Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 50 - Healed

In truth Ian had already thought about this situation even from before he boarded this ship and met the old man. He had been musing about it for a while now. Whether to help him with his condition or not. And the conclusion he reached was that he would not care much for messing the timeline. It was his life to do as likes. And since he liked the old man in the anime and manga, he was not about to let him die for such a stupid reason. Besides the timeline was already messed up as far as he could see.

Ian then started rotating his energy inside Whitebeard's body in a cycle.

And once his energy circulated once in the old man's body, he knew it was capable of getting rid of the cells. So he got to it without any messing around. The first step was done. And he started the second which was to get rid of the cells. The process was a bit painful, but he noticed how the old man didn't even grunt from the pain. Which was understandable to Ian as Whitebeard must have been in similar pain constantly from his sickness.

After a while, Ian was done, and he felt a bit tired from the process but even so he could still go on with the next step. He started on the third step now that he already got rid of the cancer cells completely.

This time he felt that it was quite a bit easier than getting rid of the cancer cells from earlier, but even so it was still taxing on his stamina, so he took a few minutes break every time he healed one of the injured or failing organs inside the old man's body. He had many of them and Ian guessed it was like that because of his advanced age, as no doctor could heal him completely.

Then finally after he was done with that task, all that was left was to circulate the energy inside his body to invigorate him and fill his body with vitality, similar to what he had done to Ray and his wife when he met them, plus Robin later after she felt a bit jealous.

All the time since they started Whitebeard appeared to have entered some sort of trance. He was of course feeling the changes happening to him even so, and he felt himself getting healthier by the second under Ian's hands.

By the end when he woke up from the trance he found Ian breathing roughly as he sat on the ground. He gave him a thankful look, and vowed inside that he will forever be in debt for this favor Ian had done him. For this chance for him to stay with his family in the future. The reason being that he felt his body as healthy as it can be. In fact most of the things and techniques he wasn't even able to use anymore due to his aging body, were now easy to execute as if he returned to being a young man at his prime.

He let out a boisterous laugh that was heard all around the ship from the sheer happiness he felt.

"Gurahahahahaha. WAIT FOR ME ACE. I'M COMING FOR YOU. Whitebeard is BACK" He yelled as loud as he could, as if his voice would reach across the seas to his son, Ace.

Marco and Jozu who were by the side hurriedly entered the room and took in their surroundings before suddenly standing there in shock at what they saw. Their faces at that moment contained a mixture of emotions ranging from disbelief to happiness. Soon Tears started falling freely from their faces.





Back to Ian's crew.

In the room in the ship that was assigned to them.

They were just sitting around and enjoying the various food, some people had brought them earlier, and talking among each other, when they heard the loud yelling belonging to the old man reverberating around the ship.

"What does he mean by being back?" Stella asked perplexed soon after the laughing died.

She couldn't understand why he would say something like that out of nowhere. Though she could understand about Ace as it was known he was being held by the marines for a while now.

Robin and Elene were the only ones among the four who knew something about this. Robin knew from searching for various information around whitebeard when she was still a member of crocodile's organization in the past, as it appeared that crocodile had hated the old man. But she only knew that he was suffering from a sickness no one could heal. Not the exact type of illness.

Meanwhile Elene knew the same thing from the anime and manga, just like Ian. And she already saw Ian heal Bert so she was not extremely surprised like the rest. She was able to connect the dots quickly.

"I had heard in the past that Whitebeard, was suffering from a sickness that prohibited him from exerting his full powers. I guess it was true. And Ian must have done something about it." Robin said as she tried to explain stuff to her family.

"Most likely, I too heard something like that." Elene added after her.

Bert and Stella meanwhile were astonished.

This notorious pirate who planted terror in the hearts of all his enemies, the one who made countless territories his in this vast sea, was actually sick. They couldn't imagine ever hearing something like this. Even sick he was still strong enough to be called the strongest man in the world. But how about now that he was probably healed?

The two of them shared that same thought.

"Wow" Stella exclaimed in amazement, partially to Whitebeard and what he can now do that he was healthy, but mostly to Ian and his mysterious ways who brought about this change.

Bert too had some respect for Ian sine before, but now he had his full respect. To be able to do something like this is quite amazing after all. And he too wanted to see what the old man can do now that he was healed from the sickness that was plaguing him all this time.

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