Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 209 - Greetings between Emperors!

Ian and co were debriefed on all the happenings so far in the land of Wano. And just like Ian had guessed, trouble was ahead of them.

However, Kin'emon told Ian that tomorrow was the day for the attack since he was here now, so Ian still had to wait a bit for the fight.

And so just like that the next day came. And when they were all ready to start sailing…

Right now Ian and co, joined the rest at the port from which they were going to start their raid.

Ian looked at his crew…

"You guys are quite strong so I won't have to worry about you…" Ian said to them.

And seeing them nod he continued.

"Still you better stay safe, you hear?" Ian glared at his crewmates as he lectured them. He didn't want any of them to get hurt. And although he knew they were strong, there was a chance the diávoloi could be hiding in Wano and would join Kaido's side…

They all gave nods. Their expressions were serious.

Ian then got his playful smile back on his face. He knew that not many could hurt any of them in this war, so he was just reminding them to be careful.

"Well if there is no huge danger, you can have some fun fighting…" He said with a smile.

And they also smiled back at him.

Following after which they were joined by another one thousand samurais, making their total more than 5000. These people were also prisoners who had been added to their side by Denjiro, one of the nine red scabbards, who had been hiding under the name Kyoshiro and bidding his time until the Kozuki family allies returned.

He had his reunion with the others before he explained that he helped free the prisoners so that they can help them. Originally most of them had been Kozuki family supporters or those that opposed Orochi.

All of a sudden however someone came to report to Law just when they were about to sail. Some of their people on Onigashima had said that Kaido was hosting a party in celebration of an alliance he had with someone new.

This alliance was loudly proclaimed to be for the both of them to rule the world…

And so far they still didn't identify who this guy is apart from him being a male. But Ian knew that this guy would be quite strong since Kaido accepted to be allied with him.

And this was confirmed once he used his Observation Haki.

Two huge auras were detected by him in Onigashima. It was a good thing that they didn't bother hiding their presence since using Observation Haki on such a scale would mean anyone actively hiding would be hard to detect.

This newest piece of news spread around so fast, but Ian was surprised when no one backed off from this.

But it was only natural after he thought about this for a bit. They had been oppressed for so long, nothing was going to stand in their way on their road for revenge. And for making their land free once more.

'Now that I think about it, it feels natural.' Ian thought to himself as he saw Kin'emon step out in front of his fellow scabbards on their ship.

He then proceeded to say.

"Whether they get one more ally or two, nothing will stop us today from getting rid of Kaido once and for all!!" Kin'emon yelled in an effort to rally the troops.


"OUHH!!" They all yelled back.

Following after this, they suddenly started to sail towards Onigashima.

Ian himself was on the Odyssey, he and his crew were donning kimonos and yukatas. They were going on their own ship while joining the rest of the sh.i.p.s.

But very soon his ship overtook all the others and started to lead the charge from the front.

Ian had a grin on his face as he looked forward.


Kaido on the other side in Onigashima had his whole army ready for a fight anytime soon. Since he had joined Ian in his fight against that devil he had been ready for the fight…

While they were partying right now, they were not heavily consuming drinks as ordered by him.

He had already told his newest ally about Ian and also about the Kozuki family leading the assault.

The only thing this person said was…

"Well, then it's a good chance to prove the power of my mutated army, no? Jihahahaha" the person proceeded to laugh.

With Kaido soon joining him with his own unique laughter.

They were still laughing when all of a sudden they felt a presence in their range of Haki…

Ian had finally reached Onigashima.

Kaido furrowed his brows while his fellow ally grinned at him.

"Now I understand why you said he is dangerous… This guy's Haki is ridiculous…" he muttered.

Kaido didn't wait anymore as he threw his sake bottle and then transformed into a dragon and proceeded to penetrate through the skull dome where his castle was and then he roared through the sky.

"CHARGE ON!" He yelled at his army to start the attack.


Ian seeing Kaido atop Onigashima's skull dome grinned. They had just reached Onigashima after a while of sailing.

He also saw the second person he had sensed earlier… (Check paragraph comment for the pic)

He was a massive pirate dressed in traditional Japanese clothes consisting of an orange trimmed, red and a black kimono robe tied together with a dark green sash, and a golden chain around his waist; he also wears a yellow striped tattered haori coat dr.a.p.ed over his shoulders. He has golden mane-like hair, reaching down to the ground, and on the top of his head is part of a steering wheel that got lodged into his head.

As for his facial features, he sports a golden bushy tuft of hair for a beard at the bottom of his chin and a black goatee with pointed edges surrounding his mouth. His eyebrows are dark and pointed as well, and he has some purple spots on the left side of his face right around his right eye that indicates his age.

He was casually seen smoking a cigar as floated near Kaido's dragon form.

This guy instead of legs has swords…

Ian knew this person immediately. This was Shiki the golden lion. Or also known as the flying pirate.

"Well, this is unexpected…" Ian muttered to himself.

Though even so, his side didn't get discouraged at all.

Rather, seeing him their strongest ace, standing there grinning at the opposition, they felt more confident than earlier.

Ian saw Kaido charge up his Bolo breath to attack, and Shiki also doing his own attack.

Sounds of the ground breaking with simple movements of Shiki's hands, reached everyone's ears as debris started to fly upward.

He then formed a huge lion head shape from debris and then he launched it in Ian's direction. Following after which Kaido fired his breath which engulfed the lion's head and then made it even more dangerous than before as it became a huge flaming lion head that could probably destroy half the army if it hit.

Ian seeing this laughed rather than get nervous or scared.

"Haha, so exciting! Let me return your greeting!" He then vanished in a lightning show before appearing in the sky with his spear already out and tightly gripped in his hands.

Ian then let his newest spear soak up his Haki before he felt it was enough and swung it towards the huge flaming lion head attack…

The flying sword slash was so big it nearly reached Kaido's size. But the attack cut through the sky and reached the flaming lion head in a second. Its size not affecting its speed.

Everyone watched with bated breaths as the flying sword slash proceeded to cut through the lion's head and continue on towards Kaido and Shiki, who hastily dodged the attack. But since the slash was a vertical one, it managed to cut through the huge skull dome leaving a crack from the eye and upwards.

And… since Kaido's form was much larger as he was in his dragon form, he failed to completely dodge and was hit at the very last second by a small part of the flying slash.

This attack managed to injure him a bit in the area that was hit and left a scar.

Kaido angrily looked at Ian.

This guy was not pulling his punches right from the beginning.

"You guys, leave them to me…" Ian told them as he reassured them of his own power.

This was all the alliance forces needed to hear before they started to disembark and charge forward.


And just like that, the war has started. With Ian taking the lead.

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