Cain walked over to the group of children.

Most of the families had already finished greeting each other, so most of the children separated from their parents, and gathered with each other.

I'm in the back of the children group, listening to the children' conversations.

While I was carefree waiting for Teles, who was with the king and the others, Silk approached me.

「Cain-sama, are you alone? Since Teles is busy over there, let's talk to each other for a while」

Saying so, she brings me a juice. I take the glass, we sit down somewhere nearby, and we start talking.

「I was surprised, I didn't think so many people would come. I'm glad Cain-sama is here, after all I can't go to where Teles is and talk to her」

「Silk, please stop calling me Cain-sama. You don't need to add the "-sama"」

「Hmm. Cain-kun then! Or would it be better if I called you by your title, Baron Cain?」

「No, no, Cain-kun is better」

As we were talking happily together, a group of three approached us.

「If it isn't Miss Silk? How are you doing? You are wearing a lovely dress today」

「Good evening, Habit-sama. Thank you」

Silk returns the greeting with a cold attitude.

Then she starts talking to Cain again. Cain keeps chatting with her, wondering if it was correct for her to do that.

One of the followers who was following him behind came and called out to me.

「You there. Marquis Golgino's heir, Habit-sama, is here in front of you. You can't even offer a proper greeting? And to think that you dare to interrupt Habit-sama while he's talking to Miss Silk!」

So he's the son of that Marquis who wouldn't stop glaring at me during the audience and his followers, huh?

「Yes. Good evening, Habit-dono, nice to meet you, I'm Baron Cain」

I didn't give my family name deliberately.

After all, I'm a little cheeky.

Furthermore, it seems that they have not reflected on their actions. A malicious grin appeared on my face.

It seems that his followers have fallen for my trap beautifully.

「How dare a mere son of a Baron address a Marquis's heir, Habit-sama, with only a '-dono'? Use the '-sama' when addressing him, understood? The '-sama'!!」

The other follower also fell for it.

「That's right, we two are also sons of a Viscount. If you are only a mere baron's son, you should address us with the '-sama' as well」

Miss Silk has a look on his face like she's saying, what in the world are these people talking about?

「Wait both of you, this Cain must belong to a poor baron's house not to want to reveal his family name, so if you apologize now, I'll hold them back. After all, Miss Silk is also worried」

He replies while glancing Miss Silk from time to time.

It seems that he wants to show his good side to Silk.

「Hey, Cain-kun isn't a Baron's soー」



Silk was about to reveal everything, but Cain stopped her.

「Forgive me. Marquis's son-sama, Viscount's sons-sama, let me introduce myself again」

The word 「son-sama」 made all three of them angry.

One of them tried to grab my chest.

「I'm Margrave Garm von Silford Gracia son, Baron Cain von Silford. I'm not a Baron's son, I am a Baron」

I replied with a smile on my face.

At those words, the three of them stopped.

It doesn't matter the circumstances of how one is conferred with the title of Baron, it is a fact that they are still an independent nobleman. It is normal to think that the son of a nobleman of a higher rank is superior given the relationship, however, an independent nobleman has a higher rank than the son of a higher ranking nobleman.

Moreover, Margrave Garm doesn't belong to the same faction as Marquis Golgino. Even with different duties, a Margrave and a Marquis are equal in terms of rank.

Suddenly it comes to their minds how disrespectful they were in front of a Baron and the three begin to get impatient.

「Cain-sama saved the carriage of Her Highness Princess Telestia and me by himself when we were being attacked by a horde of orcs, defeating thirty orcs by himself. That's why he was conferred with the rank of Baron the other day」

Silk responded, her chest puffed up with pride.

「...I asked my parents about it too. A first-class sword and magic user, said to have annihilated a herd of orcs by himself. And that there was a boy our age who was conferred with the title of Baron」

One of his followers began to speak.

Habit and his other follower shuddered as they heard the words.

Step by step, they began to leave.

「E-E-Excuse me. We have some business to attend to, so we'll take our leave now」

Habit just ran away.

His followers fled with him.

Cain takes his seat, and takes a breath.

「You're pretty evil, aren't you, Cain-kun?  It's the first time I realized. I could tell right away with that the smile on your face that you were thinking about doing a bad thing」

Silk is holding back the tears in her eyes as she laughs.

I thought, now I've done it.

「T-T-That was...」

Cain is flustered. And Silk smiles.

「I think I'll tell Teles what you did the next time」

I'm even more flustered.

「Just kidding! I'll keep silent if you go out on a date with me」

I quickly realized that I couldn't win.

「...Yeah. By all means」

I feel like I've lost.

「Hooray! Then I'll tell father about this later!」

Even if I could beat Reine, I got the feeling I couldn't beat Silk and Telestia no matter what.

As we were talking, Teles came in.

「I've finally been released. Cain-sama, you've been talking to Silk the whole time! Looks like you had a lot of fun」

Teles, who is sulking a bit, is also cute.

「Listen about this~ Just now, Cain-kun was smiling maliciー」

「Wait a moment」

Cain covered Silk's mouth. With one hand he covered Silk's mouth, with the other he put a finger in front of his mouth and did 'shh'.

「Cain-sama, doing things like touching the lips of an unmarried woman... This needs to be reported to the Duke」

Teles replies, smiling. Her eyes aren't smiling, though.

「Ah. Sorry」

I remove my hand from Silk's mouth.

「Cain-sama, please be honest with me. Silk, what happened?」

Now it was Teles who seemed worried.

「Hm? Nothing at all. We were just talking about the date we're gonna have」

Silk reveals it easily. I wish she would have kept it a little longer a secret.

「A-a-a date, you said! Silk, not fair! Not only that, before I knew it, you stopped using the '-sama' and now you use the '-kun' with Cain-sama! That's not fair. I want to have a date with Cain-sama too」

Teles replies, blushing.

「I understand. Teles, let's go on a date sometime」

Cain said so, and Teles blushes up to her ears.

「We're definitely going. I'm looking forward to it」

That's when a voice comes from behind me.

「Going? Where to?」

Teles responds to that voice coming from behind without thinking.

「Of course, to a date with Cain-sama」

Teles says, turning around. Then I froze.

There was His Majesty.

His Majesty had a radiant smile on his face, but his eyes were not laughing.

This is bad.

「Fumu. Cain. I think we need to have a long talk about Teles in another room. The debut party is almost over. We have to talk about that game you want to present to me, so why don't we, men, talk to our hearts' content?」

Then he pats me on my back. It hurts a little. A normal child would be crying.

「...Yes, Your Majesty, I understand.」

I had no other choice but to nod my head.

The debut party is over, now we are in the usual reception room. Those gathered here are, His Majesty, the Queen, Telestia, the prime minister, Duke Erik, Silk, Garm, and Cain.

I took out three more sets of reversi. The one I'm presenting to the royal family is unique, so the others are from the nobility version. They are more luxurious that then ones made for the commoners. The rules are easy. You just need to go in order.

I played a few games while teaching.

「This is interesting! The rules are simple and you need to think about the way you play. This is something that even children and adults will enjoy!」

Even His Majesty was delighted. Of course, everyone else is too.

「It was made so that even commoners can buy it, it only cost one silver coin for them to buy it. As for the nobility, they can buy it with a large silver coin」

「Umu, if it's like that, then there's no problem. But still, Cain can do business as well? Maybe you should try starting your own company」

So I had that way? I'm still five years old, so I'll think about it later.

After that, I spent a lot of time playing reversi. How long I had to play with them? It was so much that I don't even know.

Then, it came to the point where they finally let me go.

「Well, then, Your Majesty, if you would please excuse me」

I bow my head and turn around to leave with Garm.

「Wait a moment. That reminds me, you said you were going to go on a date with my Teles. What's that supposed to mean? Sit there and try to explain to me」

I froze at His Majesty's words.

「Indeed, Cain-kun. It looks like you made a promise to have a date with my Silk tooー.  Even if you're engaged, it's still a secret, so be careful, okay?」

Moreover, Duke Eric dropped a bomb too.

After that, Cain, who was heavily reprimanded by His Majesty and the Duke, returned home exhausted.

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