Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 217 - Still Alive!

(A/N: If the story has close to 18 thousand collections, why do the comments barely reach five-six ????? and also, drop some stones. I don't want to reach the top, but at least show some love ????)

While Elene and Kuzan had started to fight it out against the seven diávolois, Elene suddenly felt like something dangerous was about to happen…

But she also felt that it was not targeting them, but rather the seven diávolois.

'It doesn't hurt to be careful anyway…!' She thought to herself as she decided to use one of her hidden clones she had planted earlier to help her by sniping her unaware enemies…

Without even saying anything else, she grabbed Kuzan and jumped away to one of her shadow clones switching places with them, far far away from the battle place they were in.

Just as this happened, both she and Kuzan from their new place saw a beam of pure lightning descend from the sky over their previous place where they were.

The attack destroyed the ground they were previously on and dust was raised obscuring their vision.

When the dust settled, Elene and Kuzan were able to see the effect of that attack.

A huge hole opened in the ground, proof of how strong the attack was…

From the seven enemies they were facing, Elene felt two of their auras vanish, while another one was weakened…

This meant two were directly killed and one was injured…

Elene looked at Ian who was fighting upward and smiled.

"Thank you…"

Kuzan finally got his bearing as he looked around.

"Was that the captain?" He asked Elene.

Elene nodded her head at him.

"Erebus!" She summoned her Living sword

A mass of shadow then started to condense and turned to a sword with a mouth and eyes at the handle.

"Empress!" Erebus greeted with happiness.

This was another thing that happened later on, although created from big mom, since Elene was the shadow empress all shadow constructs were like her subjects… and Elene didn't mind being called that.

"Are you ready to have some fun?" Elene asked as she grinned.

The sword that was flying near her shook with happiness.

Elene then gripped it as she looked at Kuzan.

"Well. Let's start then!" Elene said before they both ran back into the fight.


On another side of the battlefield, Luffy who was supposed to be battling the Tobiroppo ended up being helped by one of them to take on the rest.

And that was Drake. He had been shown to be a spy for the marines by The Marys who are the Beasts Pirates' surveillance force, as such the other remaining Tobiroppo turned on him.

And after weighing in his options, he decided to join the alliance between Luffy and the samurais.

Luffy had refused his help, but he didn't care and fought with him nonetheless. Taking on one of them.

In the end, Luffy transformed into his gear fourth and beat them all with the exception of the person Drake fought, which was Page one. Just as Luffy had finished Drake had also finished taking care of Page one.

Luffy then took a few minutes to recover from his Haki being used and started to move towards where Zoro had run earlier. The castle.

"Wait!" Before Luffy can go any further, Drake called him.

"Let me join you!" He asked Luffy.

"I refuse. Go find Tora-o and ask him that." Luffy stated before he resumed running. After all, Law was the person in charge…

Drake thought about it, and then found it was good enough so he went to find Law.

Meanwhile, Luffy soon after ended up running into the castle, and as he started to climb he met another person doing the same. Only this person was flying upwards.

"You are that brat: Straw-hat Luffy…"

The person remarked upon seeing Luffy.

"Who are you?" Luffy asked him perplexed. He didn't remember this person at all…

The person who was already angered thanks to the scar he received on his c.h.e.s.t earlier by Kin'emon, got even angrier that Luffy who is on the other side in this war didn't know HIM, who is second only to Kaido in terms of strength and authority…

But King didn't have time to waste on him now.

As such he looked at the few beast pirates around and asked in anger as fire lit up above his head.

"What the hell are the Tobiroppo doing to let a weakling like this advance this far? Go call them right now! I don't care what they are doing, they better be here as fast as they could!" He asked.

All of them started to sweat and their knees got weak. An angered King was not someone they wanted to be close to, much less even speak with him.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Luffy was the one who replied sparing them his anger.

"I kicked their asses! And I'll kick yours too!" He said as he raised his right fist.

He was ready to beat this guy black and blue before going to help elsewhere.

This statement led to the fire above king's head becoming even larger as he looked at Luffy and started to grab his sword.

"You don't even know who I am, yet you dare make such a claim? What Arrogance. I'll make sure to educate you and show you your place Straw-Hat!" King spoke each word slowly as he faced Luffy with his sword.

Since there was no one else to take care of him King decided that he might as well enjoy breaking this guy's spirit…

"Bring it on!" Luffy yelled a smoke started to surround his form.


Meanwhile on another side in Onigashima…

Kin'emon, Denjiro, Kikunojo, Raizo, Ashura Doji, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, and finally Kawamatsu, had all gathered to fight against Orochi who ended up being alive even after it was stated that Kaido had killed him.

The scabbards didn't know how that was possible but this was their most hateful enemy and they will make sure he would pay.

Although they also hated Kaido, they admit that it all started because of Orochi who took the shogun place. And now Wano under his rule became like this… Kaido was not a good person they knew that, but he only cared about the results, meanwhile, Orochi was the one who responsible for the means…

It was he and one of his family members who could disguise herself as any person, Higurashi, that plotted for their lord Oden and his father to fall off from their rightful places… this was 41 years ago even before meeting Kaido…

Ian had promised them that he would deal with Kaido but he won't kill him… And they agreed, opening Wano and fulfilling Oden's dream after killing Orochi was enough for them.

But they had heard that Orochi had died… So they felt like he was let off easy, but it turned out they were wrong.

Kurozumi Orochi was still… Alive!

So right now they were all brimming with anger and ready to cut him apart.

Orochi was also angered not only at Kaido for trying to kill him but also at them. But he couldn't do anything to Kaido, as such he settled for killing these scabbards.

"You ruined everything… I'll make sure you pay!" Orochi yelled. All his eight heads swinging wildly around.

He then started to throw fire at them from every one of his heads.

"That's our line you treacherous snake!" Kin'emon yelled at him.

He then jumped up and cut the fire column thrown at him into two. He then continued on towards Orochi and delivered a strike towards one of his heads, but it didn't penetrate at all.

Orochi used one of his other heads to throw Kin'emon away after which he was sent flying into the ground…

"His scales are so tough…" Kin'emon got up completely fine and muttered.

"However it doesn't matter, today, you Kurozumi Orochi will DIE!" Kin'emon.

Before he along with the rest jumped at him their swords swung with a warrior's yell.


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