Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 67 - War of the best: Vs The admirals and fleet admiral (13?)

While all the pirates including all the commanders of the 14 divisions were retreating, Ian and the old man Whitebeard had been on a spree attacking the two admirals, Akainu, Kizaru, and the fleet admiral Sengoku. And in the way keeping them suppressed.

For Ian who had never been in a fight of this magnitude before in his life, it was quite hard to keep up with the others at first when he had just joined the fight.

As the moment he had dodged a serious attack from one of the admirals, another one would soon be targeting his blind spot at the place he was going to dodge to, from another enemy. This was how much the admirals worked in coordination with each other, plus Sengoku who had a lifetime of experience from fighting.

But after a while of him fighting in this way, he started to get more and more focused into the fight that it soon became natural for him to attack and dodge just like the rest.


Akainu attempted to make an attack by transforming his fists into pure magma before expanding and throwing both fists forward akin to oversized rockets, burning whatever lies in their path. But Ian who was in its path was not bothered the least as he used his telekinesis to easily redirect the attack towards Sengoku who had been trying to attack Whitebeard off guard. He would not have been able to redirect the attack that easily if Akainu had been able to control and change the direction of his projectiles.

Meanwhile Sengoku was made to hurriedly block with his Haki as he was caught unprepared for dodging.

Whitebeard had been attacking Kizaru who kept reforming around and dodging all attacks while delivering his owns.

Kizaru was using attacks that targeted a whole area in order to limit the places where the old man can dodge to, while Whitebeard was able to send devastating attacks at his direction making him constantly dodge, as if even one attack touched him he will be extremely hurt.

The old man had noticed the coming sneak attack of Sengoku but waited to see if Ian was going to do something, and he soon did as he redirected Akain's attack at the golden Sengoku making him defend. The old man was proud and content to have someone like Ian guarding is back.

Ian then used 'shave' as he finally found the number of steps he can attempt to use without needing a lot of time to heal. It was 28 steps, and when he used it left him a bit injured but it was the type of injury that was easy to heal in a few seconds. But the speed resulting from it was enough to keep up with Kizaru who was supposedly the fastest person in the world, as he ate the Glint-Glint fruit.

This fruit was said to let the user travel at light speed. But Ian knew better than to believe that bullshit.

Even regular pirates had caught Kizaru off guard multiple times, and he had to reform someplace nearby, while someone with light speed should be able to move as if the surroundings time had stopped. Not to mention how he wasn't able to completely dodge Elene's shot.

Which lead to Ian guessing that the user of the fruit would only reach a speed close to Light speed once he awakened the fruit, but it quite possibly had huge limitations for that.

Back to Ian, he used 'Shave' and appeared behind Akainu as he was much slower than his fellow admirals, and attacked him with his sword covered in Haki.

However Akainu had been waiting for this and the moment his observation Haki flared up he jumped to the back dodging the sword strike and released the magma pillar trap he had been preparing for when Ian or Whitebeard attacked him.

He was preparing it from under the ground he was standing on, and the moment Ian stepped there he made it explode. But to his annoyance, Ian had enough speed to outrun the area of effect quite easily.

He was then made to dodge the successive attacks of Ian and his deadly flying sword attacks that came from all directions.

He was not able to dodge them all, and even when he coated his arms in Haki he still was sometimes injured by the stronger sword strikes. He knew that Ian's Haki was stronger than his. But he had his pride so he just kept getting entangled with Ian, with the both of them dodging and attacking viciously.

Ian then noticed that the pirates had passed a safe distance away and motioned for the old man to get on with their next part of the plan.

Soon Sengoku came to Akainu's help to which Ian switched to attacking Kizaru who was a bit of distance away and left Akainu and the golden Buddha to the old man.

Akainu attempted to attack the old man with his hound attack as he released it in the direction of Whitebeard.

Unfazed, Whitebeard –who was particularly enraged at Akainu- slams both the attack and Akainu aside with an extra powered quake punch, injuring Akainu even further and in the process causing an earthquake that demolishes Marine Headquarters base and splits the plaza in half. This act separates the Marines following the retreating pirates, isolating Whitebeard and Ian with the Marines.

Sengoku is astonished that Whitebeard still has so much power despite his age… not to mention that he had been in battle for a while now, and he should be tired…

Ian grinned. He was amazed at this much power as shown by the old man. Truly a deadly fruit the one the old man ate. Ian always wondered about the claim of it being able to destroy the world, but if one had awakened the fruit perhaps it would be true.

Now that the old man separated them, it left only him and the old man in the fight.

And Ian knew that soon Blackbeard was going to come, thinking to himself that Whitebeard was close to dying… only to end up f.u.c.k.i.e.d… Ian was filled with anticipation for that time.

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