Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 26 - A memory

A young boy around 12 years old could be seen running around the town he grew up in.

It was Ian. And he had started running since almost 3 hours, and had finished the last lap of the morning regime. On his legs, arms and torso visible weights could be seen. They were a weighted vest, along with well-fitting wrists and ankles weights.

One could also notice a few bruises here and there on his well-built physique.

Now he returned to his and his father's house panting, with groggy legs and weak knees.

"Father, I have finished." He spoke tiredly as he sat on the ground. After all this day was the last day he was going to train by running.

His father, Geo, only grinned at him as he said.

"Today, train harder than yesterday. You understand that right Ian?" Geo said.

Ian, sat upright when he heard this and gave a determined nod.

At first, when he started the training with his father, he like most starters, wanted to quit. But he had shook such thoughts almost instantly and took his father's moto as his ever since. The things he wanted to do in this world needs strength. Sufficient strength.

His training as his father explained, was to get him ready to use some unique abilities this world had. Which were the 'six powers', a special superhuman martial arts style. Who in turn will serve as the base and foundations to acquire the other two types of Haki he still did not have currently.

Since he was 10 years old he had been strengthening his foundations. His father taught him nothing at this time on fighting or Haki. He only explained what each training he was doing will enable him to do in the future.

There was a time when he asked his father if training at an early age will stunt his growth, but his father had said, that the appropriate age for one to train the six powers is 7 or 8 years old.

He ran and ran daily, wearing weights on his body. Weights that each time were increased. The weights on his legs will help him with the three skills from the 'six powers' revolving on the leg usage. Namely, Moonwalk, shave, and lastly Tempest Kick. As for the weights on his upper body, they were there so that his whole body strength will be balanced. This was what his father had said.

As he was running each morning, his father attacked him from unknown locations, with pebbles, that when hit will leave painful bruises. And he could do nothing but get hit at first.

His father explained, that this will help him with acquiring Iron body, and Paper art, along with making him gain the basic observation and armament Haki. Of course that will be only after he had mastered Paper art and Iron body.

The whole morning revolved on this training. But come the afternoon, and after a hearty and healthy lunch filled with nutrients made by his father, he would train between an hour and two to acquire, Finger pistol, along with its flying variant.

However now after two years of this training, it was finally time for something new.

"Now my son, you have mastered the six powers." Geo said with pride, like it was something he did himself.

"But I still get hit by you while running" Ian murmured annoyed. Even when he master Paper art and Iron body, he still can get hurt by his father's seemingly normal pebbles.

"That has nothing to do with you, my son. The six powers are already mastered by you. That much I can guarantee." Geo said with certainty.

Ian even if he stayed silent, couldn't hide the smile from his face.

"And now since you reached this state, we would train for the next year on a special technique more stronger than the skills you have now, that could only be trained when the six powers are mastered by a person. It is an extremely useful one too" Geo said, with a grin.

And Ian even while his excitement grew from knowing the technique his father was talking about as he knew it from the manga, he still faked a question.

"Stronger than the six powers?" Ian asked.


Ian who was half-asleep half-awake as he was dozing off on the couch that was in his hotel room, stirred awake.

"A dream?" Ian murmured to himself. He had remembered his training with his father as he was young while sleeping.

He shook his head and went to cook something for himself.

The straw hats had finally entered water 7 the previous day.

And Ian who had been idling about at the time, with nothing to do other than trying new foods all around Water 7, took notice of them. However he did not go meet them at that time. He had seen Sanji buying food around a place he was eating in, that was how he knew they were here.

However he had to wait things out.

Interfering then, would leave a bad taste in his mouth. As this was Luffy's battle to get Robin back.

And even though he did not care for changing the plot anymore, such battles that correlated to the improvement of the main characters was something he would have to let be.

Otherwise they would not grow strong. Of course, if someone got on his nerve he would not give it much thought before he kicks his ass.

Just like what happened with Enel. If that egoistic garbage had not provoked Ian's wrath, he would have still served his purpose of improving Luffy. Plus Luffy would know that he is immune to electricity. Something Ian doubted he knew now.

As to why it would leave a bad taste in his mouth. It is because, Luffy is coming to save his crew member. It would not do to come in when the captain is trying to show he cares about his friends.

Therefore, Ian made the decision to show Robin that he would be there for her. Otherwise he would leave the straw-hats to their battles, and keep watching. Only interfering if something went wrong.

Of course the possibility for such unknown variants is extremely high, as this world is a bit different than the one he knew about.

However, even if he said he would not interfere much, it is only in consideration to the battles themselves. As to where the battles will happen, he would not be letting it happen like in before.

The moment they shoot the flag, he will get Robin by his side. The rest he will see what will happen.

This was what he decided the day the straw hats reached water 7.

Now it was the day the Aqua Laguna will strike. And also the day Robin is taken to Enies Lobby, after the whole assassination attempt on Icebergs life.

While he was eating, he closed his eyes, and tried to see using one of the basic abilities of observation Haki, which is presence sensing.

In the first place he was not that far away from where Icebergs lives. However even so, his observation Haki now can see very large distances if used with his telekinesis.

Once he did so, he saw how Luffy and his friends had just boarded the sea train. And were taking off to Enies lobby.

He finished eating in almost 5 minutes then, changed his clothes, and wore black pants tucked in his boot, along with a black and white themed fitting shirt. Then he wore atop it, a black single shoulder royal cape which had a white dragon sewn on the back. The cape was held together with a chain and clasp.

The clothes along with his handsome visage brought a sort of king's presence that could be felt around Ian.

He gave a grin, before jumping through the window, and flying in the direction of Enies Lobby.

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