Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 174 - Escaping!

Kizaru knew he f.u.c.k.i.e.d up big time.

But Ian didn't care about that at all.

No! He went around to the first elder, the one holding a sword. From the five elders, this was actually the oldest looking one!

Ian took his spear out, and in one swift moment followed by a twist, he ended him.

The reason he twisted his spear was so that it would destroy both hearts, although they were already failing due to his lightning. Still, it didn't hurt to be cautious.

Then taking his spear out he swung it to get rid of the blood until it was clean.

After this, he went to the other elder quickly. But he didn't forget to get rid of the body. A huge lightning beam came down from the sky and onto the body, and by the end of it all, suffice to say there was no 'body' to be found anymore.

The second one Ian went to sport a mustache and had a rather large birthmark on his face.

Ian drove his spear through that elder shortly after just like he did with the one before. And then cleaned his spear with one swift swing.

And then he turned his sight to the paralyzed Kizaru.

It was good that he had future sight… otherwise… he was not willing to think of what would have happened to him if he didn't use his all to guard …

When he had seen what Kizaru did in his future vision, he had hurried along to use his highest form of defense which he was quite confident would suffice for this… he would have used his teleportation too, but he didn't have the time to… that ability was just not made for split decision making…

He knew all along that every admiral level powerhouse had a trump card somehow… but he didn't expect that even with his current strength as the strongest human being alive that it would turn out like this. Or perhaps it was just with Kizaru… since he was effectively a light human. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_15935515306575705/escaping!_51791840059376089">#!_15935515306575705/escaping!_51791840059376089</a> for visiting.

It doesn't matter, Ian was not going to spare him now.

Screw the plot… screw his help in the future against the diávoloi…

Screw everything. Kizaru was going to die, and if that didn't happen today, it would happen later… Even if Kizaru had used his trump card to escape, Ian would not react so intensely. In fact after telling him the truth of the world government he expected him to run. But the bastard instead tried to kill Ian so many times and this got on his nerves. There was no way he was going to spar him now…

Kizaru was completely helpless at this point… he couldn't turn his body into its intangible form, he couldn't do anything at all… so Ian would only need his spear.

When Ian reached him he saw the panic in his eyes. But he didn't change his mind. He brought his spear forward and was just about to pierce right through his body when something happened.

A huge amount of energy exploded out of Kizaru making Ian go alerted, and his eyes to glow red as his future sight triggered.


With Kizaru… he was looking at Ian go around to kill the elders with fear and nervousness.

For the first time in his life, he had f.u.c.k.i.e.d up completely.

Had he taken the two elders with him he would have been able to run away from Ian with ease.

And though the two fogies would be displeased it was much better than them dying and him after them.

But he had to be stupid and try to kill Ian. Now even the remote chance of them being allies in the future if what Ian had said about Im was correct, turned to dust…

At this thought, Kizaru was suddenly alerted.

'I still have to tell about this to Akainu…' He watched as Ian came closer to him with every second… his thoughts moving sluggishly…

'I have to let him know about this…' Kizaru was already awake by a miracle… he should have lost consciousness much earlier.

And though he was scared to die…. What drove him at this moment was his sense of justice… it was true that his moniker was lazy justice, but it was still justice…

And he couldn't abandon that now when he knew that the marines would be left in the blind…

And just as Ian raised his spear and was about to pierce it right through his chest, Kizaru who was already in between consciousness and unconsciousness suddenly exploded with power from out of nowhere.


What Ian saw in the vision was Kizaru suddenly disappearing from around him.

And though he could see quite a bit into the future, Kizaru did not return.

Ian was again angry that he was going to run, so trusting in his future vision he charged instead of retreating.

And then he swung his spear at Kizaru while he coated it in Haki in case.

But it appeared that it didn't do anything as suddenly Kizaru turned to light particles that shot to the sky in a beam… making Ian's spear cut only the light.

"Goddammit…" Ian screamed in frustration, his conqueror Haki shooting out of him madly… lightning started to descend from the sky as the weather changed from a sunny one to a stormy one.

Arcs of lightning danced around Ian as he resembled an enraged god at that moment.

Suddenly the lighting surrounding him turned purple… instead of the usual blue.

Kizaru was gone… this frustrated Ian. He didn't get to repay Kizaru for what he had done…

But after a few seconds, Ian plopped back to the ground exhausted. The lightning dissipating and the weather changing back to a cloudy one.

It didn't become sunny again as Ian was still upset about what had happened.

He vowed to himself that he would not let this go. If Kizaru was still alive, he would make sure to pay him back.

He decided to take what he could today. And that is the achievement of killing two elders while injuring Kizaru to a mad point.

This brought a short smile to his face after he mulled it over. He realized that he was not always going to get what he wanted. And he should be happy with this much.

The sun started to peek through the clouds as they dissipated soon after.

And just as Ian was going to store his spear again, he noticed the blood on it…

'So my last attack was not pointless…' He thought to himself.

This brought another smile to his face.

Then Ian teleported back to his ship to continue his journey with his crew!

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