Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 237 Seeking Death

"Can I try it?" Xiu said, "It's not that I don't believe you, I just want to see it."

Murayu Linzi's eyebrows curved, turned around and walked out, and soon he took out a small sealed bag three fingers wide, which contained some dark green and slightly withered slender leaves.

There were not many things, but Cunyu Linzi looked very serious when he held it in his hand.

"You have to be careful." Cunyu Linzi handed the bag to Xiu, and did not forget to remind him.

This made Xiu's attitude become serious, and his eyes were fixed on the bag.

Taking it with both hands, Xiu carefully looked at the things inside, but no matter how he looked at it, it was just a few leaves, nothing special.

"Does your paralysis grass work by smell or does it need to be eaten?"

Murayu Linzi did not answer directly, but said something slightly naughty.


Xiu has always been very courageous, otherwise he would not dare to try those materials himself. He immediately opened the sealed bag, pulled down the mask and smelled it.

But there was no strange scene. Just when he was smiling and wanted to say something, Xiu suddenly found that he could not control the muscles of his face, and he began to lose control and fell to the side.

Fortunately, Cun Yu Linzi was beside him. Seeing Xiu like this, he quickly pulled the bag away and tried to support him with his other hand.

But after a person loses control, the weight is actually hundreds of pounds.

Once he fell, she could not hold him easily, but instead pressed her down with him.

"Ah!" Cun Yu Linzi screamed and fell to the ground.

Xiu's limbs were completely numb now, and the whole person had no feeling, as if his nerves were cut off, and even his brain was constantly eroded by that feeling.

But he was not an ordinary person. When this feeling touched his brain, it aroused his body's instinctive resistance.

Xiu, lying on the ground, had his eyes wide open, bloodshot, and he didn't know what he had done. The muscles on his body that should have lost control began to tremble irregularly.

Cun Yu Linzi also felt the strong reaction of Xiu who was pressing on him.

She panicked for a moment, because under normal circumstances, Xiu should not move, how could he have such a reaction?

She had never encountered such a situation before, and she was also confused. She quickly got up from the ground and shouted to the stinky flower.

"Hurry! Nectar."

The stinky flower, which was originally basking in the sun, tried its best to open its eyes and turned around. A trace of yellowish nectar had begun to secrete at the corner of its mouth.

Cun Yu Linzi didn't care about so much. She ran her finger across the corner of its mouth, then turned back and forced Xiu's mouth open and stuffed her finger in.

She stirred it hard for fear that she would not react in time.

Xiu, who was lying on the ground, had already lost most of his consciousness, but suddenly he felt something being forcibly inserted into his mouth, and it was still stirring hard.

Instinctively, he wanted to spit it out, but because the paralysis effect had not yet faded and he could not control his body, he could only let the thing move around in his mouth.

But soon he found that the erosion of the brain had subsided, his sense of touch was recovering, and his limbs were under his control again.

It seems a bit sweet, what is this...

Xiu regained consciousness and found that Murasame Rinko was straddling him, pressing his chest with one hand and stuffing his whole body into his mouth with the other hand.

"Woo~" Xiu raised his hand to pull her hand away, and hurriedly explained: "I'm fine! I'm fine! Let me go."

Cunasame Rinko was relieved to see Xiu wake up, but she sat down directly and almost killed Xiu's breath.

"Cough cough cough!"

A series of coughs scared her so much that she stood up quickly and helped Xiu up with an apologetic look.

"It's okay~ It's okay~" Xiu raised one hand and kept emphasizing the words.

After suffering this kind of "torture", Xiu took a while to catch his breath.

The whole person looked depressed, but the next second he laughed again, but this laugh was a little helpless.

He was asking for death...

Xiu had tried the effect of ordinary paralysis grass before, so he dared to rashly open the sealed bag.

It's just that the paralysis grass produced by Murasame's family was too abnormal, and he actually overturned.

It was also a reminder for him.

Being too confident will lead to losses...

When Cun Yulinzi saw Xiu laughing, he became more worried and asked with some concern: "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." Xiu stood up after a little adjustment, pretending to be fine.

He was asking for trouble, so he couldn't blame others. In order to save face, he had to change the subject.

"I finally know why the paralysis grass produced by your family is a banned item. If some people with ulterior motives get it, the consequences will be serious."

Cun Yulinzi nodded slightly and added.

"Yes, so the paralysis grass is only supplied to the alliance."

"Hmm~" Xiu frowned when he heard this and asked about the relevant situation in detail.

According to Cun Yulinzi, although her family's paralysis grass is a banned item, in fact, the alliance orders a batch from her every month, and the quantity is not small.

And under Xiu's intentional or unintentional induction, she also said that this paralysis grass was actually cultivated by her parents. She was only six years old that year.

Because of this achievement, her parents were invited to attend a seminar in Rainbow City, but they had an accident on the way and were unable to return.

She was nine years old that year.

Fortunately, with the help of Dr. Omu, she was able to maintain this foundation.

No wonder she respects Dr. Omu so much.

"It's just a very common mutated plant. Although this is not common in plant cultivation, it is not a rare thing.

At that time, my parents discovered this mutant plant and spent several years cultivating and breeding it, and finally stabilized this effect. "

From what Curayu Linzi said, we can know that she or her parents are the kind of people who are focused on research. The focus is on the paralysis grass itself, and they do not realize that the outside world is the focus.

After listening to her words, Xiu suddenly asked a very strange question.

"What do your parents think of this paralysis grass?"

The sudden change of topic made Murasame pause for a moment. A look of reminiscence appeared on her face, and she spoke after a moment.

"I don't remember it very clearly, but they were just doing research, and they never meant to open paralysis grass."

After hearing this, Xiu immediately began to think of conspiracy theories in his mind.

When I listened to Dr. Oki's overview, I was a little confused. Why did the Murasame family, famous for its cultivation materials, decline so quickly in a short period of time? How come a century-old family doesn’t even have this bit of background?

After combining the information he got, he finally knew that before, he was still too young and overestimated the bottom line of the alliance...

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