Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 57 - War of the best: Making a move (4?)

Island of Marineford. In paradise.

On the Moby d.i.c.k.

All the people around were astonished with how the three on the ship appeared to be casually chatting as if equals. What was even more ridiculous was how one of them was holding crocodile by the neck effortlessly in his hands.

Though none of them could hear what they were talking about.

Luffy had proceeded to tell them something he had heard. It was an intercepted call from the marines, informing each other that they will forgo the execution time, and do it sooner ahead of the schedule. And Ian who knew this from before just stood there calmly and listened. He had already informed the old man, about anything he knew could happen in the form of suggestions to mask that he knew it from before. One could say he was shameless for playing the smartass role, but Ian had other thoughts… he didn't want to stumble into something quite serious because he kept all information a secret as such he did what he had to.

He then turned his attention elsewhere, and left the old man thinking.

"Oi, you crocodile bastard, you had hurt one mine before, namely Robin, as such I will repay you for that. I will make you engrave it in your mind to not cross Ian Louis or any of his people in the future" Ian said. Before he reached with his energy towards the bastard's head, then he made him see an illusion with his mind powers. In the illusion he made it so that crocodile dies multiple times, sometimes being innocent and sometimes guilty, each death however was different than the other, in times he was burned, but in others he was cut to pieces slowly… he had spent years of life in what was in reality just a second.

This was an ability Ian had gotten since he was young, however he did not want to use it on anyone as it left a bad taste in his mouth, but, with people like crocodile and Enel he felt that it was fitting. Though his anger blinded him at that time with Enel, so he didn't use it. He could also read memories if he focused enough, but he could not influence or change them. Yet.

In the real world however Crocodile's eyes turned white as they bled and he convulsed from the mental pain he was undergoing. After a while he lost consciousness, and Ian threw him off the ship in a random direction. He then saw that the one called MR. 1, who had been watching since the moment Ian held Crocodile, running to help him up. Ian just shook his head with a sigh.

He then noticed how the old man was eying him up sideways.

"What? He hurt someone from my family you know! Besides this will only teach him not to mess with me or mine" Ian said as he explained things up for him.

Soon even Marco had joined them after flying down from the sky.

"Pops. I heard something from the marines. They are planning to execute Ace before the schedule." Marco said as soon he had stepped near them.

"Oi Ian, are you still not going to move?" Marco was quite agitated as he had heard about the news. And he knew that it was left to Ian to rescue Ace, as such he was urging him to start things up.

"Calm down, Marco. Ace's brother has just told us about that." Whitebeard spoke to calm his son as he gave credits to Luffy.

"Luffy go ahead now. Wreak havoc on them, and you will also find that someone will be helping you. But still don't get complacent and challenge someone you shouldn't" Ian said to Luffy.

"Oh" Luffy gave a nod before he run and jumped off the ship.

When Ian said that someone will helping Luffy, he meant Elene. It was actually one of the most important missions given to her along with others too. She would be giving him help along with the commander he will be going with. At least until Ian saves Ace, then both brothers would start retreating, and she would focus elsewhere.

As soon as Luffy hit the crowd he was joined by Jinbe and Ivankov and his people. They soon started engaging the marines strongly. Then Elene got their backs, with the occasional helping hand, or rather shots this time.

"Marco, you don't know this, but Ian had already told me of such a possibility of hastening Ace's execution back when we were discussing our plans. Since it is a pirate on the execution platform, the possibility was quite high" He said.

As Ian had already told him of what could happen in this war in the form of suggestions to mask that he knew them from before.

Marco was a bit surprised before he quickly recovered and gave a nod of respect towards Ian.

"We both also think that it must be part of Sengoku's plan that we will get some leaked information." Whitebeard then said.

"He wouldn't let his enemy discover his plans so easily. He's not that foolish a person" He added.

Back in the battlefield Jozu who should have been occupied by crocodile, ended up accompanying Luffy. He then helped him up with the fighting going on. Jozu had already been informed to help straw hat with the fights.

He then saw how Mihawk stood in their way, and how Jozu acted up against him.

Ian once again stopped paying any attention to all the drama going on around�� he felt that if he watched anymore he just might snap and start destroying everything. His mission was to save Ace and that would start once Whitebeard gets entangled with the admirals.

The battle continues to rage on, as the onlookers at Sabaody Archipelago watch on in horror. As the civilians begin to realize that Ace is to be executed early, Sengoku demands that the feed be cut off, so that the civilians would not lose faith in the Marines, as such a tragedy would be too much for them to witness. Sengoku justifies his actions by saying that all they needed to say to the world after the battle was over would be one word: "Victory".

Suddenly, more battlesh.i.p.s begin to appear from behind. As the pirates note that they are not allies, Whitebeard, Luffy, Ian, and Ivankov recognize those on board: Sentomaru has arrived at the battle, backed up by an army of at least twenty Pacifista. The battle has gone on for an hour and a half, and it is about to enter its final phase.

Both pirates and civilians look on in horror as the Pacifista arrive, as the only knowledge the pirates had was rumors that Vegapunk had been using human corpses to develop a human weapon. However, they are mystified as to why they are all Kuma.

Sentomaru tells Kizaru that things were not going according to plan, as the pirates were meant to be all driven into the bay, instead of being scattered as they were. As the pirates hear on, they realize that Whitebeard knew that the Marines were going to pin them all into the bay, and that by telling them to split apart, he had saved their lives.

Sengoku demands that they continue with the plan, attacking any stragglers that they could reach. Sentomaru asks Kizaru if it is okay if the Pacifista destroy some of the Marine's battlesh.i.p.s as well, to which Kizaru simply replies that they should not destroy too many.

Ian gave a sigh as he moved closer to the old man.

"Although we planned things up, in the actual situation many variables changes constantly. I should make a move right now, or otherwise, this war would carry with it too many deaths." Ian spoke as he moved to the edge and jumped off the ship.

Leaving the old man overlooking the battlefield as he gave a nod.

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