Once the prototype of the Reversi was finished, I started pointing out the rough parts while explaining the rules.

Reversi is a game that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. The rules are easy to understand but the game is deep.

「This is amazing! I'm one hundred percent sure this will be popular」

Even Palma is excited. Tamanis also nodded.

「First, let's register the finished product. That way no one will be able to duplicate it. However, we only have a three-year period, after that, anyone, even the other merchant associations will be able to create their own product」

Just like the patent duration law in my world. I think three years is enough to introduce the game as much as possible to the market.

「Yes, that's fine for me. Also, when you are producing it, you can create two versions, one for the commoners and another for the nobility. After all, what nobles and merchants want most are luxury items. Instead, I'd like to keep the price low enough so that everyone will be able to afford that of the commoners. After all, the purpose is to spread entertainment. Let's start with 50 sets for the nobility and 1,000 sets for the commoners. And from there, we will produce them according to demand」

Tamanis-san frowns.

「We may not have enough funds to go that far in this company. Assuming the selling price is one large silver coin for the nobility and one silver coin for the commoners, then the production cost... Well...」'

As expected, Tamanis-san is also thinking about the money it will take.

「If we consider the cost of the product which is 30%, then, it is 3 silver coins for a total of 150 silver coins to produce the noble version, while the version for the commoners is 3 large copper coins for a total of 3000 large copper coins to produce the version for the commoners, that's four gold coins and five large silver coins」

Cain quickly replies.

「Cain-sama, you're amazingly quick even to calculate!」

Palma's eyes shine with a glow as she looks at me respectfully.

Tamanis-san is also impressed.

「Cain-sama, this merchant company cannot raise that much. If we use all our funds for this project, we will be unable to replace our other goods」

Tamanis-sama replies apologetically.

「That's not a problem. I'll provide the initial investment funds. After all, even if I keep it, I have no plan at the moment」

Having said that, I put five gold coins from my bag on the desk.

「This much!! Thank you, Cain-sama. Sarakan merchant association will do our best to make it happen」

「It's okay. There will be no problem as long as you give me back my investment once it starts selling. This is just an upfront investment」

「I understand. First, let's write a contract and dedicate the finished product to the God of Commerce」

Having said that, Tamanis-san starts writing the contract in a parchment. There will be three copies of the contract, one for Tamanis-san, one for me, and finally, one that we will offer to the God of Commerce.

Most companies have simple altars where the God of commerce is worshipped, and of course, the Sarakan company has one too. It's like the shrines from my previous life. Once the finished prototype of the reversi game is placed on the altar, Sarakan begins to pray.

The altar glows for a moment, and then the contract and the reversi game disappear.


Cain couldn't help but let his voice out.

「In this way, by offering the contract, we make an oath to ensure that we will keep it」

「Thank you for showing me. Then, I entrust you with the production. I'd like to be able to start selling in a month. Ah, leave at least ten of the luxurious versions to me, I'll buy them. I'll give them to the royal family as well」

「R-R-royal family you said!? I understand. I will use all the power of the merchant association to do it」

Tamanis-san's face pales when he hears it's for the royal family.

It will trouble me if you don't do your best, after all, a god entrusted me with this.

That the product is gone, does that mean it went to where that God is? It would be nice if everyone enjoyed it.

That's what Cain thought.

In fact, when it was sold a month later, it was so popular that it had to be mass-produced in very large quantities.

Even so, production couldn't keep up, and everyone was screaming with joy.

But that's a story for another time.


At the Silford mansion in the royal capital, Cain was trying on clothes for his debut party.

The participants were, those of the company, Sara, Reine, Silvia, and the leading actor, me.

It seems like a waste of time to tailor a one-time outfit, however, it seems that the debut party of a five-year-old nobleman is more important than the debut party of a five-year-old going to school for the first time.

After all, every nobleman wants to marry his daughter off to the son of someone influential, intelligent, and good-looking. And since the country has a polygamous system, every nobleman has several concubines. There are also political marriages as well as factions, so everything is too troublesome. The point is, everyone wants to spit on such a person when this one turns five (thus preventing others from taking it).

By the way, it seems that my father, who has two wives, belongs to the few nobles who have few. It seems that when he was young he was forced into numerous marriages with the daughters of other nobles. This was to be expected since, despite living on the borders of the country, he was a high-ranking noble. Although it is said that he declined each time.

There were many invitations from factions, but Garm, as a margrave count, remains neutral.  He had said that he could not be bothered by clashes between factions when he was in direct contact with neighboring countries not knowing when a war might start.

In Cain's case, he is considered to be in the margrave count's faction.

Then it suddenly came to my mind.

His Majesty and Duke Eric.

I shook my head to erase those images. I don't feel like they're going to involve me with their factions.

Even though I have memories of my past life, I'm still a high school student and five years old. Even my combined age, it's not much.

I don't feel like I can win against a hundred battle-hardened royalty and duke.

Just when I was thinking about this, a voice calls me.

「Cain-kun! Are you listening properly?」

It's Reine. She matched various sets of fabrics by their colors.

「I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something, Reine-ane-sama」

「Seriously! Cain-kun, I asked you if this dark blue fabric would match your silver hair!」

I took another look at the fabric and it's a dark blue or rather a blue color, but it gives a nice feeling.

「My favorite is the color that Reine-nee-sama chose for me!」

If I praise her, my sister starts smiling.

「Then, can you use this fabric as a base to make it?」

Sara asks again.

「I received your order. I'll definitely make clothes that suit you, Cain-sama」

The merchant nodded and left.

The clothes I asked him to tailor were made in a few days. There were only three days left until my debut party.

The clothes were very good, and it only needed a few changes once I tried them.

「Now Cain-kun won't have to be embarrassed going anywhere in these clothes」

Reine assured me.

That makes me think, didn't Reine have a debut party a few years ago too?

But when I asked her if there was someone suitable for her in her same age, she replied that there really wasn't one.

According to Reine, a suitable husband for her is 「someone who is not inferior to Cain-kun」 or so she said.

Though I get the feeling there's no such person.

In the meantime, time has passed and the day of the debut party in the royal capital has arrived.


I started a patreon, there won't be any extra chapters or anything like that for now. Only support me if you can, and of course, regardless of that, the chapters will still come out.


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