Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 82 - A confession

On the way to Ian's father island, the odyssey, Ian's ship, passed many other small and big islands in the new world. Ian was following his father's vivre card which was pointing in the new world this time. But that didn't surprise him as he knew the island's circ.u.mstances.

Sometimes Ian and co would stop on one island on the way for a bit, but for others, they would just pass them.

And just like that, it had been a week since Ian started sailing after parting with the old man Whitebeard. One shouldn't underestimate the size of the new world. As it was huge in the literal form of the word.

Bert who was in the crow's nest training, as usual, saw something that the ship was heading toward with his binoculars he kept at the side. It was an island. But he couldn't make the details from here…

So he stepped down from there with a jump and came closer to his fellow crewmembers as he landed.

Since they were all going to start their training in the near future, Ian told them to just relax right now before they reach the intended island. Which is what they were doing right now.

All three girls were enjoying a sunbath laying on a deck chair while drinking orange juice and chatting with each other. Truly an incredible sight for any normal male, sadly Bert preferred one of his own people.

Each girl had a figure that would make any guy turn to ogle at them.

Meanwhile, Ian was not on the ship at the moment. He had felt like taking a swim so he had jumped off the ship and was swimming by its side with relative ease. Sometimes he would dive under the ship and observe the sea calmly. He could breathe underwater after all.

Bert went to the side of the ship and called for Ian to come up.

"Captain, come up, you should see this," Bert said.

Ian when he heard him, he immediately flew out the water as he landed next to him.

The sight of his almost sculpted body Left two of the women there with a tint of blush. While the third girl started teasing them.

"What's wrong, Bert?" Ian asked. He was really enjoying the swim.

Bert just pointed at the far end but didn't offer the binoculars to Ian, as he knew he would not need them to see that far.

When Ian looked he saw an island. So just like usual, he turned to the ladies and came closer. While a shirt had already appeared in his hand and he wore it soon after.

"There's an island ahead. But according to my information, there's no such island between the last island we stayed at and the next one we will pass on our way. But it could be that it just was not mentioned." Ian briefed them about the situation.

And as expected they started to get excited. One would not meet such an island often after all.

"So what do you want to do? Do you want to pass it or should we explore it?" Ian said.

Almost immediately everyone replied.

"We should dock at the island and check it out," Robin said.

"Yes, that would be awesome."

"Mn. Let's see if there is anything going on with this island." Elene said.

So Ian smiled. In fact, among them, he was the one who wanted to check it out the most.

"Alright." He said.

So he steered the ship at the island's direction and stood there waiting.

Once they reached it, Ian was the first to jump down. Followed with Bert and then the girls.

They had already worn fitting clothes unlike the swimsuits of earlier when they were sunbathing.

Elene as usual wore covering clothes, while Stella and Robin wore more revealing ones.

When they stood there, Ian stored the ship in his ring as usual.

"I think we should separate into two teams, and if anything happens you should use the den-den mushi to contact the other team," Ian said as a suggestion.

And they all gave a nod as they agreed. At one glance the island appeared quite big.

So Ian took Robin with him, and left the other team, with the crew's strongest members.

When Ian and Robin started to head inside the island, Robin had a sweet happy smile on her face. She was happy to get some alone time with Ian. She considered whether she should confess her feelings to him at this moment.

After a while of her musing and thinking, they had reached the first building of this island.

They had been walking for almost half an hour, while she had been out of focus.

Ian left her to her thinking and didn't interrupt her, but as he saw the first building coming into view, he couldn't help but stop in his place which made Robin snap out of her thinking. The building was broken with the outer walls barely still holding on.

Ian could see other broken buildings near and he knew this must be a town of this island. He knew that there must be other towns too because the size of this island was very big.

He flew to the sky with Robin, then he took a look, and saw that there were indeed many towns filled with broken houses, there was even a castle, well a broken one.

"Perhaps this was a kingdom before it was abandoned or maybe even destroyed," Ian said, and he was excited for discovering this.

"Yes." Robin too had an amazed look on her face.

But she then got back to her earlier thinking. And while still in the sky… she spoke.

"Ian, I want to tell you something. And as much as I want to continue to explore this island, I feel this is more important." Robin said seriously.

Making Ian turn towards her instantly.

He gave her a nod.

"I like you. Ever since a while ago, I started liking you." She said. She had never been one to stutter or be nervous by saying her feelings. But truthfully what Ian was going to answer still left her a bit worried.

"But I know you and Elene are together, so I don't know what I am supposed to do." Robin finally finished getting it all out of her chest.

Ian lowered them back to the ground as he gave a sigh.

"Robin… first, listen to me." He told her as he spoke.

When she nodded he resumed talking.

"In truth. I too like you. In fact, since the first time we met I developed feeling for you." He said, which surprised her as well as made her a bit happy.

Ian in truth liked her from his past world but he was not going to say that here.

"But, at the time I started liking you, I had thought Elene, which was my past lover, was dead. As such I started liking you more and more, until the day where we met Elene and I found out she was still alive. My love for her was ignited once more." Ian said. This was the truth. As he had thought that Elene didn't come with him to this world, he thought of moving on, and who better than Robin who he already liked.

"So do you understand now? I ended up having liking you both." Ian sighed. This was truly hard for him. But he knew he had to do this. He was not going to force her, nor did he want to take advantage of her. In fact, he was going to advise her to find someone else…

Robin gave a nod. She understood that he was in a sort of confused emotional situation.

"So this is what I'm going to say, Robin. There are two options here for you. One you could stay with me knowing I like you and Elene at the same time, meaning I'll be with you both. And second, you can forget about me, and find someone that would treat you better. I recommend you choose the second option. As I don't want to take advantage of you." He said before he closed his eyes. And awaited her response.

Soon however he felt two soft and smooth lips connect with his own. Unconsciously he responded to the kiss as his hands went to circle around her waist, with his tongue soon leaving to explore hers…

After a bit of passionate kissing, they both separated breathing heavily.

"Is that your answer?" Ian asked after a bit.

"Yes. I'll choose to share you with Elene. I don't think I can find someone like you, Ian. Besides I was able to feel your sadness as you wanted me to look for someone else. So I know you will treat me well." She said, still within his arms, which had her sport a happy smile.

"But, what about Elene?" Robin then remembered that even if she agreed there was still Elene.

"Don't worry, Elene already knows you like me. And she too was fine with sharing, as she didn't want to hurt your feelings." Ian replied to make her feel at ease.

So they just stood there enjoying the hug.

Soon however an explosion of dust and dirt was seen by Ian and Robin. They shared a look before Ian had them flying at the spot of the explosion. He knew that Bert and co were most probably fighting with something.

(A/N: If you want to see the mc and how he looked after the ambush in the war go see my p.atreon. it's a public post so all can see it.)

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