Hi! Thank you all for the feedback and comments! Here it is chapter 7.

Chronicles of an Aristocrat Reborn in Another World – The Apostle of the Gods Who Know No Self-Restraint ~


The Introduction Event

It has been one week since I introduced myself to the family. Today it will be to nobles and influential people of Grace.

Since then, I haven’t used the Creation Magic and I won’t use my magical power and my amount of magical power. And also, as the G.o.d of Martial Arts Sanos told me, I’m training with my wooden sword in the garden.

“Cain, it is finally the introduction event!”

Silvia has prepared my clothes for the event.

“That’s right. Until now, I haven’t met anyone except the members of this residence and the people from the church. Besides that, I have not been outside, except for the garden. The fact that I am going to meet so many people makes me nervous.”

“You will be alright, Cain. You are a prodigy afterall.”

“You keep saying that I am a prodigy, but thank you.”

My clothes and hair were done. Only the introduction remains.

This evening, dozens of guests will gather in the banquet hall of this residence.

The organizer Garm will have the first speech here.

“Thank you all for coming here in this busy day. My third son Cain has safely reached the age of five, thus we organized this introduction event. We celebrated the baptism last week and he received the protection from the Gods. Well then, Cain, come here.”

The doors opened and I entered.

As I stood next to Garm, I looked out over my surroundings.

Wow! That’s a lot of people, isn’t it?

I took a deep breath once and calmed my breathing.

“Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Cain Vol Silford. Thanks to you I was able to safely reach five years of age. I am still a young person, but from now on because of your guidance, I eagerly expect to reach my adulthood. From now on, I am under your care.”

I bowed down.

Great, I remembered the knowledge from my previous existence and could use it freely, as stated by the script in my brain.

Huh? There’s no answer.

Everyone is silent.

I look to my side and Garm is also smiling bitterly while looking at me.

Several seconds passed. Then, bit by bit, the applauses started and gradually became louder, until it became a grand applause.

“That greeting was not typical of a 5 year-old kid, but everyone seems pleased. Well, cheers.”

Garm ended his speech.


I raised the glass that I was holding very high.

Oh, as expected, that greeting is not possible for a 5-year-old kid, isn’t it?

Oh well, what’s done, it’s done, so I will continue as if nothing happened.

The guests were lining up to greet me one by one.

“Cain, be sure to remember this. This person is Toris.”

Garm introduced us.

“I am the Viscount Toris Von Saravus. I am glad to meet you, Cain. I am the Lord of Ramesta, a neighboring country in the east of Grace, bordering the fort town of the Byasus Empire.”

He has blond hair and is wearing aristocratic clothes. It gives him an air of a military man.

“Viscount Toris is an old friend of mine. As he protects Ramesta and Grace is in contact with the Empire, I can say with confidence that we are safe. Please, be sure to keep his name in your mind for the future.”

Garm explained me.

“Thanks to the many assistances of our Border Earl Garm, and also his soldiers that are at our disposal, we are saved. Nevertheless, your previous introduction was good, you sure are a prodigy.”

“That is because Cain is always reading books. He already knows how to read and calculate.”

“That is wonderful, you’re the third son and yet you have everything I would expect from a son-in-law. If I ever have a daughter, I would like you to receive her as your wife.”

I was pleased with the praises but talking about marriage to a 5-year-old kid does not feel right.

“Thank you so much. My studies have still some way to go. Until I start the academy, I am just having fun reading books in our library.”

“In that case, it would be nice if you come to Ramesta. I think you would learn a lot.”

“That is nice. I will discuss it with my father and see if he gives me permission for a visit. I will gladly let you know if that happens.”

“The more I talk to you, the less you look like a 5-year-old kid, yet I am looking forward to your future. Oh, the next person is waiting, so we shall meet again later.”

Having said that, he returned to the crowd.

The next person was someone who looked like an official.

“I am Baron Sarai Von Makren. I am the magistrate in Grace, when Garm is absent, I am entrusted to be in charge of the capital.”

“That’s right. Sarai always brings a high pile of documents so you can’t run away easily. Since I pass the seal, he does it like that so I can seal them appropriately.”

Garm is saying that, but I wonder if it really is like that.

Sarai is also smiling bitterly.

“I must look through the documents for Garm. That is also a Lord’s task.”

I nodded instinctively.

“Well, well. Cain, when it is about the capital city, Sarai is the best person to ask. If there is something you don’t understand, you can ask him.”

“Baron Sarai, I would like to learn many things about Grace. I would be glad to learn from you.”

And I made a humble reverence.

“If it is for Cain, I would be glad to do it. We can also get familiar with civil official training.”

Sarai is becoming quite interested.

“Wait, wait. Cain is still 5 years old. Once he becomes an adult, he would be able to choose by himself. If it turns out he wants to become a civil official, then I will count on you.”

“I understand, Garm. Well, I should get going.”

The next one that came was wiping off his sweat, and approached rocking his heavy body.  He was wearing gem bracelets and rings in both arms like a merchant.

“Cain, I am so pleased to meet you. In the capital, I am the head office of the firm Narnis. In Grace, the branch manager is called Mathews. If you ask me, I could I could prepare a slave or anything else for you. I am at your command.”

“I am not sure about a slave, but I believe there could be something I might request from you. Of course, I would let you know in that case.”

“You are such an intelligent kid.”

The merchant reeks of cologne.

Then, after greeting several people, the line of people waiting to greet me finally calmed down.

Cain informed Garm.

“Excuse me, Father, would you allow me to leave my seat for a moment, please?”

“Sure. As I am here, please come back quickly.”

I weaved my way through the crowd and left the banquet hall.

Once I left the toilet, as I was going back to the banquet hall, I found a girl that looked the same age as me and seemed to have lost her way.

“Are you lost?”

The girl turned around and there was something on his head that isn’t usual.

It was cat ears.

She has cat ears!!!!

Moreover, her face and eyes are big and round, she is so pretty!!

As I read several books, I knew that there were things such as shapeshifters but I hadn’t encountered someone like this before.

I haven’t gone outside of this city, except for my baptism. The members of the residence are all humans, so this is the first time I could meet someone like this.

“Yeah. I came here with my father, but after I went to the bathroom, I got lost.”

She answered that with a nervous look.

“I am Cain, what is your name?”

“I am Palma.”

“Well, would you like to go back to the banquet hall with me? I must return soon or my father will be worried.”


Palma answered with a smile.

“Once we return to the banquet hall, let’s look for your father together.”

“Thank you, Cain.”

Oh boy, she’s too pretty. I want to stroke her cat ears. I continued walking while I tried to desperately resist my urges of touching her head.

I showed her the way and we returned to the banquet hall together.

Everybody was chatting and drinking to their heart’s content here and there in the banquet hall.

“I wonder where are you, father…”

She said while we walked together.

“Oh, Palma. As you hadn’t returned, I was worried.”

When I turned around, there was a seemingly kind man with the same cat ears.

“Ah! Father. I got lost and Cain guided me back here.”

“Oh, I see. Thank....”

In the middle of his expression of gratitude, he stopped.

With a cold sweat, he asked.

“By any chance, are you Cain?”

“Yes, that is right. Nice to meet you. I am Cain Von Silford. Thank you so much for coming to this celebration today.”

I bowed down politely.

“There is no need to thank me. It is me who should say so, you helped my daughter Palma, thank you very much.”

Palma that was next to him, seemed as she was not able to understand and was tilting her head.

Wow! She is so cute...

“Palma! This person is Lord Cain, the host for this event. Did you cause him any troubles?”

“Huh? Cain was an aristocrat? Now that you mention it, I realized you had wonderful clothes but the people that is coming today, they are all wearing gorgeous clothes so I didn’t know.”

“Palma! You can not address him just like that. He is an aristocrat, so please address him as Lord Cain.”

“Not at all, do not worry about that, we are both kids. Until now, I have been staying within this residence, so I have not had a chance to talk with someone of my same age. Palma, would you possibly like to become my friend?”

“Yes! If it is Cain… Lord Cain, I would be pleased.”

“Thank you.”

I hope someday I can stroke those cat ears.

“Now that I think of it, I have not introduced myself. I am from the firm Sarakarn in Grace, my name is Sabinos. We are pleased to meet you.”

He politely bowed down in reverence.

As opposed to the previous merchant who was full of gems, this person constantly gives off a nice impression.

“Nice to meet you, too. I am still a kid but if something happens, please let me know. I must return with my father soon. Sabinos, Palma, see you later.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

After waving to Palma, I returned with Garm.

I cannot even remember how many people came to greet me after that.

I don’t see the point in introducing yourself to a 5-year-old kid.

The introduction event ended without any problems and the guests already went home.

I was drinking black tea at our living room, when Garm came into the room.

“You must be tired, aren’t you? Did you have fun today? You seem happy.”

Garm sat down on the sofa in front of Cain.

“I did, father. Today for the first time, I met a girl with cat ears. She was a young girl and she was pretty.”

“You are five years old and you are already showing interest in girls? Good grief…”

The event was a great success, not only because Garm exhibited Cain’s prodigy aspect, but also his reputation with the visitors that came today.

“If it is about romance, after you grow up, you can do it. As you are my third son, you won’t be able to succeed me, so it would be nice that when you grow up, you find your own way. If you want to do something, I would help you.”

If Garm knew about Cain’s stats, what occupation would he think he would be good at?

“Yes, I know. I think I want to become an adventurer.”

I looked seriously at Garm and answered that.

Garm looked a bit worried but shortly afterwards he smiled.

“So it is not the Magician Royal Court, Knight or Merchant? An adventurer? That is also nice.”

“Yes, to be an adventurer and go around this capital and other territories, if possible, I would like to visit different countries, too.”

“I see. In order to become an adventurer, you need to be 10 years of age, but once you reached that, you have to enter an academy. Until then, l can appoint a Magic and a Sword tutor for you. Let’s find a person here.”

“Thank you, father.”

It was already getting late, so after greeting Garm, I went back to my room.

After taking off my clothes, I gave them to Silvia. And after I put on my pyjamas, I went to bed.

“Cain, you did a good job today. You are certainly a prodigy! I am looking forward to your future.”

I was excited to know that Silvia was hearing my introduction speech today.

“Silvia, there’s no need to pick up my clothes like that, you’ll get tired. I hope you rest well today. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Silvia took my clothes and put them in order, after that, she left my room.

At any rate, cat ears are the best!

As I was thinking about that on my bed, my consciousness quickly faded away.

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