Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 176 - Explanation!

Light exploded into the ground coming straight from the sky in a pillar. But the ground was not destroyed or anything.

When the dust cleared and light dispersed Kizaru's form appeared.

Just like that Kizaru was back to the same place he had run from. Where Ian had kicked his ass and reduced him into this state.

But this time he was finally completely out of energy. As such he had not time to dwell on the things he had seen.

The only thing he did do once he noticed his current place and state was to call Akainu for help.

He was breathing hard as the den-den mushi was ringing. Any second now he would lose consciousness.

He knew his state was f.u.c.k.i.e.d up but he chose to ignore it, even though the pain he was feeling was absolutely devastating.

"Borsalino, what the hell happened, why were you not answering for a while now?" Akainu's enraged voice sounded from the other side as soon as the call made it through.

Cough… cough

Kizaru coughed out blood.

"S-Stop the bullshit… and send someone to me now… I'm about to lose consciousness…" Kizaru was barely able to form a phrase as he said. But then the moment he finished he was done for. His eyes closed no matter how hard he tried to stay awake.

And just like that, he entered the realm of unconsciousness.

"What are you on about? Borsalino! Borsalino! What the hell happened! answer me!" Akainu kept on yelling into the line that was still open. But then he understood that Kizaru must have lost consciousness so he hurried to send people to his place.

If one were to say that this person was Kizaru no one would believe them.

Why? Kizaru was a strong person. So much so that he was always lazy. Even in fights. He didn't think of them as enough threat to be serious against.

But what about this person? He had blood leaking from all his seven orifices, one of his legs was apparently broken as it was twisted in another direction than it was supposed to.

He had various gashes across his body, but the most important injury, and obviously the worst, was the missing limb.

That's right, Ian's last attack had taken Kizaru's left arm from him. It was a clean-cut straight through his elbow.

If the arm was found, then a doctor might be able to find it for him… but the arm had traveled with him into the past…

His only option now was a prosthetic…


The next time Kizaru came to conciousness was due to an induced shock from the doctors.

This was by order of Akainu. He needed to know what the hell had happened. And though this action would hurt Kizaru somewhat it was a price he was willing to pay. Or rather… Kizaru would pay.

(A/N: Akainu's time is coming…)

When Kizaru felt the pain in his body he wanted to scream. So he did.

One of the doctors nearby hurried along to inject Kizaru with something and after a few seconds, his yelling subsided as he felt the pain lessen.

After a few minutes, he was finally able to think straight. He noticed first that his whole body bandaged heavily and that his left arm still hurt even under the injection that got rid of the pain. His left arm was missing from the elbow down. He was not able to notice that earlier as he was overwhelmed with everything.

He released a sigh at that.

He was already prepared to lose limbs and even to die the moment he joined the Marines'. Their world was not a playground after all. No matter how he joked in his fight. This was a fact he knew well.

But he didn't expect that it would be due to his idiocy this time. If he had just swallowed his useless pride and run away with the two elders…

Akainu's voice brought him out from his thoughts.

"We found you three hours after the call and you have spent two hours here under surgery. But I have to know what happened to you and where the hell did those two geezers go?" Akainu came up with his question.

Kizaru sighed.

"Couldn't you wait until I woke up regularly?" He understood that if he was going to be in a coma for a few months, now with that injection, that time was going to be even more.

"Your injuries are even worse than the last time. And at that time you had slept for three and a half months. Now I could only presume you are going to take more time than that. And I can't wait four months or more to get a report about what happened. Even the rest of the geezers have been calling me to give an explanation for a while now. Now stop shitting around and tell me what the hell happened!" Akainu explained and finished with a yell. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_15935515306575705/explanation!_51834971463147850">#!_15935515306575705/explanation!_51834971463147850</a> for visiting.

He did not like those elders one bit. And they had been bothering him for a while now.

Kizaru sighed again. He could understand at the least.

He looked at the doctors and then at the camera's recording.

Akainu understood and yelled his orders for them to leave and stop recording in this room.

Once they did he used his observation to see if anyone was near and then he nodded at Kizaru.

Kizaru then proceeded to explain everything that had happened.

About how the two elders were actually quite strong and about the illusion that they were able to use.

He then told him about how they were able to become that strong by explaining that they had the blood of those devils in their body which gave them enhanced strength and regeneration.

He also explained to him how the leader of the world was actually a diávoloi as Ian called them.

Akainu tried to refuse.

"The whole meaning behind the world government is to signify that no one ruler would sit upon the empty throne! This couldn't be true!" Akainu wanted to refute him.

But then Kizaru spoke up.

"I saw the picture damn it. And unless you know of a way to fake it then it is as true as it can be. Those elders didn't feel human at all. And Ian said the picture was taken by Sengoku. You know that old man, just ask him and confirm this. He wouldn't lie. In the first place, we all felt their release was suspicious no?" Kizaru yelled at him to understand.

Akainu took a few seconds this time to think.

He then called Sengoku for confirmation. He had his number and Sengoku was using the snail capable of hiding their conversation.

And to his shock Sengoku replied that it was true and that he had witnessed Im with his own eyes and he told him to be careful against her. But he cut off the line there. Sengoku didn't like him at all as he felt he was too extreme.

But the point was that it was true.

"What about Ian Louis?" Akainu then asked this as he noticed Kizaru's state.

Kizaru decided that he won't speak about his short trip through time.

"It's best that we leave Ian Louis alone from now on. Even in my highest level of power, my attacks barely scratched him! And this was while fighting two other people at my level" Kizaru said bitterly.

He already explained how it was his fault as Ian gave him the option to leave.

Akainu nodded and then the effect of the injection was done and Kizaru fell asleep for now.

Akainu left the room, his thought all over the place.

But one thing was for sure. If Kizaru, That Kizaru he knew, said to leave Ian alone, then it was best he does so.

After all… even he would not beat Kizaru when he used his ultimate technique.

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