And now Zunesha had taken the initiative to speak to him. He thought that now was a good time to speak with it.

He figured it wouldn't take him long to speak with it and get back to the rest, so with a nod, he teleported straight to the head of Zunesha.

It was best to talk to it face to face.

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