Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 37 - Robin's new bounty

Ian had made a few sandwiches for Robin and him to munch on right now in the kitchen, before he will make something more filling later for dinner. And although his cooking could not be compared to that guy Sanji, his would still be pleasant for anybody that ate it.

The sandwiches consisted of eggs, a bit of mayonnaise, slices of: bread, cheese, tomato, and ham. Plus a lettuce leaf and a tiny bit of butter spread on the bread. Then when he had cooked everything up, he cut the sandwiches diagonally to be served, along with some orange juice.

Then he put everything on a tray and made his way back towards Robin. And noticed that she had opened up a deck chair and was reading the same book from earlier when he knocked on her room.

He put the tray on a table, and brought it near Robin, before he went to the storage room, and got another deck chair. The one Robin was sitting on was the one he usually used on his last ship.

Once he laid down in comfortable position, he grabbed a sandwich and sipped on his glass of juice and watched as Robin put her book down to try the sandwiches.

"These are good, I didn't expect you Ian to even be a good cook" Robin muttered as she tasted the food. Even if it was not the same as Sanji, she still found it to be good.

She then remembered about the newspaper and the bounty issued.

"That's right, a bounty had been issued for you, here you go." She said as she passed the newspaper and bounty.

Ian of course held the bounty first. The amount was not shocking for him. But the fact that his first ever bounty was already this high, was. He read the description bellow and raised his eyebrows in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"This person, was a relatively unknown pirate and stayed most of the time low-key, until he took the world by surprise suddenly. The marines had already suspected him of several operations that resulted in many islands getting destroyed and many innocents dying, and only now was able to confirm that he was responsible with his latest actions of saving the devil child Nico Robin who is known for her pursuit of the world destruction. Ian Louis, is an extremely cruel and malicious person. Must be avoided at all costs." Ian read aloud.

And Robin for a few seconds, thought that Ian might come to regret his involvement with her due to this. Her hands holding the orange juice glass froze midair.

"Haha, this absolutely hilarious. Who would have thought my first bounty would already be this high. Hey Robin, you better watch out, I am an extremely cruel and malicious person…" Ian laughed hard, before at the end of his words he tried to smile an evil smile but couldn't make it right, which resulted in Robin releasing a cute giggle.

She was finally able to relax.

Ian grabbed another sandwich as he put the bounty aside and reached for the newspaper to read what's new. To his surprise though, many other bounties slipped off the paper.

"Ah, I didn't know there were more. Did you already check them?" Ian asked, as he held them in his hands.

Robin shook her head.

"I didn't. Actually I only browsed over the newspaper, but when your bounty fell off I just put it aside and waited for you." She said, and now that she thought about she should have checked stuff out.

Ian nodded and started checking them up. To his surprise they were the straw hats crew new bounties, and even Robin had an increase like him.

Ian finally remembered this from the original anime, but he was sure robin's bounty was not this high after the events of Enies lobby. But after pondering for a bit he knew the reason.

He then showed her the bounties one by one and especially left her bounty till the end. Starting with Luffy: 300.000.000 berries.

"Oh, Luffy made a jump with his bounty, I'm sure he will be extremely happy." She smiled just thinking about it. She then saw Zoro had a raise too. 120,000,000 berries. Sanji, 77.000.000, Usopp 30,000,000, Nami 16.000.000, Nojiko 19.000.000, Franky had a 44.000.000 bounty and chopper had 50 berries on his head.

"Is that Sanji, why does his picture look like that? And Nami and Usopp must be freaking out right now haha. Also Franky, would have to join their crew now." Robin reacted towards each poster. Franky would have to join them now, as he would be wanted, and can't stay in water 7.

"Cotton candy lover Chopper haha what a fitting name." Ian said and Robin laughed with him too.

He then finally presented her bounty.

"Look who got a raise" He grinned at her.

Robin was a bit surprised. She knew that such a bounty was a bit high for her. But when she remembered Ian, she was able to understand things quickly. She reached the same conclusion that Ian reached earlier. Her bounty was raised because she now had the protection of two highly wanted pirates. One with 300.000.000 berries and the other with 500.000.000 berries.

Bounties being raised was not always due to getting more stronger, but rather sometimes, it was because the danger you represents would be higher. Just like Robin, if she was alone, her original bounty would suffice, but now that she had Ian and Luffy's backup, she posed a new threat much higher than before.

Nico Robin.

165.000.000 berries.


The next day.

Sabaody archipelago.

Normally one would have to pass through the Florian triangle to reach Sabaody archipelago, but since Ian had an eternal pose, he was able to go through a direction directly. Coupled with his powers driving the ship, the next day they had reached Sabaody archipelago.

This speed was extremely fast, and Robin was amazed with this. This trip would generally take three to four days, but they had made it in one night.

Ian had things to do that was why he didn't hold back and sailed at his top speed. He had to meet whitebeard as soon as possible, to be able to set his mind at ease.

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