Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 23 - A bit of training

Since he did not know from which direction he had went when he used 'shave' to fly out of the Florian triangle, he shook his head and took the eternal pose for water 7 to see the direction where he has to go.

In this chaotic ever changing sea, sailing without a log pose, is considered beyond suicide, even if it was someone as strong as Ian.

He would be using the eternal pose to get back to water 7, but since he is not in a hurry he will be sailing normally or rather at a normal speed. The reason why is so that he can get used to his new update in strength, and also so that he can reach the island the very same day his ship would be finished by the builders there.

'Now I have to once again adapt to my new power, otherwise if I even walk normally I'll end up sent flying.' Ian thought in his mind with a smile on his face, as he looked at the direction the pose pointed.

'This is the opposite direction…' he shook his head once he found himself sailing in the opposite direction. He used his power to change the direction of the ship to the correct one leading to water 7, then he took out a small desk from his ring which had a place for the log pose to be fixed on.

After an increase in his strength he always has to learn to control it so that he will not end up destroying things accidentally or even hurt someone. Therefore he has to adapt to it quickly, and for fear of breaking the eternal pose, he had it put there, so that once in a while he will check on it to see if the ship changed directions.

For getting adapted to his new strength, he had training weights to help him get used to it. The more he trained with them the more used he got to his strength.

They were made in the island he grew up on, using some sort of metal that was unknown to the rest of the world, but extremely heavy. Even he did not know from where his father had got them, but he was thankful nonetheless.

Of course they on their own would not be enough. As since the upgrade the last time, the weights were already light in his eyes. Not to mention now that he was on the middle of the earth realm. The realm supposed to boost your physical strength.

But he had thought of a solution for that.

'Although the weights no longer works for me as they became lighter and lighter, if I'm under the gravity effect, it should be enough not to mention that the pressure of the gravity would much stronger now after the power up…' Ian thought inside his mind.

Since before he was already able to influence gravity using telekinesis. So he would be using it now as it should be much more stronger than before.

Of course since his training could potentially destroy the ship, he usually covered it with his energy, thereby protecting it with a layer of invisible shield.

Taking out the training weights, he increased the pressure only on his body.

The first time he had got the ability, he could not pinpoint it at only a specific point accurately, but now he had reached such a degree of mastery to do it with ease.

While he felt the effect of the pressure this time, it was not that much that he will feel it hard to walk r train with the weights.

'It appears I'm getting stronger and stronger…' the gravity did not affect him much, which was the reason he shook his head.

'I want to test if my new defense can nullify the gravity…' Ian thought as he channeled his energy through his body. Once his body had turned to its defensive mode, he tried feeling how the effect of the gravity will differ.

And he did so he was a bit shocked as he felt that he could walk normally. But he still felt the gravity was there. Meaning this form could withstand gravity to a point, but when it was increased further, it will affect it too.

Shaking his head out of his stupor. He turned the defensive form off, then he started thinking of what to do so that he can start his training.

Suddenly he thought of an idea, and started action on it.

He brought one of the hand Dumbbells and focused the pressure on it as much as he could, while still leaving the one on his body there.

When he was done, he tried lifting it up, and noticed how it was extremely heavy even to him.

He put it down, and went next to the Barbells and did the same. Only this time he only managed to lift it up a bit before he let go due to how heavy it was. It fell on the ship with such force that shield covering the deck cracked a bit on the point of impact. Ian was a bit shocked.

As the one who control the shields he knew how strong they were… but even so it was broken a bit. But after a few minutes of thinking, he felt that that was to be expected as all the weight plates he had were inserted on the barbell.

But then another thought appeared in his mind.

'If I add pressure on the barbell first, then on each plate alone and stack them up, wouldn't it be just like continuously adding more weight?' Ian thought.

When he increased the pressure, he did it on the barbell as a whole. But when he thought of increasing it on each plate on its own… it gave him shivers. {A/N: for those who do not understand, picture a barbell for example charged with 50KG, adding the pressure would make it 500KG, then when you add more plates each with increased pressure the weight will only keep growing.}

With the new found training method, Ian started his training, while occasionally checking the pose so that he would not change direction.

"Let's get this started" Ian said with a grin. He was always a fan of working out.


2 days later. Ian was seen in water seven heading to the shipyard to get his new ship.

He had already trained his body strength, to a point where he will not break even a cup when holding it.

Now he was getting his expectations raised due to his ship that he was told was finished, by one of the workers he had met in the city.

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