Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 224 - Rescue!

Marijois. Grand line.

The last time Ian was here he had kidnapped Kong, and following that he had killed him.

But since he did visit before, it was easier for him to teleport there this time.

In the sky above Marijois Ian appeared from a swirl of shadows.

The first thing he did after was to use observation Haki.

He of course would do that since Im was the number one thing he had to be wary about this time.

If it was just the two admirals, then Ian was confident of taking them on both easily. But If Im joined he was not so sure…

He suspected Im was the strongest person in this world… but even if such a scenario came to be, he was confident he could teleport. He had done so once in the past right under her eyes.

If he couldn't save Sabo while doing that, then it would be a shame, but he wouldn't trade his life for his.

'Why does her presence feel faint?' Ian thought to himself as he felt everything around him.

It felt to him as if she was very far away… but he knew for a fact that she was right there in the castle below.

Normally by now, she would have reacted to his presence somehow, but she didn't… this left him wondering what was wrong?

She would have come herself. Ian knew that she wanted nothing more than to kill him after all.

She won't make the same mistake as before and send weaklings after him. at this time only she was capable of doing that perhaps.

'It's no use thinking about this anymore!' Ian decided.

If she couldn't stop him due to something going wrong, then it was good for him. There was no use thinking about this and wasting time.

Ian's Haki picked up on three presences that stood up from the rest. And he also picked up the presence of some others who were strong.

He guessed that some might be diávoloi hiding, after all, Im had to have some around.

The others he felt should be the remaining elders.

He also felt the faint presence of a few people very deep underground.

'Those must be Sabo's companions!' Ian thought.

Ian decided to get on with it.


Though her eyes were closed as if she was in a deep sleep.

Various feelers were connecting through her body.

If you followed where these feelers were going it will lead you to a huge underground room that had no furniture or anything. The only thing it had was…. bodies.

Dead bodies in the millions…

The feelers were connecting to the bodies, and then they would enlarge as if they were absorbing something, and this would go all the way until it pours into Im's body.

It was clear that Im was not aware of whatever was happening outside, and that she was not going to be awake anytime soon.


ON another room that was underground of the castle, a hat can be seen that was frozen.

In fact, the whole room was frozen.


But a heavy thump was heard every few seconds. It appeared as if something was held down, and it was trying to escape…



He flashed to their position.

He then saw Sabo fighting while dodging around against Fujitora and Ryokugyu. The two new admirals.

Sabo had his arms covered in a blueish metallic color along with armament Haki as he kept breaking the ground around them easily and throwing it at them while running backward.

His fingers turned to claws that were very sharp, and they were also made from the blueish metallic color covering his arms.

"HAH!" he yelled as he buried his hands in the ground and threw a huge stone at them.

Ryokugyu also had his arms covered in Haki as he easily swatted the pieces of the ground thrown at him.

"Settle down you brat!" He spoke up.

Meanwhile, Fujitora cut them with his sword and continued on chasing the young man.

"Resistance is futile." He shook his head at Sabo.

And then all of a sudden Fijitora swung his sword at Sabo.

Sabo crossed his arms that were covered in Haki and metal clashing with metal sounds were heard following after.

Sabo held his ground against the admiral, but before he could think of a way to escape the gravity around his form increased all of a sudden.

His legs started to get buried in the ground due to this, but he didn't budge or bend his knees. A testament to his strength.

The other admiral all of a sudden came falling from the sky, his to arms joined together and made a sort of hammer from branches intertwining together. He also covered this huge wooden hammer in Haki.

Sabo started to think that maybe he was done for this time, as even holding down one admiral was tough, before all of a sudden next to him a new person appeared.

This person caught the hammer with one arm easily, while with the wave of another the gravity effect was canceled.

"You are Sabo?" the person asked.

Sabo nodded subconsciously.

"That's good. Then go rejoin your companions!" Ian waved his hands and Sabo suddenly was engulfed in shadows.

The next second after the shadows dissolved, Sabo was gone.

Ian sent him to his fellows who were under the ground.

"Yonko Ian D. Louis! This is even better than catching the Revolutionary Army's chief of staff, Sabo!" Ryokugyu spoke up as he saw Ian.

The hammer that Ian was holding all of a sudden changed into thin branches that started snaking around his form until they had completely circled around him and caught him in a bind.

"A plant-based ability…" Ian muttered.

Ryokugyu had eaten the Hito-Hito no Mi, Model: Faunus. (Human-Human Devil Fruit, Model: Faunus).

It is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allowed its user to control plants, turn invisible… and many other abilities…

He once again used his gravity on Ian and summoned a huge meteor down onto Ian's form.

Right now they were in the gardens surrounding the castle, so Fujitora thought it was fine.

Although Akainu was sure going to give him hell later on.

Ian flexed his muscles, and just like that the bindings snapped like little twigs of a tree…

As for the meteor, Ian grabbed his spear from the ring, and before they could react whatsoever had already swung it multiple times leading to this meteor that was the size of several houses, being cut into various little pieces.

Ian stored his spear once again.

"My objective is done. So I won't be a bother to you anymore. But if you still wish to fight… I won't hold back!" Ian informed them.

He had come to save Sabo. And he had done so. Fortunately, it appeared that no complications arose.

Meaning Im didn't show up just yet… as such Ian wanted to leave while he still had time.

Ryokugyu laughed as he heard Ian.

"We are being underestimated! You brat I'll teach you a lesson to not make fun of your betters!" He grits his teeth as his form started to enlarge and grow big until he was almost ten meters in size.

Horns made of tree branches intertwined appeared above his head, and his body became huge and more powerful like an Ent tree being.

Issho or better now as Fujitora sighed in tiredness.

If it were up to him he would have taken Ian's suggestion.


Because Sabo and the revolutionary army had failed their objective. And now they had run away.

So why battle Ian, what were they going to gain? Nothing.

Issho knew that for a fact. He also knew that they wouldn't even be able to match Ian much less catch him.

If Kizaru failed, then they would fail ten times more… Even Akainu had warned not to engage him unless they were left with no choice…

Too bad his partner this time was a hotheaded one.

How a devil fruit that gave the ability of plants which signified calm, landed in his Ryokugyu's hands who is the complete opposite, Issho would never know.

Since the idiot went and got them into this, he had to follow. He was about to start getting serious himself when Ian moved all of a sudden.

Issho couldn't even see what happened before his partner's transformation started to recede.

Ryokugyu coughed blood and lost consciousness even before he was launched back due to the attack made by Ian.

Ian had moved so fast and then he kicked him straight in the stomach and threw right into the castle with enough force he actually got out from the other side!

Issho could clearly see Ian's form being one of pure blueish electricity unlike earlier when he was still normal.

Ian then turned to stare at Issho.

And seeing him not moving, Ian released his Raijin form. He meant it when he said he won't hold back, and if he fought with his base form, then the fight would just go on and on for a while… He couldn't afford that here and right now…

Seeing Issho not moving at all even after leaving his form, Ian decided to leave.

He was then engulfed in shadows, and after a second he was gone.


Issho sighed.

"Maybe this will teach him to keep his calm the next time…"

Fujitora started to head out towards Ryokugyu…

But after a few seconds, he sighed again.

"Who am I kidding?" He muttered.

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