Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 214: Shocking Change

Xiu swept through everyone on the field, and his angry heart calmed down, and he continued:

"Most of the people here are tourists. I know how wronged you have been in this emergency, both mentally and physically. I guess when you hear this, you must be scolding me in your heart, thinking that I am hypocritical, and that It is their responsibility to take care of you.

But I can tell you very straightforwardly that you are not the only ones who have been hurt by this incident. The locals of Joban City and the staff of the Spirit Center are also victims.

The Elf Center is a place that provides services to trainers. It has no responsibility to rescue you. This should be a matter for the Joban City Government.

But you should see the situation. Those people don’t want to take responsibility at all. After the accident, they disappeared. Only the Elf Center stood up at this time and did its best to protect you and fight against criminals for you. You know they casualties? "

As he spoke, Xiu raised his hand and pointed to Xiao Yuan.

"This is a woman who you may not know who she is, so you may be confused as to why she is asking questions about the restaurant."

Xiu looked at Xiao Yuan and smiled at her, then looked around and continued:

"I know a little bit, and I can tell you. In the past few days, you have all been able to eat and drink thanks to this lady, because this lady supplies the food in the restaurant."

When the young man heard this, he seemed to have caught some loophole, a smile appeared on his face, and he shouted hurriedly:

"I said, why are you so excited when I say there is a problem in the restaurant? It turns out that there are interests involved~"

"Hahaha~" Xiu didn't expect him to say this. It was like an assist, and he couldn't help but laugh.

His smile was like a knife scratching the young man's heart. The smile on his face turned into a bitter look.

Xiu didn't care about his changes, but held on to his words and continued.

"It's true that the interests are related. Do you know how much food prices have increased per kilogram when the price of food outside has been at its peak these days?"

Xiu's words stopped everyone. They spent most of their time in the elf center, so how could they know this.

"Ha~" Xiu couldn't help but smile when he looked at them, "Let me tell you, the price of food in Joban City has soared since the city was closed. Just one day ago, the price of food in several major shopping malls in the city was three times the usual price. Ten times, but have you felt the price changes when eating in the restaurant?”

Xiu looked at those people and felt a little ridiculous in his heart.

"In the current environment outside, the amount of money spent on acquisition, transportation, and sales is exaggerated. Originally, she could have raised the price... let alone dozens of times. Even if it is several times, you have nothing to say. Because this is the cheapest source of food in the entire Joban City, people who were kicked out of the hotel should be able to understand the difficulty.

But she didn't. Instead, she still supplied the food to the restaurant at the original price, just because she was afraid that you would not be able to afford such an expensive fee after suffering financial losses after the disaster. She even took the initiative to ask after hearing the problem and wanted to help you solve the problem.

Let me ask you now, who eats these things? And who is here to slander the food in the restaurant? You say she gave up her own interests and even gave money to help you. Is it her fault? "

Even those fans flinched a little when he said this. After all, he ate the food by himself, and he himself was the beneficiary.

Interests related, hidden... hidden...

Xiu glanced around, but had no intention of letting it go. Instead, he issued a soul torture.

"This lady is willing to help everyone even if she gives away a lot of money. I heard that you are a very powerful trainer. So where were you when Joey recruited trainers to protect the people?"

Xiu's words made Jiba's expression stiffen, but he was speechless.

However, Xiu Ke had no intention of letting him go and continued to ask questions.

"As a highly skilled trainer, I wonder how many Team Rockets you defeated in this incident? How many people did you save?"

As an insider, Xiu knew very well that even an elf like him was not qualified to participate in the company, and the company would not risk letting him participate in these activities.

After all, the company knows the situation. This is not a battle. It's okay if you win. Losing this thing will not only be embarrassing, but it may also cost you your life.

This is fine for the company. One or two deaths are not a big problem, but the money spent on promoting him has been wasted.

People can die, but money cannot be lost.

So although he didn't know what he was doing these days, Xiu was sure that he couldn't participate in even a simple task like patrolling.

Faced with Xiu's doubts, everyone couldn't help but become curious, especially his fans who were even more passionate.

"Brother Kiba is the strongest!"

"He's always protecting us."

"He's definitely beaten the Rockets the most."

"Team Rocket is nothing compared to my brother!"

"My brother defeated Team Rocket."


Good guy!

Xiu laughed dumbly as he listened to the increasingly outrageous words, but he could laugh, but Kiba's face became darker and darker.

"Let's go!" Kiba also saw that something was wrong and quickly wanted to lead the team and leave.

But at this moment, the fanatical fans were surrounding him as if they were celebrating Kiba's single-handed victory over the Rockets, and now they couldn't resist even the two bodyguards kept pushing him.

Xiu looked at the increasingly chaotic situation and his expression began to calm down. He looked back at Xiaoyuan and the others and winked at them.

While Xiaoyuan was still confused, Xiaochun had already pulled her hand and moved closer to Xiu.

Seeing that he was close to him, Xiu calmly swept his eyes around, then reconfirmed in several places, and suddenly shouted without warning.

"Do it!"

His shout was like a thunder in the sky, and he actually stopped the boiling scene with one sentence. However, when most people did not react and were stunned, someone in the crowd suddenly stood up and punched the people next to him, and several people were thrown to the ground one after another.

Those ordinary people had never seen such a scene before, and they subconsciously stayed away. The already crowded hall was even more pushed and shoved. Everyone squeezed each other and destroyed the original social safety distance, which made those people more panicked.

These are not the most important things. The important thing is that there was a mistake near Kiba because the crowd was too crowded. The lurking plainclothes was blocked by the crowd, which successfully made that person react and released the elf in the crowd.

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