Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 215 - Mutated Animals

While Ian fought the strongest people in the war, his crew and the rest of the allies were supposed to fight the huge numbers of enemies that were around them…

It was already more than thirty thousand, but close to three thousand were added from the side of Shiki alone… and only five hundred of those were humans…the rest were all huge violent mutated animals.

These animals were part of Dr. Indigo's experiments. This guy is the scientist of the Golden Lion Pirates and he created a drug called SIQ that mutated animals upon ingestion.

And when he presented it to Shiki they both started to use it to make an army of mutated animals.

Why? To rule the world.

And Shiki searched for allies too, he called the old man Whitebeard who refused, stating he has no desire to rule the world and that even if he did 'someone' very strong could easily stop him.

Next on the list was Kaido and big mom who he recently found out was dead, which left only Kaido.

This time Shiki brought a sample with him in order to convince Kaido, and that worked for him well, as they both right now were allied.

It was not like Kaido's contribution to this alliance was any worse with an army of specialized Zoan devil fruit eaters…


It was not only Ian who was enjoying his time though.

One particular black-haired lady from the Samurais alliance side was enjoying her time regardless of what was happening around.

She was wearing a blue Kimono that dropped a bit around her shoulders showing a bit of her cleavage… there were also plenty of legs visible, which made the guys nearby all look at her smitten.

However, when you look at them closer you would see them all crying their eyes out.

"S-she's B-Beautiful…" One of the guys says…


The guy then gets his back and neck cracked as he drops to the ground, muttering one last time before losing consciousness:

"B-But she's the Devil in disguise…"

The lady then holds her fan to her mouth as she laughs.

"Fufu, well I am nicknamed the Devil child..." (A/N: Click for pic)

This was Robin and she was having quite the fun torturing these guys… Especially for daring to look at her like that… Only one guy was allowed to do that… it was also the reason that even those from her side avoided checking her out or Elene. This was true even for someone like Sanji…

Well for Sanji it was more of Ian's doing, than Robin's reputation of being a sadist… Ian had directly told him that he'll burn his balls in hot oil and make sure he is awake throughout it all… If he ever looks at his girls perversely… But it won't happen just once, no, Ian said he'll heal him then do it again and again.


A couple of beast pirates who rather are on the bigger size started to yell as they jumped at her swing their weapons intent on knocking her out.

Robin smiled at them like an angel before a huge arm appeared out of nowhere and swatted them aside like some pebbles on the side of the road.

It contained so much force that they lost consciousness even before crashing on the ground…

"So satisfying…" Robin hummed to herself.

The other pirates all thought to themselves:

'Really a Devil…'

She then picked on a rather few large auras coming near her. Her eyes locked on the figures and she started to study them…

"What type of animals are you all supposed to be?" She questioned this newest addition to the battlefield.

They were all walking towards Robin slowly as they eyed her like prey.

She similarly started to study them and count their numbers.

First, there are 8 giant weasels who carried a handmade scythe on their shoulders… it felt ridiculous but she knew they were dangerous based on the aura she felt from them.

'Could they use those weapons? Hmm,' She thought to herself.

Next to it are 5 large blue six-legged tigers with two tails and long teeth like a saber-toothed tiger, these ones were much more larger than the first ones…

'They also feel stronger…' Her eyes then switched to the next target.

They were 11 Long-armed Bears which were basically just black bears with white stripes on their bodies and long arms. Another feature they had besides the long arms was their cute face.

'Adorable…' Robin stared at this one just a wee bit more.

And as if the bears heard her they all collectively growled and roared at her furiously.

"Oh, calm down will you?" Robin waved her fan at them...

Her eyes then moved to the next ones.

They were something Robin preferred to not see… EVER.


She didn't hate them but she preferred if they stayed very far from her… and considering these spiders coming towards her were giant in form and even had armor-like shells on their backs, she wanted them to stay even farther away… like on the grand line or even one of the four seas farther away…

Next after those, were some very huge lions… they didn't look anything special apart from their red and gold color… So Robin moved on to look at the rest.

'Well not special, but somewhat… cute…' Robin praised…

The next type of animal is actually a flying type, they had four wings and were a combination between a rooster and an eagle. Four of them flew towards her along with the rest.

Directly below these flying animals were 5 large blue boars with spikes on their backs. Right spikes…

Next was some sort of cross between a mountain lion, horse, and zebra.

They have hooves and hair shaped like a dorsal fin from their heads all the way to their tails… and the hair is also striped red and white. 6 followed the small army…

Then there were 3 red rhinoceros-like animals who have huge horns but otherwise appeared normal besides their unnatural size.

Following them as Robin saw were 4 animals that resemble an Ibex with large horns. Their bodies are white with black stripes, similar to zebras.

Their horns also appeared to be dangerous and quite sturdy.

In fact, they were not the only ones with giant horns as next to them, 6 giant mammoths followed with their stomping shaking the ground. They looked exactly similar to the deceased Jack's Zoan form…

There were also some hybrid rabbit/wolf animals, and then some dinosaur-like animals who also have horns on its head. They were curved like a reindeer's.

Then there is another type of dinosaur lizard animal that appeared to have an armored outer body, followed by some large Gorillas with fangs and muscular arms.

'Fascinating….' Seeing them all managed to get Robin's interest.

But as she looked around the battlefield, momentarily ignoring these mutated animals coming towards her, she saw them spread around and attacking everywhere and not just her…

And if not for her crewmates and the straw hats, they would be a huge pain in the ass for their samurai allies.

From the straw hats, the closest to her was Franky, who in particular was enjoying his time, as he was blasting these animals and beast pirates around him with laser beams using his giant robot.

The rest were also not doing bad themselves, maybe except for Nami and Nojiko who were teaming up.

On the other hand, her crewmates had no such trouble whatsoever.

Stella was destroying them easily by making chains wrap around one and then she would swing them while hitting all the others… she would do this while laughing happily as if playing or something.

Bert and Akemi would get all close and personnel with them and deal Electro damage to these animals and beast pirates all alike.

Reiju had the most damage as her poison was contagious only for these mutated animals and it spread chaos among them as she smirked at them from afar…

Don the big guy was a master of martial arts and fishmen karate so each punch he dealt casually would result in the huge animals flying away easily.

Robin smiled seeing this.

"Well, the others are having fun I see… How about we also enjoy our time?" She grinned at them sending shivers up their spines.

Huge hands started to appear surrounding them, only this time they were all covered in Haki…

Seeing this the animals started to feel like they were the ones preyed upon and not the other way around…

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