Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 73 - Devastating attack

Ian silently focused on the ring in his middle left finger, and brought out a weapon from the space. It was the weapon he was the most proficient in, the one he trained the most on and had already mastered. The Spear.

But this spear was different than the usual, as it was a double edged spear. And Ian was a master in using this spear.

Previously not even the admirals and the fleet admiral made him get serious enough to bring out his weapon. At the time he had been just fighting either to buy time, or was just defending against them. He was not trying to take them down. But now against this opponent, he felt that if he didn't go all out, he might lose against him.

At this point in time, Ian was going to fight with his all. This person in front of him gave him chills at his back. He knew that he had to fight as best as he can or he might die.

He had suffered internal injuries from the sudden attack that was thrown at him, but his high regeneration had healed him already so he was ready to go at it anytime now.

"Who are you, and why are you attacking me?" Ian coldly spoke as he addressed the other person.

The other person simply shrugged his shoulders as he threw the sword in his hands to the ground.

It had started to shatter on its own from how strong the attack made with it.

"Such a weak sword… Eh I need to find another" He muttered to himself completely ignoring Ian as he bent out to look for a fallen sword that is still working.

Whitebeard met eyes with Ian and understood that Ian wanted to fight him on his own. So he stepped back a bit, and stayed alert in order to give help whenever necessary.

'However, why do I feel something bad is going to happen?' Whitebeard thought to himself.


"Isn't that one of our marines, what is he doing there?" Sengoku muttered to himself as he watched the coming fight.

"More importantly Sengoku, How was he able to sneak attack him when he was just a regular soldier?" Garp who was by his side addressed the more important issue they were facing.

"Mn" Sengoku Nodded. He shared the same thought. That person who had attacked even if he wasn't wearing the marines' uniform right now was still one of them and he knew it. But the problem was that someone that strong was hiding among them… As for the thought that that attack had been a fluke he didn't even think about it…

"How troublesome…" Kizaru muttered. He too thought that the war was over, and now someone from their side had started things up again.

His fellow admiral Aokiji shared the same thoughts. But sadly the last admiral among them and the most hot-blooded of them didn't share agree with the thought.

"Fleet admiral, this is our chance right now, with someone like that on our side, we would be able to take at least one of the pirates. Maybe even Whitebeard after we take care of that guy Ian…" Akainu stepped out and came near Sengoku and Garp as his right arm was ignited in lava with smoke coming out.

Out of the admirals he was the one most injured. He had blood all over his face, and his eyes were filled with a boundless hate and anger.

"Sigh" Sengoku sighed.

"As much as I would like that, Akainu, this war is over. All we have to do now is tend to our injured and retreat to our side. There is no need to take a risk right now." He then added.

"However fleet admiral-"He yelled out but was caught out of guard when Sengoku himself yelled back.

"That was an ORDER" he said as he glared at him.

Akainu clenched his hands as his glare started to become murderous.

'I can't waste this chance… I'll deal with the consequences later.' He concluded in his mind as he used 'Shave' to approach that unknown addition to the war.

"Akainu, you!!" Sengoku yelled out as he grit his teeth. But raised his hands down when he saw the other admirals going to stop him.

"Let him be" He whispered. He was not known for his cunningness just like that after all.

He had yelled out to show all the other people on the field that Akainu had ignored his orders, but he himself wanted him to go and if possible take one of the pirates down, either Ian or Whitebeard. But since he already gave his words, he didn't want to go back on them.

Plus Akainu was known for his hot-bloodedness.


And just like that Ian and Whitebeard heard his yell as they saw Akainu coming towards them. They understood he went against orders, but they also knew that Sengoku wanted it to happen this way.

"Hoh, who do we have here… Admiral Akainu?" The unknown person said. As he peered over the Magma user. His hands once again holding a good sword.

"If we fight together we'll be able to take them down easier. You are on the marines' side right?" Akainu went straight to the point.

"Mn" The person nodded.

"Then let's take care of the weaker one first" Akainu said as he looked at Ian.

The other person snickered when he heard the term 'Weaker'. He knew that Ian was strong and possibly even stronger than Whitebeard. Granted the old man had the highest destructive force, but in a fight that was not what decides the winner. Still he thought that it was fine either way so he agreed.

As they came to a mutual point, they kicked the ground and closed in on Ian, as fast as they could.

Ian gave a nod for whitebeard once again, telling him to stand off.

Ian watched with bored eyes, when Akainu was going to come near him, a sword passed through his back to his stomach as he looked with horror on his face back at the unknown person.

It was not that Akainu had let down his guard, but it was that the person was a master of sneak attacks so he wasn't able to react in time. One moment he was a bit of distance away and the next he was plunging his sword at him.

"I do not like it when people try to use me" The person muttered as he took his sword out and swung it to clean from the blood.

Akainu fell on his knees as he started losing feeling in his body.

'Poison' he thought to himself before he lost consciousness.

And just like that an admiral was down.

The person then once again vanished, only to appear near Ian.

But Ian was prepared. When he uses observation Haki and his telekinesis in conjecture he was able to detect the movements of this person. So as soon as the person neared him he ducked at his swing and delivered his own attack with his spear.

The attack connected and it drew blood but the person didn't mind as he just kicked the ground and somersaulted backwards before once again vanishing from Ian's field of vision.

Ian was ready for him. Without even turning his swung his spear backwards narrowly missing the person as he guarded with his sword.

"Hoh, impressive…" The person muttered.

The fact that Ian guarded the sneak attacks since the first time and was still doing it until now, unlike Akainu who was spouting about Ian being the weakest, was recorded and seen by the whole world.

Even the marines started to reconsider about Ian, perhaps he was as strong as Whitebeard. At first they only thought of him as a strong pirate, but perhaps he was an uncrowned emperor. With strength reaching the same as the four rulers of the seas.

Suddenly the unknown person attacked with a downward swing that Ian redirected to the side, and then Ian spun on his heel delivering an attack with the other edge of the spear.

The attack was unpredictable as it all happened in a second. Ian redirected the sword strike with one side of the spear and leaving both hands of the person holding the sword sideways and then right after that came the other end of the spear, after Ian had turned on his heel, that went right through the person's throat.

Then Ian focused his energy on his spear before he thrust it at the person's chest, going right through him and releasing a massive shockwave. Ian had used his six king gun with the spear.

The person grabbed his throat with one hand while the other went to the hole in his chest, as he let the sword he was holding fall to the ground.

He started gurgling blood as he looked at Ian with Hate filled eyes.

And just like then his eyes lost their light as the figure fell to the ground slumped and stopped breathing.

And just when everybody thought that the fight was over something happened.

The person who should already be dead, started moving with his hands and legs moving in awkward positions as 'pop' sounds were heard. A grey fog surrounded him as the movement continued.

The visible silhouette showing through the fog started enlarging until it reached a height of three meters. Though the details about it were very vague.

And then suddenly a new voice was heard all around.

"Who would have thought that you were that strong…" The voice sounded inhuman, deep and grating on the ears, as if its owner was not speaking his own language…

'I knew that there was something wrong about that person's body.' Ian thought to himself. He was sure that he had killed the person, so he knew that this was not a Zoan form. While whitebeard finally knew why he had that bad feeling earlier.

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