Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 99 - The reason

Ian and co spent the night out in the forest, sleeping in their tents. They had enjoyed their night as they spent it gazing at the stars littering the sky while chatting among themselves until it was time to sleep and they all slept comfortably.

Now it was already the morning of the next day and they were on their way back, with Ian using his power to have them quickly reach the village.

He could have done so during the night, but as they had already prepared a fire and tents he didn't want to waste their efforts and old them to stay the night there.

He had been explaining what happened last night to them. They already knew about the Diávoloi of course and all that, so he explained everything new he learned.

About their numbers, his father being one of the famous 'D', and how the diávoloi are indeed related to devil fruits just like he had already guessed in the past.

"What, then what would happen to us?" Stella asked shocked. If the fruits had something to do with the diávoloi then it might do something to their bodies.

Ian only laughed at this which served to make her angry. So he hurriedly explained soon after.

"I already took care of that problem so you can relax. When I felt something else in the fruit, or in your case robin and Stella, a dormant type of energy in your bodies, I immediately took care of it." He explained. Which finally made them stop worrying needlessly.

"Hmph. Idiot!" Stella said under her breath. Something they all managed to pick up but pretended otherwise.

She then settled for glaring at Ian for making her worry needlessly while the rest just shook their heads.

Then Ian started telling them what he had managed to understand so far from the voice and icing everything together.

"The truth about the history of this world is apparently much more important than I had thought. The voice had said that when we reach laugh tale we will know who it is. Along with who created the diávoloi, and what the true history of the world is." Ian said seriously.

And just like he thought Robin was the first to catch on to what he said.

"What do you mean the true history of the world? Is there a one that is fake?" She asked rapidly. The subject of history was quite important to her after all.

"That is my guess. And most likely it would be the history the marines think is the truth and is preaching it to the world." Ian shared his guess.

"This doesn't change the fact that we don't know neither the truth nor the fake history." Ian shook his head wryly.

"Does this means that we need to reach laugh tale to know the truth?" Robin stared at Ian awaiting his answer.

He nodded.

"We were always going to reach it regardless, however now we have a strong reason to do so. But Robin let me say this. We would not just leave everything else aside and focus on that. No. we are going to do our own thing and continue our journey until it drives us all to the last island. I don't want to have a boring adventure like that." Ian said. His tone firm and left no room for discussion.

He wanted to enjoy this life to the fullest. So while even he felt his curiosity tingling nonstop for that, he still shook himself out of it. He would enjoy his journey until he reaches the last island. Of course, if he had a chance to gather the road Poneglyph he won't waste it at all.

Robin gave a nod as she smiled. She herself shared the same view. Though she wanted to know she wouldn't dedicate everything to it.

Soon they had reached Ian's house in the village. He set them down and then they started walking towards Geo.

There was something Ian had to talk to his father about.

Even from afar his father knew what Ian was thinking about so he just gestured for them to follow him to the study room.

Once they were all seated Geo proceeded to speak first.

"How was it? Did it manage to surprise you?" Geo asked with a grin on his face.

Ian nodded smiling too. Then he shared what happened too and managed to surprise his father.

"Oh, so you want to talk about my origins…" Geo said. He finally knew what Ian wanted to talk about.

Ian couldn't help the excitement showing on his face

"Well, Ian as you know I'm the guardian of this island. But why I guard it… simply for the reason that if it were found the marines would do their best to kill us all. Under the orders of the celestial dragons." Geo said. His tone was serious. and like that Ian's excitement vanished as he turned serious too.

But Ian didn't miss out on the meaning. The keyword being they will try their 'best'. Meaning his father had his own trump cards against that. Quite possibly in relation to the strong auras, he can now feel on the island similar to his father.

"But why… there are many people bearing the 'D' name and they don't get any special attention," Ian asked perplexed.

His father snorted in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Are you sure?" He asked. And continued talking leaving no chance for Ian to reply or question him. "They of course would pay no attention to one of us when they are along or are weak. But once some of us get a bit famous and start to gather people around… then immediately either the bounty increases or they label you the most dangerous criminal. Does that ring any bells?" Geo said ad finished with a question.

Ian immediately thought of someone.

"Monkey D. Dragon" Ian muttered. Shocking the rest of his crew as they all suddenly reached the same conclusion as him.

Dragon has an army with him as such they labeled him the most dangerous criminal ever. But Ian was sure that even if he was strong it would be only as strong as an emperor. So he shouldn't be the most dangerous man alive. It is only because he is a leader of his own army. Meaning a danger to the world government.

The more Ian thought about this the more it made sense.

Even how in the anime they had increased Luffy's bounty so suddenly reaching even as big as 1.5 billion when he was nowhere near that strength. It was only because he had a small army at his back following him.

"That's right. Now imaging with me a whole island filled with almost 50000 people all from the 'D' family?" Geo asked gravely.

And Ian then understood the need for a guardian.

"As to the reason why. From what was passed through the generations, all I know is that the 'D' had been betrayed at one point by the celestial dragons. After which they labeled us God's enemies. And spoke of themselves as if god's blessed. Since then they consider us the most dangerous people ever. I'm sure you can understand the meaning of that on your own." Geo said. And uttered the last word towards Ian quietly.

Immediately, Ian, Robin, and Elene had the same thing going through their minds. Geo had all but confirmed it. If it was true then that explained the reason of Dragon's rebellion.

"And that's all I know. It might sound farfetched. But I have fought more times with admirals of the past to think of that as just lies. And even before me, my father did." Geo said.

"Grandpa did?" Ian asked shocked. He didn't think his grandpa was that strong too. But he supposed it might be true as at the time he left the island he was still not able to detect his father's strength much less his grandpa.

"Alright let's go eat something now," Geo said. He was quite hungry since he still didn't eat his lunch. The rest were the same so they all reconvened to the dining room and awaited the delicious food while chatting among themselves.

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