Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 203 - Effective Strategy!

(A/N: I'm not going to focus much on this fight, since many strong people have joined, so I will finish it quickly. It would be like a summary. I don't want to keep dragging the fanfic around.)

With the addition of the winged lion beast, the fight went on smoothly. And once again Im's plans to kill Ian were stopped. Though if he had to say, he would say this plan was the most dangerous so far.

If it had succeeded then most likely Ian would indeed die, or at the very least get injured badly.

But luck was on his side and he got help.

The fight went so smooth one might as well say it was easy.

On Robin and co's side, they attacked with everything they had straight from the get-go.

Instead of dividing themselves and fighting separately, by the words of Sengoku, they focused on guarding and dodging and waiting for the chance where they all deal attacks towards one fallen diávoloi.

When they all charge up to attack the one fallen Diávoloi, the three free diávoloi would try to attack, but then this is where Robin, Stella, Reiju shines in this fight.

Robin would create huge arms that would twist around their bodies and restrain them.

Meanwhile, Stella would wrap them in chains. Reiju's poison would then be inhaled by them and this would also help in keeping them stunned.

This of course would not hold them for a long time, but it would hold them enough until one diávoloi was down.

Sanji knew his own strength as such he settled to be only a distraction whenever one person was in danger. His kicks though dealing no damage whatsoever would grab the attention needed and then he would turn invisible and move to another side and repeat the same thing, buying time for his allies.

The very first one to throw the Diávoloi on the ice would be Garp.

He had truly shown the younger generation in this fight his true prowess.

The man pulled back no stops and delivered Haki-covered punches that threw the massive from of the diávoloi hundreds of meters away. And it would be left dazed for a while…

This was something even the golden Buddha Sengoku failed to do.

Though he also played his own role. And Sengoku by no means was 'weak'.

Each person had their own points where they shined.

Sengoku was dealing more damage internally using his shockwaves...

And while Robin and Stella were restraining the rest of the diávoloi, the rest attacked as one.

Akemi and Bert also shined in this fight, since using their lightning, proved to hurt them more than any attack.

But since theirs was weaker than Ian, they had to target injured areas.

These injured areas were made by Aokiji and Don. One with ice spikes that were rotating which made them sharp enough to hurt them. And Don with his high pressurized water beams.

Then the finisher would come from Elene who would not waste the opportunity.

She had a strong ability. The very same she beat big mom with. However, she was not strong yet to use it consecutively.

But that is if she included a large area in her attack.

As such so that she would not be out of the fight, she started to target only the chest area of the fallen diávoloi who would be trying to escape and get up, only to be restrained by Aokiji into the ground and frozen.

Then dark fog would surround its chest for a few seconds before it clears up and a void would be present there.

This would leave Elene winded up and she would need a bit of time to recuperate and gather herself.

Meanwhile, the rest would continue on with the next diávoloi and by the time they bring it down as they did before, Elene would have recovered.

And just like that they had moved on through their numbers and killed them all.

This strategy was made by Sengoku right after he asked what everyone's strongest attack was.

And the man truly deserved his title of a master of tactics.

Under his leadership, all of the diávoloi were now dead. And they were still not winded enough to stop fighting. As such at the end of their fight, they all had decided to join Ian and co.


With the addition of their allies joining Ian and co started to deal even more damage.

But even with all the damage this diávoloi sustained, it was still standing strong and dealing its own attacks.

These attacks however would not hit anyone. Courtesy of Elene.

She had moved back a huge distance away and focused on teleporting any person who came close to getting hit. This was the role she took in this fight.

Sanji, Reiju, and Don thankfully stayed back this time on the ship along with the little girl Libell. They were not yet at the level of participating in such a fight with this magnitude.

This left Bert, Akemi, Aokiji, Elene, Stella, Robin, Ian, Dragon, Garp, Whitebeard, Kaido, and the winged-lion.

This lineup was soon enough able to tire out the diávoloi.

Robin, Stella, Aokiji served as restrainers. They kept holding the diávoloi still for attacks to hit it.

Bert, Akemi, Ian, Kaido, Dragon, and the winged lion dealt huge elemental attacks since they were the most effective.

Bert and Akemi combined their attacks dealing arcs of lightning at the diávoloi.

Ian was using huge lightning beams to straight-up take an arm or leg from the diávoloi… His attacks in terms of power came second only to the winged-lion who was a being that reached the fourth stage…

Kaido and the winged lion dealt fire breaths that burned it in various areas. Dragon dealt lighting attacks that while not as strong as Ian, were quite strong themselves. He also dealt wind attacks that resulted in various cuts on it.

Meanwhile, Garp, Whitebeard, and Sengoku got close with it, since this time it was restrained, and then they started dealing attacks of their own that hurt it internally.

But all this would soon be regenerated. And the diávoloi would once again start to attack.

And this manner the fight kept going on for five more hours when the diávoloi could no longer regenerate and everyone dealt the last attacks before finally it was killed.

It took four hours for Elene and co to take care of the regular Diávoloi.

And then when they all joined up, it took them another five to beat the boss.

So all in all their fight today lasted a whole nine hours to finish it completely. So it was only natural when everyone just straight up laid down on the ground to finally rest up from this tiring event.

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