「It's been a while, Baron Cain the Hero」

The one who was waiting for me was none other than the vice-commander of the Imperial Guards, Dime.

「It's been a while. I'm not a Hero, vice-commander Dime. I came here because Prime Minister Magna told me to come here and leave the monster's materials here」

「I've just been notified. Follow me, I will guide you」

Says Dime, beckoning to follow him.

I follow Dime and he takes me to a small warehouse.

「Is this warehouse okay? This is where we place the monsters materials」

The warehouse was about five meters square.

As expected, it won't fit inside.

「Vice commander Dime, forgive me for saying this, but if it's this room, it won't fit」

Cain says honestly. He has so many materials that placing them all here would be very annoying for them to move them later. He doesn't intend to take them all out here, but if he were to take out all the A-rank materials he has, they'd fill the place right away. That's why Cain was planning to bring out all the monsters below that level.

「I really wonder how much could be in your item box?」

「If we were to use this type of hut, I suppose we would need ten. But if I were to place a big one, I reckon only one will fit in」

「Could be that you have inside the red dragon that's rumored to be in your mansion?」

「Of course, I don't have that monster with me. The ones I have are smaller. But even so, there are still some six-meter earth dragons class inside」

「Wait a minute. You're telling me you have an A-rank earth dragon, which is said that to defeat one you need at least one A-rank party? That earth dragon?」

「I don't know about A-rank or such things since I'm not yet registered with the Adventurer's Guild. I only know that it's an earth dragon」

「Cain, you're getting harder and harder to figure out. For the moment, you can leave the monsters outside and the knights can transport them later」

「I understand, I'll put them there」

Cain takes out the monster's bodies from the item box.

A six-meter class earth dragon, a ten-meter class earth snake, an ogre king, and a herd of ogres, and a few orcs were also taken out. A few superior species were mixed as well. When I finished taking everything out, a small mountain had formed.

「About this muchー」

Now it's quite refreshing to look inside the item box.


Dime was petrified.

It was beyond his imagination, all kinds of monsters were present, from A-rank monsters to C-rank monsters. And you're telling me this child hunted all these alone?

That's impossible. It's hard to believe he's a five-year-old, after all, this would be an impossible thing to do for even an A-rank adventurer.

「Cain-dono, are you perhaps a hero? Or maybe an apostle of God?」

That's the only conclusion Dime could draw from this situation.

But Cain freaked out when he heard the word apostle.

「Eh? No, no, I'm just Margrave Garm's third son」

Cain replies, nervously.

「I won't pry into it too deeply. As for this, assessing all this amount will take a little time, so I'll give you the money later」

「His Majesty gave me money for the glass, so I'm not in that much of a hurry. So take your time」

Right now, Cain does not need money, after all, the reversi sales have exploded and all the money he invested has already returned to him. He expects the money he'll get will be even better when he starts selling the Venetian glass and the toilet with a shower flush.

Since all the monsters were taken out and he felt refreshed, it was time for him to go home.

「Well, I'll be leaving then」

When I turn around, someone grabs my shoulder from behind. Of course, it was Dime.

「Isn't it too early? Why don't you join us in the knight's training for a while? Just take a tour for now, okay?」

Then he grabbed my shoulder, and took me with him.

And now, Cain is standing in the middle of the knights' training grounds with a wooden sword.

About thirty strong knights are surrounding him.

Let's go back in time a bit.

「This is Baron Cain the Hero, I'm sure everyone has heard about the orc extermination」

Dime introduces Cain to the knights.

People around him questioned whether this child really defeated the orcs.

Of course, in the crowd were those knights that Cain had saved, but those people were just looking at Cain with gratitude.

「You'll be able to verify that today since Cain will be participating in our knight's training」

Dime speaks as if it were something trivial.

「Are you sure? He looks like an ordinary child, you know? He's five years old, right? Are you sure it's okay for the Imperial Guards to fight him?」

One knight, unaware of Cain's abilities, asks Dime.

「If that's what you think, then you should start. Cain-dono, please」

The knight who questioned Dime took a step forward.

「Cain-dono, I'll let you make the first move. Come at me」

You can see the confidence the knight has for belonging to the Imperial Guards. And the composure of an adult.

It can't be helped, so Cain takes the first attack.

I try the short-distance teleportation movement. Although I've used it before, I've never used it against a person.

Cain holds a wooden sword for children. He begins to accumulate magic power and recites the spell.   

『Short Range Teleportation(Short Warp)』

In an instant, Cain gets behind the knight and puts his wooden sword on his back. He wanted to hit him in the neck, but his height wouldn't allow it.

「This is the end」

The knight who lost sight of Cain was puzzled by the sudden hit of the wooden sword that came from behind.

He had been in front of him until now. And then he suddenly disappeared.

And then he was poked from behind with a wooden sword.

「...It's my loss」

The knight answered honestly.

「I can't believe it. That the difference was so great. I didn't see him at all. What in the world in this boy?」

The knights around them were also confused.

「「Did you guys see that?」」

「「I couldn't see him at all」」

「When I thought he was gone, he appeared behind. We're not even his opponent」

「As expected of the Baron Cain the Hero, I never expected you to come this far. It seems that just one person wouldn't be enough. Why don't we try with the thirty people that are here at once?」

「Eeh!? That's a bit...」

Cain is surprised. As one would expect, fighting thirty people is too reckless. In terms of status, I can defeat them all in an instant.

「Good, then let's start. Everybody, at him!」

At Dime's signal, the thirty knights of the Imperial Guards surrounded Cain.

And that's how we arrived at the situation before.

Thirty men are wielding their swords against a child.

And everyone was about to jump on him.

「Somebody explain to me what's going on here!?」

Everyone stopped moving.

Then, one person walked into the circle.

She was a beautiful woman with blonde hair, about twenty years old. Her hair was tied back so it wouldn't get in her way.

Long ears. It seems she's an elf. Even Cain can't hide his surprise at the pale appearance of the elven knight.

Everyone takes a stance.

「Could I ask why you all, the proud Imperial Guards, are surrounding and pointing their swords at a child?」

After saying that, she turns around, gets down on her knees and looks me in the eye.

「Boy, are you fine?」

She pats me on the head. Such a thing would be a normal response for a five-year-old child. Then she hugged me.

「It was scary being surrounded by all those people. But you'll be fine now since I'm here. You got lost and came here by mistake, didn't you? Where are your parents?」

「Knight Commander, that person is...」

Dime calls out to the Knight Commander.

Cain was surprised to learn that this beautiful woman was the Knight Commander.

「Dime, if you were here too, why didn't you stop this?」

She narrowed her eyes and asked Dime harshly.

「That child is the child who has been mentioned before, Baron Cain... That Hero...」

Dime answers apologetically.

「No way!? A child like this??」

As expected, even the Knight Commander seems surprised.

The Knight Commander stares at me for a while.

「I see. So that's how it was. You are that Hero? Fufuu. Then how about you have a mock battle(Duel) with me instead?」

Cain was surprised when he heard the words mock battle sounded like a duel.

The Knight Commander suddenly brought a mock sword with her.

「Commander, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?」

Dime tells her again, apologetically.

「Swordsmen should communicate with their swords. Then we'll understand each other」

The Knight Commander holds up her sword.

「Here comes the bad habit of the commander... As soon as she sees someone strong, she feels the need to challenge the other party to a duel. Doesn't the leader have the title of "Sword Saint"? Even if it's Baron Cain, he wouldn't be able to beat her, would he?」

The knights of the Imperial Guard are talking among them. The circle gets bigger as they distance themselves.

Excuse, I can hear you all. What was that about 'Sword Saint'?

「Baron Cain, here I go!」

「Wait a second please!」

Cain tries to stop her.

But the knight commander rushed in without any concern.

At an inhumane speed. She must have used body strengthening.

The Knight Commander wields her sword from above.

Cain slips half a step and dodges the sword. And then, taking advantage of the moment, he wields his sword from the side.

The knight commander's eyes widen at how easily Cain was able to avoid it and catches with her sword the sword that Cain had swung to the side.

Cain jumps backward and keeps his distance.

「Baron Cain, since I heard you were a kid, I let my guard down. Looks like I'll be able to enjoy it for real this time」

After smiling, she mumbles something, and then she ends completely wrapped up with the atmosphere around.

「Here I come!」

This time she wields her sword at a completely different speed than before.

As expected, this time I can't dodge it with as much leeway as I used to before. Cain also used body strengthening to counteract the Knight Commander's swing, shifting his sword to catch it. After, they both continue to strike each other at an inhumane speed.

「Hey, Baron Cain is properly exchanging blows with the Knight Commander! I can't believe it」

The knights muttered. The speed of those two is so fast that the knights around can barely follow them with their eyes.

As this didn't seem to end soon, Cain increases another rank of the physical enhancement and dives in. Then he repels the Knight Commander's sword, and presses it against her neck.

「This is the end」

Cain puts down the sword that was resting on her neck and speaks to her.

The Knight Commander's eyes widen, then she blushes.

「...I've decided」


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