Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 96 - Permission

[A/N: I would start this chapter with a question. Would you like the people to shout out their attacks or just use them silently?]

Ian had been keeping in touch with the old man Whitebeard all the time by calls. So he knew about Rayleigh's idea of training Luffy in Haki. Ray had come to the old man's ship and spoke to Luffy about it who refused at the time stating he wanted to assemble his crew again until Rayleigh proceeded to explain to him that he and his crew needed that training if they didn't want to repeat what happened to them.

Eventually, Luffy agreed with Ray and then both of them left for Amazon lily on the Pirate Empress ship. And from there, however, Ian didn't know what happened anymore as he didn't have Ray's number.

When Ian had heard this news he was a bit glad. He felt like Luffy would be quite important in the future for him. So he was happy when the war and saving Ace didn't stop him from seeing reason and informing his crew that they should meet in two years' time at the place they originally were divided at. After all, without that training, Luffy would be just a weak idiot.

Ian shook his head at that thought.

He was sitting on a chair on the roof of the house enjoying a bit of wine and the cold night breeze.

He and his crew had already finished their training completely yesterday, and in a few days the two years end of training was going to be reached and they would be on their way to hunt one.

Originally he didn't want to spend two years in training but when his father told him that that was the minimum he finally agreed.

Of course, he had learned the ability to strengthen his crew easily which made it so that they had finished their training almost half a year before the schedule, but learning to use their devil fruits in new ways took time too.

It was not that he minded or anything anyways.

Ian turned his head to the side at the sound of footsteps nearing him.

He spotted his father Geo coming towards him with a bottle of wine and a glass of his own in his hands.

"Hey, brat." He greeted with a smile as he sat down next to him on another chair.

"Hey, dad," Ian replied to his father.

"Well, it's almost time for you to leave once again." Geo shook his head as he said. Feeling a bit down.

Ian just gave a nod.

He knew his father enjoyed their company the past two years, and that he was going to miss him. But Ian also knew something else.

"Am I going to have a little sibling anytime soon?" Ian said with a grin.

His father spits the drink in his mouth utterly shocked that Ian knew.

"You… you knew?" Geo said in surprise.

"Of course I would know. I was trained by you after all. All the times you sneaked out of the house and visited 'her' did you think I wouldn't know?" Ian said in a matter of fact manner. But he wasn't able to hide the grin from his face. It was after all the first time he saw his father caught off guard.

"Cough… well kids are still a bit too soon to have…" Geo coughed. He realized that his sneaking skills had deteriorated if this brat had caught him.

"So are you going to introduce me?" Ian then asked. He was glad his father had found someone to be with. This way he wouldn't feel lonely.

A nod was his answer from the part of Geo.

"I was planning to." He said. He had wanted to introduce her to him before he left this time. Otherwise, if they had a boy or girl the next time Ian visits he would raise hell upon them.

"What's her name?" Ian asked as he had only once seen her face and didn't know much about her except that she was a lone girl and her father had recently passed away.

"Arie," Geo said. Ever since he was young he had many one-time flings, but this was the first time he felt himself fall in love.

"I feel like the two of you are right for each other dad. Plus she would make a great mother." Ian smiled as he said.

Geo nodded with his own smile. Glad Ian had approved of her.

A couple of minutes passed in silence as they enjoyed their drinks.

"Well, no more of that. I have come to talk to you about something Ian." Before Geo suddenly turned serious as he spoke.

Ian sat upright awaiting what his father was going to say.

"You always wondered how this island was so mysterious. What with it always moving and all." Geo said as he eyed Ian.

And Ian nodded his yes.

"Well, tomorrow I'm finally granting you permission to venture to the other end of the island and find out the reason," Geo said. And couldn't hide a grin from his face as Ian abruptly stood up from his chair with a shocked look on his face.

One couldn't blame him after all.

Nobody from the island was permitted to go to the other side. Apart from Geo. And Ian still didn't know why.

But the few who didn't listen to that were never able to reach the other end. Plus they were all given a huge scare and were still shaken when geo was scolding them for ignoring his orders.

Even Ian was one of those guys at one point. After all, he sought adventure and mystery. But he couldn't see what was so special about his home island? So he tried but failed like the rest in the end. Plus he was scolded even more harshly by his father than the rest.

He could remember the feeling as he was venturing deep inside. At one point he felt that if he had pressed inside more he would definitely die.

Now he had this opportunity to know what the mystery is… he was so excited he almost started to head there right now.

But after a while, he calmed down.

"Can I take my crew with me?" Ian asked as he didn't want to leave his crew behind.

"Yes, you can" Geo smiled and nodded.

Ian grinned happily. And couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

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