Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 28 - Master Rey

Everybody that was on the place were astonished, even the marines that were trying to stop the straw hats earlier. A random guy that came from out of nowhere had just kicked the strongest person of CP9 away. Quite easily at that. Spandam specifically had his eyes wide open in fright and panic. As his chief he knew how strong Lucci was. He was a genius of his own right, he couldn't possibly be beaten this easily.

Even the other members of CP9 were shocked silly. They could not wrap their heads about it. That strong Rob Lucci, the most powerful member in their organization's history, had been beaten with a single punch.

The straw hats too were surprised.

'This guy… is strong' Zoro and Sanji both had this thought inside their mind. They could not even see him when he moved. Which only meant that he was much stronger than them…

But none of the people there knew who this mysterious person was talking to. Where he was with his eyes looking there was nobody.

Robin too was surprised. Not of Ian's strength, but rather of how she was now safe in between her friends.

"Hey, you are a strong person. However that guy is mine, I still owe him from last time" Luffy spoke to Ian as he was impressed with him. The last time he had got his ass kicked by rob Lucci, therefore he understood that he was strong. But he still had to kick his ass back.

"Suit yourself" Ian replied while still not taking his eyes from the direction he was looking at. He felt the voice of a powerful person coming from there. One powerful enough to give him a good fight.

He then spoke again.

"Since you don't want to come out already. I'll make you" he pointed with his gun shooting a few times which led to a person jumping to dodge the bullets, from the shadows of the building he was looking at.

"How did you know I was there? Not even that brat Lucci noticed me. At first I thought you were just using this tactic to bluff, and see if anybody is hiding nearby. But it appears I was wrong…" The now identified male person spoke. He had quite effortlessly dodged the bullets.

Standing 209cm tall, this fair skinned man has an unenthusiastic feel about him. A particularly notable feature is his long nails, and he has a long cut on his left forearm. He has an angular face with a square jaw, a straight nose, and large lips. His red eyes are small and he has neat eyebrows.

His brown hair, is long and contains few silver strands indicating his growing age, and he has an impressive long grown beard.

He has slanted shoulders, strong arms, a muscular torso, angular h.i.p.s, and long legs. At the moment he was wearing black pants with combat boots, white gloves and a black opened jacket with nothing underneath showing his impressive muscles and abs.

He was taller than Ian, but also shorter than Rob Lucci.

This was the person Ian had felt earlier when he appeared.

"So you finally came out" Ian smiled and completely ignored the question asked.

"That brat Lucci? You two close or something?" then Ian asked his own question.

The person raised his eyebrows, but then replied after a bit.

"My name is Rey, these brats call me Master Rey. I trained them for a time" he said.

"Hoh, then you must be quite strong. nice to meet you, my name is Ian Louis" Ian replied. While internally he was furrowing his brows. There was no such person as far as he knew in the original anime. Unknown things just keeps on piling up…

Spandam who saw Rey was happy. Even if he hated him a bit for being the most insolent one from CP9 towards him. He had even refused to train him… he turned towards him and spoke.

"Rey, go get me Robin back. This is an important task we cannot fail" Spandam spoke with his arrogance now back in full. He knew how strong this person was. And this mission was important for him. As he thought that Robin is evil and intent on world destruction, and him by capturing her could be seen as the world's hero.

Master Rey, glanced at him with furrowed brows. Such a disrespecting trash person was looking down on him. Ordering him around… but rank was rank, and this person was higher in the ladder than him… he even had some pull with highest authority of the world government.

"Roger that sir trash" but there was no way that he would take an insult lying down.

After that he promptly ignored the now enraged screams and flying spit of Spandam, and looked towards Ian. With Ian doing the same.

"There is no need for us to fight, I already have what I want, plus I guarantee you'll regret anything you do from this moment upwards." Ian spoke first breaking the staring contest between them.

"No, even if you got Devil child Robin, you still have to get her cuffs off. But they are made of Sea-Prism Stone, a substance which is as strong as diamond, you know? Plus you will not be able to get them off of her as they nullify devil fruit powers" Master Rey replied to Ian while shaking his head.

"Is that so?" Ian replied. He knew from this that this master Rey had thought of his ability as a Devil fruit. Which was convenient for him as he did not want them to know the truth this early. But then he would not be able to open the locks in front of them using his telekinesis. Well actually he could, as shown by Mr. 3 when he opened Ace's cuffs. However, Ian wanted the straw hats to fight their battles, and what better than to give them some motivation.

"And where are the keys then?" he asked.

"I don't know, I was only sent to make sure everything goes smoothly, from the shadows" Master Rey replied. He turned and looked at the other agents of CP9.

From them Kaku stepped up and spoke.

"Master we have the key." He respectfully addressed him, a huge contrast to their chief Spandam.

He then turned to the straw hats and Ian.

"Each one of us has a key, so in order to get the correct one you would have to fight us, and get them all." Kaku spoke.

But Master Rey spoke immediately after.

"No this guy alone can beat all of you including Lucci. However your strategy is good. You want to divide them. Alright then, I'll make sure to get back our target while you brats take care of the rest of them" Master Rey spoke as he got in a stance to fight. the agents then scattered inside the building.

Meanwhile the straw hats and Franky having heard what was said got ready to fight the agents.

With Luffy launching himself like a rocket towards where Rob Lucci had crashed through. The rest of the crew shook their heads, but consulted between themselves and Franky then promised that each will win their fights even at the cost of their lives, then they will join Luffy and help him if he needed so.

But they had a problem on how to reach the other side. Unlike in the original world there was no rocket train coming, so Ian spoke to them.

"Just jump, I have made a path for you" he said.

They looked at him with wariness, but Zoro jumped after a few seconds, with Sanji and Franky following him soon.

Once they did they found themselves standing on a solid invisible platform. They looked at Ian with respect before nodding their heads to their crew and running ahead. The rest followed soon.

Then Ian once he saw they were gone, just opened Robin's cuffs using his powers, shocking not only her but even Master Rey.

Robin yelled at him soon after recovering from her shock.

"If you could do this from the beginning then why make them go through all the trouble?" She knew she shouldn't yell at him as he had saved her, but her friend's life was in danger, meanwhile it could have been avoided if he just took the handcuffs off of her.

Ian looked at her but still explained patiently.

"First of all, the captain would have jumped even if he knew I could release you. Second, is that they are a pirate crew. One that is weak if I may add. No offense though. But since they are still growing stronger, and the battles coming their way will only get harder and harder, they have to fight their own battles and win them to improve. Most likely that green headed guy and the one with the eyebrows knows this, another reason why they jumped first. If I was not here, the crew would have fought, and emerged stronger than before. I did them a favor by giving them a motivating reason to fight, and relax, they are all within my range in case something unexpected happens" Ian said. He also noticed from the corner of his eyes how Master Rey was just waiting for him at the side. It appeared he was a good person.

Once Robin heard this, she thought it over in her mind, soon realizing that everything he said is correct. She tried apologizing once she reached that conclusion, but Ian was faster as he spoke.

"There's no need to apologize, I know you are just worried about your friends." Ian said with a smile.

He then turned to his opponent and spoke.

"Thank you for your patience. You are a good person, if it could be avoided I would rather not fight you, but I feel like you will not be able to" Ian said.

"Robin, go to the side, you are free to watch, but do not interfere." Ian spoke towards Robin. she gave a nod.

"I indeed cannot just sit by. I have to get Devil child Robin back" Master Rey spoke.

After which he let Robin take a bit of distance, before he used 'shave' to get near Ian. On the place where he was standing. This was originally the place where Luffy fought Blueno.

Ian gave a nod. Before he used 'shave' too and engaged in close quarters combat with, Master Rey.

He had already decided that in this fight he would only be using the six powers of the marines, as the person himself was one of the masters teaching it to the marines.

Even without using observation Haki, he could still effortlessly dodge each attack coming towards him, while at the same time delivering attacks of his own. Master Rey would punch at him, and Ian would respond with two. But Ian was restraining his strength, otherwise one punch, if it connects, would be enough to beat him.

Still Ian could not help but admire how Master Rey fought. His muscles were not there for show. They enabled him to attack successively, with each attack holding the same amount of strength.

Robin watching from the side, saw how the fight was going. She saw that Ian was mostly guarding, but his attacks were having effects, unlike the ones from Master Rey.

Master Rey, tried punching Ian in his stomach, but Ian dodged to the left, and released a kick of his own that master Rey thought of avoiding, but found it to be too fast, so he used one arm close to his chest to guard, then used the momentum from this to continue attacking with his left-hand, using finger gun.

But once again Ian dodged it, and used 'shave' to gain a bit of distance, and swung his arms three times releasing three sharp compressed air crossed blades at Master Rey. But he dodged them easily, and sent his own tempest kick air blades. He first attacked from where he was standing, then used 'shave' and attacked with another blade and kept doing this until he had Ian in the middle of a circle of coming tempest kicks.

Ian gave a grin and tightened his muscles as he used Iron body to take the attacks. He purposefully did so, even if he could dodge easily.

The attacks landed raising with them a cloud of dust, but once it settled down, Ian could be seen there, unharmed.

"Flying Finger Gun: 'Barrage'" Master Rey who was using Moonwalk to stay in the sky, yelled as he released multiple flying finger guns in succession. He didn't want to give Ian any time to rest. From him tanking all his attacks, he knew Ian was stronger than him in his current form. Not to mention that he felt Ian was fighting leisurely.

But Ian didn't even wait for him to finish as he used 'shave' to appear on top of him, and swung his leg kicking him down towards the lower floors of the courthouse they were standing on.

He then landed on the ground and walked closer to robin as he waited for him to comeback.

He could feel that master Rey was still holding back too. In fact he could even feel his aura getting stronger right now. He guessed that he too had ate a devil fruit like the rest of the CP9 agents.

Robin thinking it was over spoke towards Ian.

"Did you already beat him? You're quite strong, I have never seen such amazing powers like the two of you used" She said, her tone filled with admiration.

"No he is not down yet. And that was just a warm up. The real fight is coming next." Ian replied with a grin, as he was looking at the hole he sent master Rey through. He could feel his aura climbing in at a very high speed.

"Those technique are, the Six Styles or the Six Powers. The Six powers are a special, superhuman martial arts style. One would need to hone their body for years to be able to use them. It is a secret martial art style that the world government relies on" Ian then answered Robin about the techniques she saw.

She took a few seconds to think before she said.

"Superhuman martial arts style?"

"Indeed. One that had mastered the six powers, will have the strength of a 100 man. And the stronger your physical body, the stronger your techniques will be. That guy Rob Lucci had mastered them, which is why I have let the captain of the pirate crew that came to save you, fight him. So that he can rise above him, and win to reach new heights." Ian said.

But Robin could not speak again, as Master Rey was back. But when she focused on him she was shocked, as she saw he had become different than before. But Ian did not become surprised, rather he was excited to see the new form master Rey had took. This will make the fight much more enjoyable and exciting.

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