Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 76 - Execution

A bit of distance away from where all of them were standing and now looking at the huge shadowy form.

Shanks had just got back to the battlefield as fast as he could when he felt a type of energy he had felt from before. It was the energy he picked up on Blackbeard's body…

It was also something he felt from a certain someone back in the years when he was younger… He had felt the energy was evil, but he couldn't do anything about it… he did not know anything about them being devils, if he did, perhaps he wouldn't have made a deal with the world government all those years ago…

He was running along with his crew when he signaled them to stop, and just like the rest, he took a look at what that huge form is.

From Its energy, he knew that his crew should stay out of this at all costs, or they might die.

"You guys, step a huge distance from this thing and just wait for me," Shanks told them.

And they knew from the years they spent together, that he was not looking down on them. Rather he was thinking about protecting them. So they just nodded and did as asked.

While he stepped up near Whitebeard and Ian.

"So you are still here Red hair?" Whitebeard asked without taking his eyes off the beast.

"Yes! I came as fast as I could to give help" He nodded his head as he took the appearance of the beast.

Ian too gave a nod and went back to observe the beast that was now in front of them.

It was beyond huge. It was enormous. Like 800 meters sized.

Its arms and legs were slender, and its skin was a really dark blue close to black. Its arms were shaped like five long and sharp claws. But besides this, there was no notable feature, as if it was just a blob of darkness shaped like a humanoid.

Ian was stumped as he saw this. In his mind, he was like 'what the f*ck is this? How am I supposed to fight that?" Since this war, he had started to realize the importance of having huge firepower. And though he was strong, he didn't have a finisher move as one would say.

The marines had to begrudgingly fight once again with the pirates as they would need all the help they would need. They had seen all the beast could do in the smaller form and were not willing to see it in this form. The damage it could do to the world would be tremendous.

So the marines talked to each other and decided they would work together.

"Whitebeard, Red hair and… Ian. Let's work together to take care of this abomination" Sengoku asked as he swallowed his pride for this one time and bowed his head at them. Even Garp joined him.

But the beast didn't give them any more time to think as it tried to run past them, which with its size would not take it many steps to do so.

So when Ian and co realized that, they agreed to Sengoku, and all of them started to take action.

Although its size was huge, they were not known as top world powerhouses for nothing.

The opening attack went to Aokiji who made a huge sharp mountain of Ice-that appeared even smaller than its leg- in the place it was going to move its leg into. But the mountain did not impale it as the rest of them thought. It just broke dealing some pain to the beast as it roared.

Now changing its focus to take care of them it turned to them as if it already forgot about running.

It swung its right claw trying to destroy anything in its way.

But they all jumped back, with Sengoku using his huge body to jump and release a shockwave at its face. Which managed to throw its head to the back a bit.

Next was Garp and Whitebeard as they followed after Sengoku and delivered punches at its face. As big as all three of them were, they appeared even smaller than its eyes.

Whitebeard's arm was coated in his quake power and in a particularly bigger bubble than the earlier times. While Garp's arm was black straight to the shoulder with noticeable flame markings at the end. A red aura was surrounding the arm.

Whitebeards attack broke the air around its face, while Garp's arm was able to hit before it even touched until his arm reached its face where they finally were able to make it fall backward.

Kizaru gathered a huge amount of light power at his hands, as he pointed at the beast and released two brightly glowing light beams. One at its right arm and one at its leg and they both penetrated through it making blood flow from the wounds. Though the beams were large the area they hit was small in comparison to the beast.

Ian finally had a chance to witness the advanced form of armament Haki. Emission. Where the user can project their Haki flow from their body without a medium. This method allows the user to damage and/or repel their target without making direct contact or using brute force. And Garp had done just that. Most likely he knew normal attacks were not going to do much damage and he did not wish to waste the chance he got.

Still, Ian didn't stay idle as he changed his spear style.

Earth-shattering style. This increases the gravity on the spear making it heavier in proportion to what Ian can carry with his raw strength. Each blow made with the spear in that state is as the name implies, earth-shattering.

And against such a huge opponent it was necessary.

Looking at the beast that tried to stand back up with its right hand's help, Ian capitalized on that, by using 'Shave' and appearing at its hands joint and attacking with a wide swing of his spear.

And that was flowed by Shanks himself attacking with His sword coated in Haki at such a speed that proved to Ian that he was worthy of his titles. And similarly to what Garp had done earlier, there was a red aura surrounding the sword that would increase the sword's power.

But even as the attacks practically exploded at that point they touched, it still did not manage to sever the arm nor make the beast fall.

And when Kizaru saw this he hurriedly materialized there and used his light sword to finish the attack, dealing a slash with tremendous force, and finally landing the final blow that made it fall, still, he only added to the wound and didn't sever the arm.

When it fell again, Aokiji instantly froze its hands and legs to the ground. Kizaru took advantage of that as he was the only one capable of injuring it currently. Though the old man and Garp still dealt it some internal damage.

Kizaru jumped to the sky and released his attack.

"Yasakani Sacred jewels" He yelled as he released a torrent of deadly light particles that incidentally destroyed the ice, but still dealt the damage it should have.

"ROOAARRR" The beast roared in pain from the damage it took, as it thrashed with its hands making everybody dodge.

But Aokiji who was breathing roughly once again tried to trap it in ice.

Whitebeard and Garp jumped side by side to the sky, as they both fell on the chest of the beast.

Whitebeard with both legs surrounded in a bubble, while Garp had both arms interlocked as he hit with them.

The attack released a huge shockwave as the beast was thrown further into the ground making a huge crater with its chest caved in.

All saw this chance as appropriate to take the beast down, so they used their attacks at once.

Ian flew into the sky as he spun onto himself gaining momentum as he used six king gun to throw his spear as hard as he could onto the chest of the fallen beast. Making the spear appear as if it teleported into the chest of the beast.

"Falling meteor" Ian muttered as he attacked.

And when it reached, it penetrated the beast and further buried it into the ground. But that was not all as Garp jumped to the spear with his arm c.o.c.ked and he punched it making it go right through the body and penetrate the ground.

Whitebeard similarly jumped with Kizaru at his side, as he focused as much of his energy into his hand, making a huge bubble, that started compacting and compressing for more power before he jumped at the area wounded and punched as hard as he could, with a warrior shout.

"OUUHH" He yelled as his arm pressed on its chest. Before he finally let go and jumped back to avoid Kizaru's attack.

Kizaru joined his palms as he made a concentrated light particle sphere in between before he hurled it at the beast. It was like a bomb as once it touched, it brightened the area and showed everybody that the beast was missing a huge part of its chest.

And that left only Sengoku and Aokiji.

Sengoku used his final form which actually tripled his earlier size and power, but at the cost of him only being able to use it for a few seconds. He then used his signature attack.

"Impact wave." This time the shockwave released was much more devastating than before. The beast could be seen visibly getting buried into the ground from the force.

Aokiji finally used his trump card attack.

"Ice entrapment: Execution." He shot ice from his hands forming four pillars from the ground that met at one point in the sky above the beast's chest. And from the point, one huge sharp icicle shot out penetrating the beast straight to the ground.

And that was the final hit needed for the beast to die. And the world was short of one Diávoloi.

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