Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 87 - Conversation

The island's buildings were soon visible as Geo lead Ian and co to his house. Which was the house Ian had grown up in.

Ian's eyes contained a bit of nostalgia as he observed the house.

The house was built using stones and was a two-story building. It was situated a bit of distance from the other houses as Geo liked his silence.

On the way, the villagers all greeted Ian, and gave him some gifts, since they already knew about his arrival. They were also glad that he was okay. As they had known about the war…

When they reached the house, Ian and co were already holding many clothes, food, and the like.

They stepped inside with Ian telling them to set things on a table nearby for now as he and his father gave the crew a tour of the house.

There was nothing special about the house other than its size. It had two rooms on the first floor, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

The second floor was exactly the same as the first floor, except that the kitchen was not there, and a library was in its place. Plus a study room for Ian's father.

"So, which rooms do you girls like?" Ian asked them when they finally finished the tour.

If they each wanted a room, then he and Bert would just have to sleep in the living room, while his father takes the last room.

"Oh, we can share a room, as they are quite spacious," Elene replied what she and the girls had already discussed since the start. And the rooms were indeed quite big.

Ian gave a nod as he smiled. This left him and Bert with their separate rooms. He knew the underlying meaning behind this as well. Since Robin was going to be with him too, Elene couldn't just sleep with him in the same room while she stays with Stella. That would be a bit cruel to her. But this way, each one of them could join him and spend the night in his room.

Then as each went to set their stuff in the rooms, stuff that Ian had stored in the ring and had now taken out, Ian was left alone with his father.

"Alright Ian, let's go to the study room and talk," Geo said as he grabbed Ian by the shoulder and lead him forward. He was excited a bit to hear about his son's adventures and the like.

Ian gave a nod.

When they reached the room, they each took a seat.

"Well, I think I should start with the first time I used my second ability," Ian said.

Causing his father's eyes to go wide.

"So that's why you became stronger so quickly… you used it…" Geo muttered.

Then Ian explained about the first time he went to the calm belt and hunted for a sea king. He calmed his father's worries about side effects and assured him there was none.

"In fact, forget side effects, the strengthening did more than make me stronger. It actually increased the time I could hold my breath underwater." Ian said with a grin.

His father processed that for a bit, before replying.

"Then you started going around looking for various helpful bloodlines?" He asked.

Ian shook his head.

"I only wanted to go on adventures and visit places, but if there was any Strong beast that could help me then I wouldn't mind it. And it turned out that there was an island on my path with two giants in it." Ian said with a laugh.

He then continued to tell him about him asking Robin to join him, and her refusing. Next, he told him about hearing of a flying island, and he knew he must check it. Sadly he had to take care of someone there for good… his father understood and didn't press him about that.

Then he got back to the point and told him that after yet another strengthening he was able to breathe underwater. Following that he headed to a place where he can get a ship built for him and any crew he would have in the future.

"Well as I left the ship to be built, I heard rumors about a certain place called the Florian triangle. So I went to explore it." Ian said.

At some point into the talk, Geo had gotten up and brought back two glasses of tea, with biscuits on a plate.

Geo took a sip as he listened quietly with a thin smile on his face.

"This is where things get troublesome. Sigh. I ended up meeting or rather talking with an existence so strong I felt it could kill me with a thought. It spoke to me about something called the Diávoloi." Ian said.

But his father was not surprised like he expected.

"You know about them?" He asked. While his father nodded.

"Yes. I know a bit as that same voice you heard had told me about them in the past. It only told me to be careful of them infiltrating this island though. What about you?" Geo said sincerely. This was his son there was no need to lie or anything.

"It told me that they are awakening. And that I should seek Whitebeard to explain about them, as he had fought them. It also said that they had been waiting for me for a long time." Ian said. He too was truthful with his father.

His father put his hand on his chin as he thought about that.

"Well, continuing on, I had to meet Whitebeard as fast as I can, but along the way, there were many things I had to do and by the end, I had a crew following me. When we reached the old man, he explained things, but he had a problem of his own." Ian said.

He explained everything in detail.

"Oh, the war?" Geo asked.

"Yes. The war. We had to save Ace. And Whitebeard was sick, so I healed him, anticipating a time where I might need his help in the future." Ian said.

"And then after the war, when I finally could relax, my crew demanded from me to train them. They want to be stronger for various reasons but mainly to protect each other. So here we are now," Ian then said. And summed up his reason for forgetting to call his father, along with his journey so far.

"Oh. So you want me to train them." Geo stated as if he already knew that.

"Yes. While I can train them a bit, it would not be to the point they are gunning for. So this leaves you. The best guy I know that can train them." Ian said, sugarcoating his father a bit.

But it was true that he was good at training people.

"Alright, I don't see why not to do it. It's not like I have anything better to do." Geo laughed as he replied.

Making Ian sigh in relief.

"So, which one of the girls is your girlfriend?" Geo then had an evil grin spread on his face. The question caused Ian to spit the tea he was sipping.

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