Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 213 - Togen Totsuka!

While Ian was having fun in his own fight, the rest of the allies were fighting their own important battles. (A/N: Click to check the crew's flag)

Among those were some that were very important.

Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, Kin'emon took on the three all-stars from the beast pirates.

Meanwhile, the rest of the scabbards took it upon themselves to help Ian's crew in dealing with the large number of enemies ranging close to forty thousand.…

In this way, everyone who had an important opponent to battle can focus on his fight, and not worry about someone interfering from the weaker enemies…

Nekomamushi, and his fellow ruler Inuarashi, had fought a bit at the beginning with their regular forms against their opponents 'Who's who' and 'Queen'… but as soon as they transformed to their Zoan forms, both minks also used their trump cards…

And that was what was happening right now…

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi had just popped their pills in, and they then transformed.

Forget about waiting for moonlight, they could transform as soon as they much on that pill. That was how miraculous the lunar pill was.

Ian and his crew had already supplied their whole side with the healing water or rather 'Potion', as it can be called that now. So even after they would come out of the transformed state, they could be healed. As such both didn't spare many thoughts before they decided to use their all.

Both ruler's speed, strength, stamina, agility, and Electro magnified when in this form… So right now the fight became easier for them…

'I'll take care of this mutt before I'll go and help the others…' Nekomamushi thought to himself as he eyed Who's who…

Right now Nekomamushi's size increased and his golden fur became white, his eyes turned red while his claws became longer and more sharper, as if they were capable of cutting steel into parts easily… And they were in fact capable of doing that.

Standing against him was Who's who in his transformed state…

Who's who had eaten an ancient Zoan devil fruit from the cat series. It was named Neko-Neko no mi, Model: Panthera Atrox. (A/N: Credits goes to Edalon for coming up with the name of the DF)

It allowed him to transform into a huge extinct lion form that dwarfed a normal human.

If he were to stand against a normal human in that form, it would be akin to a giant standing next to a child.

But right now, he was in his most strongest form, the hybrid form.

He looked somewhat similar to Nekomamushi, in the sense that they were both furry beings. But his form appeared more muscular and aggressive since it was a humanoid lion form.

But even with all that power, he gained he was still not worthy enough…

Both of them clashed with their weapons multiple times as Nekomamushi tested the waters against this new form of his enemy…

Both of them used Haki on their weapons, as at this level it was a requirement if you wanted to deal any damage to your opponents…

But after exchanging a couple more moves, Nekomamushi jumped a bit away and prepared to take him down in one attack. He was done testing him out.

It was apparent to him from their exchange that Who's who speed did not match him the least. And there was nothing to say about power as it was already obvious…

"What's the matter? Afraid?" Who's who words reached Nekomamushi's ears taunting him.

But after seeing Nekomamushi not reacting, Who's who also got serious and sheathed his Katana. And got into a position to attack with his strongest technique…

Too bad he was not going to be able to show it…

Nekomamushi sped up towards him all of a sudden after storing his spear on his back, and before Who's who could even react, he was already cut with Nekomamushi's Haki and Electro clad sharp looking claws.

"AHHHHH" Who's who started spasming on the ground due to the electricity after he was thrown a bit away.

He soon started to lose consciousness as he looked one last time at Nekomamushi who continued on his run searching for his fellow ruler and perhaps help him, not stopping to check whether Who's who had fallen or not… Completely confident in his ability…

The last words Who's who heard before losing consciousness were…

"As if I'll ever be afraid by the likes of you weaklings…"


On Inuarashi's side, a similar thing was happening.

His opponent was Queen. The third in command of Kaido's forces.

Queen was a cyborg that had eaten an ancient Zoan devil fruit that allowed him to transform into a Brachiosaurus.

In this form, he had access to a lot of his weaponry that he installed on his body.

But right now, having already fought with Inuarashi in his Zoan form, and in his human form, he was left no choice but to show his hybrid form. This was a form he didn't use since twenty years ago when he fought against Oden and the scabbards, and once again he was using it against a scabbard.

In this form, his body remained largely humanoid, except for his very long neck.

Inuarashi similarly was also in his transformed state, as they had both decided to stop playing around.

Well, Inuarashi earlier saw the cat was almost done with his fight, so he now was trying the same.

He can't lose to that dumb cat…

However, no matter how much he tried, he was not able to take down Queen as fast as he wanted.

He had to dodge 'excite bullets' shot at him by Queen's machine gun that contained deadly viruses that were dangerous to him.

One virus even transformed you into an Ice Oni according to Queen who proudly proclaimed that it was his masterpiece… Inuarashi decided not to test that claim…

But even after he does dodge to another place from those 'excite bullets', as soon as he steps there a laser beam is shot at him…

Inuarashi knew that he could win this fight, he was that confident in his strength, but what frustrated him was that the cat would brag later about how fast he had beaten his opponent, while Inuarashi would need some more time.

Just when he got lost in his thoughts, Queen took advantage and brought his sword transformed cyborg left hand onto Inuarashi who hurriedly used Haki to coat his hands before crossing them to take the attack… he knew it was dangerous, but he was caught off-guard and that was all he could manage to do…

Fortunately for the allies and unfortunately for Inuarashi, Nekomamushi having finished his own fight joined him just at that moment.

"Get lost you stupid overgrown lizard!" Nekomamushi snorted.

He crossed his spear with Queens's sword, both of them clad in Haki before Nekomamushi exerted more strength and pushed Queen away.

"Dog, why the hell are you spacing out during fights?" Nekomamushi started to complain…

Meanwhile, Inuarashi had a dark look on his face as he refused to reply and kept silent meanwhile redirecting all his anger towards Queen…

After a few seconds of glaring, Inuarashi spoke.

"Forget that you stupid cat, and let me take care of this guy so that we can go help elsewhere!" Inuarashi yelled back at the cat before he tried to continue to attack.

Nekomamushi stopped him with his spear and said.

"Since I stopped his attack, I should be the one to fight him." He smugly said.

Inuarashi yelled at him.

"In your dreams!" And they then started to yell at each other…

Which Queen took advantage of to try and fire a laser beam at them with his maximum capacity.

It would leave him a bit tired but it was worth it to take the both of them out.

But to his bad luck, both dodged it easily and they switched all of their anger towards him.

Which they acted on upon an instant later, with Nekomamushi once again using his Haki clad claws and his superior speed, and Inuarashi using his Haki coated sword, the both of them dealt a strike to Queen that took the breath out of his lungs.

And he soon lost consciousness, the last thing he thought about was how monstrous those two were, and in his closing eyes, the image of them still fighting and bickering was reflected…


Meanwhile, with Kin'emon.

His opponent was King.

And King being quite the smart guy immediately entered his strongest form. He was after all against Kin'emon, and he had no chance to play it easy…

Plus being the ever-loyal pirate under Kaido, he wanted to go help him fight against Ian…

He along with everyone else saw how Ian was easily dealing tremendous damage to both Kaido and Shiki…

King believed that if he could help, the balance would tip in their favor…

But the reality was otherwise… Not that he needed to know that.

King who was right now in a humanoid form with wings on his back, fired a large fireball at Kin'emon thinking that it would kill him and he would be free to go and help his captain…

But against his thoughts, Kin'emon jumped up at the fireball with his sword ready to be swung.

He then cut through the flaming ball like it was solid with a mighty yell.


It split into two parts that passed on each of his sides dealing no damage whatsoever…

This was problematic for King…

All his attacks were revolved around fire after all…

Still, though he was confident in his ability to overpower Kin'emon with his fire… there was no way he could cut his strongest attacks…

And so the fight continued on with King attacking using his fire, sword, and so on, while Kin'emon would cut the flames apart and guard against the sword strikes, and then he would attack himself/

Overall it was apparent after a while that they were at a stalemate in this fight.


Something happened that had Kin'emon look on edge.

In fact, it was not just him… it was all the scabbards who were scattered on the battlefield…

From afar, a form was shown…

It was an eight-headed giant snake that was rampaging not very far from them.

Kin'emon saw the scabbards that were not busy with the all-stars, head towards the snake with furious looks on their faces…

He shared the same furious look like them, and King who had seen him distracted tried to use this opportunity to land an attack on him as he flew as fast as he could towards him with his sword swung ready to decapitate him…

"I can't waste any more time with you, now that that snake is still alive…" Kin'emon spoke up without losing his furious look on his face.

'That bastard Orochi is still alive…' Kin'emon was filled to the brim with anger and hate towards Orochi…

He was not one to be taken off guard… as such he gathered his Haki in his swords and grabbed them both in a two-sword style form… flames surrounded the two swords as he readied his attack.

"Oden-Nitoryu!" (Oden Two-sword style)

Kin'emon attacked at such a speed that King's eyes were not able to register what happened as an X-shaped scar appeared on his torso and he continued flying a bit before falling and rolling on the ground…

The scar on his chest was engulfed in flames as King yelled in pain…


Just before King was out of it, he heard Kin'emon murmur something before he sheathed his swords…

"Togen Totsuka!!" (Paradise Totsuka)

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