Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 179 - Vinsmoke Reiju

Reiju started to think about how to start. After a few seconds of thinking, she decided she would just come out and ask Ian directly.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke.

"Emperor Ian, tell me for what reason are you heading towards big mom?" She asked him.

Although internally she was not expecting him to reply to her with anything definitive.

Ian didn't see any reason why not to reply but he still asked her.

"Why do you ask?" He wanted to know why she asked that. As he felt that she wanted to say something to him.

She once again took a few seconds to think… She and her family are going to become allies to big mom, and so they naturally heard of the plan that big mom had. They were even required to help in case they needed the help…

But since she didn't like her family one bit and she would be satisfied if they all saw their ends, she decided to tell Ian what was going on.

Plus… she turned to look at Sanji who was also looking at her.

She didn't want him to get in between the mess of two emperor level crews.

"The big mom pirates-"She was still speaking when she suddenly felt the air around her change as if something was surrounding them in a dome. She was startled and thought that Ian was attacking her when she saw him nod at her calmly.

"That is just a precaution since we don't want anyone else to listen in on us right?" Ian said. He had released one of his energy fields to isolate sound from the outside.

Reiju looked at the expression of the rest, including Sanji, and chose to trust him on this.

"As I said, the big mom pirates, are prepared to destroy your crew the moment you step on near big mom. And she herself had declared that she would teach you the manners one has in front of an emperor before she makes you her slave. Even my family was made to promise help in case her children didn't do their jobs properly. As such if your reason is not important you should abandon it at this time!" Reiju finished her piece and waited for Ian to process that.

But Ian had already guessed that.

"You think we don't know?" Ian chuckled softly. "In the first place, someone unreasonable like big mom would not just listen to me if I had just told her to back off on Sanji. No, her arrogance knows no bounds. It required both me and the old man Whitebeard to threaten her to get her to back off. However, you don't have to worry. Big mom soon would not be a problem anymore, Elene here would deal with it. Since you are also heading there, you should join us. And at that time you would naturally know what I mean. Plus it will give you time to talk with Sanji." Ian said in explanation. And at the end, he invited her on the ship with a small smile.

Reiju was about to refuse before she saw Sanji looking at her calmly. His eyes also expressed the desire to speak with her.

As she was the only person from his family that had ever treated him well since his mother's death.

She thought about it for a bit, and then she had an idea.

Ian was an emperor like big mom. Though he was still a new one, she knew not to underestimate him. Just like shanks was the newest emperor at a time, but nobody dares to belittle his power.

The point was however that she couldn't just refuse Ian as that would make him unfavorable to her family no?

Well, she didn't really believe so but her family will.

Though they were going to become allies with an emperor they were still not at the current time so it was best they stay on the good side of both parties.

Giving a nod at Ian she moved a bit away from them and called her father.

Then she started to explain to him everything.

But she was truly smart as she didn't say it like it was. No.

She used the art of bullshitting.

"…At your order I will take Sanji back and have him marry just like the old plan." She finished as she said.

She had told him that her brother had attacked Sanji but then he lost and ow she was facing them as Ian had requested she joins him on his ship for the rest of the journey. She then told him she prepared to refuse before snatching Sanji with her and running.

At this Vinsmoke Judge decided to stop her.

"Stop. Your opponent is an emperor. No matter how new he is. And at this time we can't afford to offend him nor big mom. You already know what the old hag has in store for him. As such join him for now and lead him here." He said.

'And then when he is beaten, we'll naturally have Sanji marry her child instead.' He thought to himself on the other side.

He then hung up and left Reiju there standing smiling.

Everything is heard by the others there.

Well except for the soldiers on the ship as Ian's sound isolation was still I effect.

Reiju expected some sort of angry or even hateful stare to be directed to her, but all of them were just smiling at her. This managed to calm her a bit.

"Well then welcome aboard. You have an interesting family though haha." Ian said as he laughed a bit.

He couldn't wait to see the expression on the old man's face when he sees big mom had fallen. Also, he was not sure if big mom was going to betray them just like in the original anime, though it was highly probable due to her character.

Reiju couldn't help but agree with Ian. But for now, she had some talking to do with Sanji.

She gave the ship the order to move with her brother still unconscious on it. And only when they had reached a sufficient distance did Ian released the energy field. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_15935515306575705/vinsmoke-reiju_52069312143344685">#!_15935515306575705/vinsmoke-reiju_52069312143344685</a> for visiting.

Soon the Odyssey started moving too as Sanji lead his sister inside. He wanted to ask her many things after all it has been a while since they had last met.

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