Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 169 - Confrontation!

Ian looked at the odyssey that was protected by a barrier. Courtesy of Libell who had reacted much faster than Ian. Not that Ian wouldn't have made it in time to shield the ship… But since the ship was basically her she would be more adept at protecting it.

Ian then switched to look at the marine sh.i.p.s once again, his eyes carrying a hint of suspicion.

Ian's confusion could be understood. Even Kuzan felt the same way.

Those shots shouldn't have reached them at all, in fact, it shouldn't even come near them based on the distance visible to them. The sh.i.p.s were very far off.

Immediately Ian suspected something to do with a devil fruit ability. It was the only explanation that made sense to him.

Focusing his observation Haki he was able to see the truth soon after.

When he turned to Kuzan he saw that he was doing the same as him. But he still carried that perplexed expression… meaning he did not manage to see what Ian had seen.

"How many sh.i.p.s do you see?" Ian asked him all of a sudden.

Kuzan turned to look at him briefly.

"30 or something! Why?" Kuzan asked him.

Ian turned back towards the front and stared his brows furrowed.

Ian knew that his observation Haki had no match from the moment he had acquired the voice of all things… Still to think even an admiral level person couldn't detect what was wrong with the current situation.

Reflected on Ian's gaze, there were only three small warsh.i.p.s and one bigger one. They were much more closer than they seemed, and that would explain why the cannonballs had impacted the barrier on the ship.

In other words, there were no thirty sh.i.p.s in front of them and they were not as far as it appeared at first.

Ian reaffirmed his guess that someone on that ship was a devil fruit eater with illusion abilities or something similar.

Even the number of cannonballs that appeared at first to encompass the sky, was not that many actually. Which would explain why Ian didn't feel like that explosion was strong enough.

Focusing on the biggest ship, Ian tried to see who's behind this.

And his gaze landed on three people on that ship.

He could feel the strength of those three cloaked people he could see right now on the deck of the largest ship.

The weakest of them felt a bit stronger than Kuzan.

Though he didn't panic at realizing that, no, he was rather excited.

He also understood something from that.

The marines were getting serious about eliminating him. Those three people were proof of that.

Not to mention, even Elene and co, who by now had all gathered near Ian, didn't manage to see through that illusion.

This was not a fight they would win… though if he took care of the one releasing the illusion then they would easily win if they fought with their all.

"Elene, I'm going to send you forward a bit! Leave these guys to me, it's been a while since I last had fun! Afterward, you can continue to sail forward, and I'll follow you later!" Ian turned to Elene and spoke.

She briefly thought about refusing as she felt something was wrong with the current situation. Somehow her senses said that the current image in front of them with the thirty sh.i.p.s was not real… but then she realized that this was Ian she was thinking about, so she just nodded her head. Completely trusting his judgment.

The rest didn't object either.

And seeing them all nod their heads, he jumped upwards and flew through the air, before waving his hands at the ship, after which it was suddenly engulfed in shadows. A second later, the odyssey appeared way past the marines' sh.i.p.s range where they can follow them.

This was not something that Ian was capable of from before. But as he had gotten stronger, even teleporting massive objects like a ship was manageable to him.

Then Ian moved towards the four attacking sh.i.p.s and with another wave teleported them all, including himself towards the same island he had killed Kong in.

If he wanted to enjoy fighting them, he would have to search for an island.

The sh.i.p.s crashed with the stronger ones jumping ahead of the rest and resting on the ground.

Ian floated near them and then with one swift motion, released his conqueror Haki. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_%!d(string=15935515306575705)/confrontation!_%!d(string=51555738744575022)">#!_%!d(string=15935515306575705)/confrontation!_%!d(string=51555738744575022)</a> for visiting.

And the results were immediate.

Almost everyone there were hit with this wave and lost consciousness soon after.

The only ones left standing would be those three clocked people, and someone Ian managed to recognize.

"Master Rey… it's been a while since we last met!" Ian greeted him. And then cut off his Haki.

Master Ray, who stayed conscious albeit with difficulty took a deep breath before he looked towards Ian.

Then at his two fellow vice admirals that had already entered the dream world.

Ian had become quite the frightening guy… this was the thought going in master Rey's head.

He gave Ian a nod and took a few more seconds to recompose himself.

"So what is the reason for this time's ambush?" Ian inquired but didn't hold much hope of an answer. Still, though, he wasn't expecting what happened next.

Master Rey jumped using 'Shave' and came closer to Ian, more so than to his companions.

"This time the world government wants to truly get rid of you." He replied to Ian.

And seeing Ian nod, he took his chance.

"Ever since the war… I had this thought on my mind! And you are the only one capable of answering it. Will you answer this old man?" Master Rey said to Ian.

"What are you doing you fool?" An old aged voice called from behind.

"What's that then?" Ian asked totally ignoring the person who yelled.

"Those devil beings… you said they were the real threat the world faces… I want you to explain to me about that!" Master Rey said. He too ignored that person yelling.

Ever since he had watched Ian say those words he had been questioning his loyalty to the world government. Everything that happened after only made his doubts grow more and more.

The world government hid the news about the filthy prisoners that escaped impel down… they chose Akainu over Kuzan… add to that how the celestial nobles were the definition of sc.u.m and evil people… then Garp and Sengoku are suddenly released with no rhyme or reason…

He wanted answers… did he waste his life pursuing justice under the wrong people?

And who better to answer those questions for him than the one that managed to make him ask the questions in the first place.

So here he was… at this moment in time willing to even forsake the marines for those answers, and might as well do so depending on the answers.

Still though just as Ian was about to answer… Master Rey suddenly was engulfed in a bit of fog, after which he took a sword and tried to stab himself with it.

The fog originating from the person who yelled at them.

Keyword being tried.

As Ian telekinetically stopped him from going any further.

"Hey, hey now! That was not so nice to do to one of your own? At the very least let him hear how the leader of the world whom the world government answers to is actually one of those devils!" Ian brought master Rey near him using his energy as he spoke up.

He noted to himself that this person must be the person responsible for the illusions from earlier.

Ian's words managed to make the other party enraged.

Two of them trembled, although the third one appeared to be somewhat shocked.

Gritting their teeth's, one of the three clocked people took a sword out yelled.

"I'll make sure to cut that tongue of yours first!" He yelled then subsequently vanished.

Only to appear near Ian. His sword already swung.

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